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Women and Girls Get Into Bicycling



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Women and girls traditionally have been under-represented in bicycling.  When they do get involved it empowers them and improves bicycling.  Here are some links to people who are trying to change -- leveling the road so-to-speak!

Korean Women's cycling club
They go on rides every, out of Seoul, Monday and Friday -- the husband's go to work and the kin's go to school. As it should be.

The pace is causal, but the conversation is not and neither are the snacks.  Long after you would have thought that their pouches were empty they kept pulling out food for subsequent stops. As it should be.
Part of the days' camaraderie was a normal, large, delectable  Korean lunch. As it should be.
But the food didn't stop there; post-lunch the group relocated about 50 meters away for desert and coffee. As it should be.

The six hour outing involved about three hours of cycling. As it should be.

On the internet:

Bicycle Bitchen  Weekly ladies night at Los Angeles' Bicycle Kitchen. It's all ladies wrenching/teaching and all lady clients learning to build and fix their bicycles.

Cycling and Style Online cycling magazine for women, by women, covering a wide variety of topics.

Cycling Sisters Chicago based group that wants more women and more people in general to bike, especially as an alternative to driving .

Female Anatomy and Saddle Discomfort A discussion of very women specific issues.

Girls Gone Riding Women's cycling community

Jett Grrl Bike repair workshops for women (and boys too) as a way of empowering people on their bikes, and fostering a sustainable way of living.

MTBChick Nation wide (USA) women's mountain bike team that empowers women to achieve their goals, in mountain biking and in life.

Pink Bike The site of pink bike riders.

The Case for All-Women Cycling Clubs

Velo Bella Mission is to encourage women to get out and ride a bike, race a bike, and to eventually grow the pool of talent and have a bit of fun along the way.

Velo Girls San Francisco Bay Area road cycling club exclusively for girls and women.

Women's Mountain Bike & Tea Society (WOMBATS) A network of women of all ages and abilities who share a passion for pedaling in the dirt.

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The International Bicycle Fund is an independent, non-profit organization. Its primary purpose is to promote bicycle transportation. Most IBF projects and activities fall into one of  four categories: planning and engineering, safety education, economic development assistance and promoting international understanding. IBF's objective is to create a sustainable, people-friendly environment by creating opportunities of the highest practicable quality for bicycle transportation. IBF is funded by private donation. Contributions are always welcome and are U.S. tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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