IBF is 100%
solar powered
The bicycle is the most civilized conveyance known to man. Other forms
of transport grow daily more nightmarish. Only the bicycle remains pure in
-Iris Murdoch, writer (1919-1999) (more quotations on
On Your Bike - How To:
Travel and Touring:
Community Involvement:
- 20+ Ways Businesses Can Increase EarthSmart Commuting
- Bicycle Music Festival Bicycle
powered, local music, organic food and fun.
- Bike Share Systems & Schemes Hi-tech
municipal and corporate bicycle sharing programs.
Bike Train - How To Bike Trains are organized mini-bike ride for a group
of students, to and from school. The are environmentally friendly, promote
personal health, self-reliance and self-confidence, and build community.
- Bike To Work and Other Encouragement Programs
- Critical Mass: A Mess or Master Tactic?
- Celebrities on Bicycle Some lend
their good names to the cause, others are out for fresh air.
- Community Free Bike Programs Dozens of communities in Europe and North America now have free bike programs.
All the programs are cut from the same wheel, but each has its own spin, somewhat
reflected in the names: white bike, pink bike, yellow bike, green bike and checked bike.
Take a look and start one in your town.
- Environment, Health & Transportation
- Events Special events, gathering, festivals and
one-day fund-raising rides / tours
- National Night Out (Wheel) Block Party
- Organizing a Charity/Fundraising/Bike-A-Thon
Bicycle Event There are as many ways to organize a charity/fundraising
event as there are events. No two seem to have been done exactly the same.
This outline should cover about ninety percent of the major
- Recycling - Shipping Surplus Bikes Overseas
Here is a win-win program that generates positive community involvement around
bicycles and help keeps bikes out of the landfill.
- Rush-Miller Foundations
Donates tandem bicycles to blind and low vision children in the US and abroad.
- Starting A Bike Club Forming a bicycle club and doing
something as simple as scheduling weekly rides can be an effective way for
building a base for bicycle advocacy in a community.
- Youth and Young People Bicycle Recycle Programs Programs
teaching young people a vocation, personal management, business management and give them
self-esteem, while promoting bicycling. A great program for any community.
Political Advocacy and Activism
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Education | Encouragement |
Engineering | Environment |
Bibliography | Essay Contest |
Ibike Tours | Library |
Links | Site Map |

The International Bicycle Fund is an independent, non-profit
organization. Its primary purpose is to promote bicycle transportation. Most IBF projects
and activities fall into one of four categories: planning and engineering, safety
education, economic development assistance and promoting international understanding.
IBF's objective is to create a sustainable, people-friendly environment by creating
opportunities of the highest practicable quality for bicycle transportation. IBF is funded
by private donation. Contributions are always welcome and are U.S. tax-deductible to the
extent allowed by law.

Please write if you have questions, comment, criticism, praise or
additional information for us, to report bad links, or if you would like to be
added to IBF's mailing list. (Also let us know how you found this site.)
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Created by David Mozer.
Copyright ? 1995-2025 International Bicycle Fund. All rights reserved.