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A commute is daily or regular travel. It is not mode specific. You can
do it by foot, bike, bus, train, boat, etc. Because it is regular, over
time you can make decisions and organize it as you would like. For the
bike commuter, the commute is the best part of the day. For the car commuter,
the commute is often the worst part of the day.
Ten Tips For Bike Commuting:
- Select a bike you are comfortable riding; it also needs to be in good working order.
[Tip: A good bike shop is a good resource for this.]
- Plan your route; you will probably have to balance safety, convenience and aesthetics,
you may want several routes for different moods. [Tip: Members of the local
bicycle club are a good place to look for help on this. To find a bicycle map
of a particular city go to
www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=%22bicycle+map%22+city, replace "city"
in the URL with the location you are looking for.]
- Test your route on a day off when you are not under pressure; not only do you learn the route, you test your equipment
and learn about how long the ride takes.
- Dress appropriately for the activity and conditions. Foul weather gear for
foul weather; it is best if it is designed for cycling. Layers of light, bright colored cycling clothes will get you
through the changes of season -- you can't make yourself too visible.
- Plan your work attire; store a wardrobe at the office or carry cloths rolled in a towel
to reduce wrinkling. [Tip: some people deliver a weeks worth of clothing to
their office once a week.]
- Get bike panniers or a ruck sack; for clothing, papers and snacks -- longer rides favor
- Buy a lock; learn where to park and how to use the lock for maximum effectiveness.
- Lights for winter or night riding; there are a variety on the market, choose the one
that matches your situation -- don't forget an array of reflectors as well.
* If you riding on a path at night; dim the light and lower the beam. Please
don't blind your cohort. They would rather be your friend.
* Don't put the rear red blinky light on a back pack so that points up when
you lean forward (seen often).
* If your rear red blinky is attached to the seat post (usually a good
position), don't wear cloths that hang down and hide it.
- Learn to avoid sports injuries: Have the bike properly fitted and
adjusted, warm-up your leg before riding hard, build up your mileage
gradually, ride with you feet, knees and hips in proper alignment.
- Wear a helmet; even with good training on how to ride like a vehicle, and
riding defensively, accidents occasionally happen; studies show that helmets can reduce the
severity of the injury. Gloves are another hugely important piece of person
protective equipment.
Selecting a Bike |
Bicycle Safety Checklist (PDF) |
Benefits of Bicycling |
Bicycle Parking Criteria
Urban Cycling
Safety |
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The International Bicycle Fund is an independent, non-profit
organization. Its primary purpose is to promote bicycle transportation. Most IBF projects
and activities fall into one of four categories: planning and engineering, safety
education, economic development assistance and promoting international understanding.
IBF's objective is to create a sustainable, people-friendly environment by creating
opportunities of the highest practicable quality for bicycle transportation. IBF is funded
by private donation. Contributions are always welcome and are U.S. tax-deductible to the
extent allowed by law.

Please write if you have questions, comment, criticism, praise or
additional information for us, to report bad links, or if you would like to be
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