IBF is 100%
solar powered
These tours heighten awareness and understanding of cultural, environment, and humanitarian
conditions. And, fundraise to help cure diseases, have healthier body parts, do
public education and serve the afflicted. Many of the events are annual,
so if you missed it this year you might still have an opportunity to participate
in the future. We also prioritize listing that support and network with other
parts of the bicycle community. The listing of an event does not constitute an endorsement by the
International Bicycle Fund.
Bike festivals and one-day
fund-raising bike rides / tours are listed on the events calendar page.
* To prevent email harvesting
the email addresses in this directory are un-hyperlinked and have an extra space
in them. To contact an organization you will need to cut-and-paste the
address and delete the space before the @ symbol. For those of you with
honorable intentions we are sorry for the inconvenience in communicating with
these fine organizations.
Beware of Eco-Hypocrisy Tours
Several major international environment organizations and "eco-tour"
operators with worldwide trekking, canoeing and biking programs offers astonishing
"non-eco", resource consuming, carbon-intensive van tours (particularly in Africa.) You
don't have to leave your environmental ethics at home or tear-up someone else
environment to visit it. We would love to show you
information on responsible travel (PDF),
tourism and environmental tips
(PDF) for travelers.
"Service programs" can have their own short-comings:
There is a common proverb "If you GIVE someone
a fish and they eat for a day. If you TEACH them to fish they eat for a
lifetime." When you look at service programs and ask yourself, "Why aren't the
local people building the latrine (clinic, well, market, fill-in-the-blank)?"
It is rarely because everyone locally is already fully employed. What is the
context and the dynamic of these programs? Who is really benefiting? [Hint:
follow the money.]
Bicycle Africa
Bicycle Africa provides an opportunity for Westerners to learn more about Africa
at a person-to-person level not usually available to tourists. All programs are small
groups, self-contained bicycle explorations. Each program is unique and highlights the diversity of the
culture, social institutions and environment, and the complexity of the history, economy
and society. For information contact: Bicycle Africa, 4887 Columbia Dr. S., Seattle WA
98108 USA. Email: ibike @ibike.org *.
Bicycle Trek for Life &
A two-day, 200-kilometre ride through the scenic Fraser Valley, September,
to raise money to fight lung disease.. For more information: check the website,
or in
Vancouver call 604-731-5864. Outside the Lower Mainland call: 1-800-665-5864
toll-free. E-mail: trek @bc.lung.ca * (Nov 2008)
Cuba People-to-People Program
An opportunity for Northerners to learn more about Mesoamerica at a
person-to-person level not usually available to tourists. All programs are small groups,
self-contained bicycle programs. Each is unique and highlights the diversity of the culture,
social institutions and environment, and the complexity of the history, economy and
society. For information contact: Atenas de Cuba, c/o International Bicycle Fund, 4887
Columbia Dr. S., Seattle WA 98108 USA. Email: ibike @ibike.org *.
Cycle 4 Recycle: Cycle Americas
A global initiative which aims to improve life on the planet.
As of June 2015, they will start a cycling expedition from Alaska to Argentina,
approximately 60'000 km. Their goal is to gather information and analyze
the thinking and psychology of different groups vis-à-vis fuel production and
consumption as well as the natural preservation, protection and Nature’s place
in human lives and living. The title of the research is “Recycling of thinking”.
The focus will also be on the ways people from both continents manage and treat
disposable packaging, on the way they understand and feel about the global
warming, and, the concept of future for the planet and for ourselves. (Feb 2015)
Hunger Cycling Safari
Charity Cycling Stage Race in Kenya and
Tanzania by
Community Aid International (CAI), a non-governmental organization (NGO) in
Kenya, in partnership with World Food Programme (WFP), a UN agency with a
mandate on food aid, together with other NGOs in Kenya, are organizing an annual
cycling event, February 18th to 27th 2007, to raise funds
for a programme on elimination of Child Hunger in the region and Africa.
For more information contact, cai @africaonline.co.ke *.
(July 2006)
Heart to Heart Charity Ride
The Thailand Cycling
Club (TCC) is organizing the 2nd Heart to Heart Charity Ride
during April 13-20, a ride from Narathiwat, in the South of Thailand, to
Bangkok, with a total distance of over 1,200 km. During this Charity Ride funds
will be raised for the “Thai Elephant Fund”, a project of the Thailand
Environment Institute. For more information about the Heart to Heart
Charity Ride, as well as the “Thai Elephant Fund” click on the
link or contact Thailand Cycling Club. Email: tpanswad @hotmail.com * or bobusher @ksc.th.com *. (2003)
Ibike Tours
For those who already love the Pacific Northwest and for those who have never been there, the International Bicycle Fund is offering
"Rolling the Islands of the Salish Sea" (Puget Sound, the San Juan Islands and
Canadian Gulf Islands), a fascinating two-week exploration of this multicultural region like no other. The programs highlight the rich cultural heritage and history, the geographical and environmental diversity, and the mosaic of economic, geological, cultural and historical complexity of Swatixwtuhd (Lushootseed for
the "earth"). Program participants have opportunities to: meet Suquamish, Swinomish and other indigenous people; learn how the Hawaiian were early foreign traders here, the Chinese built the infrastructure, the Japanese fed the people and other ethnic groups transformed the land. We will visit local markets, wander in historic sites and to enjoy the extraordinary friendliness of the people and inspirational beauty of the Swatixwtuhd. The rich cultural history of the Northwest is a virtually undiscovered treasure. Specialists in cross-cultural programs guide the
group. For information contact: Ibike Tours, 4887
Columbia Dr. S., Seattle WA 98108 USA. Email: ibike @ibike.org *.
Jewish Environmental Bike Ride
The purpose of the Ride is to raise environmental awareness in the Jewish
community, to raise money for Jewish environmental projects, to bring people
together across differences of age and background and also, simply, to have a
good time. Rides attracted riders aged 12 to 69, of every
denomination and none. For more information visit the
website, email info @hazon.org * or
telephone 212-685-7908. (April 2009)
Leukemia Society Teams-in-Training
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team In
Training (TNT) is the largest endurance sports training program in the world.
(March 2009)
Liddy Shriver Sarcoma Initiative
Fundraising bike tour. Sarcoma is a rare and dangerous cancer in adults
(about 1% of adult cancers are sarcomas) but it is more prevalent in children
(between 15-20% of all children’s cancers are sarcomas). (Nov 2008)
MS 150
The MS 150® is a two-day non-competitive cycling adventure that challenges
riders of all ages, levels and abilities. The purpose of the tour is to raise
money to fight the devastating effects of multiple sclerosis (MS) and increase
awareness of MS symptoms and the important new treatments now available. (Nov 2008)
Nujiang Preservation Project Cycle Eco-tour
The Nujiang Preservation Project is dedicated to preserve a great
pristine place in Northwest Yunnan, People's Republic of China, where there is
the last unspoiled River, the Nujiang River or Upper Salween. There is only one
main road of nearly 400km that goes from the south to the north dead ending 30 k
from Tibet in the Shangri-la of Bingzhongluo. It is an ideal road for Cycling
and we are planning 10 day Cycling Eco-tours all winter long from December
1 to April 1, 2005. For more information please contact at
whitepearl @gci-net.com *.
Tour de Quisqueya
A cycling adventure & social impact project.
Tour de Thailand
Charity Bicycle Ride from
Chiang Mai, Thailand to Phuket, Thailand. Riders can participate for 1, 2, 3, or
all 4 weeks of the Tour. For further information, please
contact: Mr. Christopher Byrd. Email: chris @tourdethailand.com *.
Phone: +661 173 4469. (Jan 2009)
Wheels of Love
Five-day ride to support the only pediatric
rehabilitation center for physically disabled children in Israel. (Sept 2012)
Eco-Friends Bicycle Tour
The Goa Association For Education and Development (GAED) is promoting bicycling,
eco-tourism and environmental awareness with Eco-Friends Bicycle Tours. Tours are
scheduled for once or twice a year in Goa State, India. Participation is open to 15 youth
from India and 10 people from foreign countries. The route travels through more than 30
villages, covering 385 km, 240 miles, in 7 days. Goa is noted for its attractive beaches,
silent rivers, green hills and plains, churches and temples, and famous architecture,
feasts and festivals. For information write to: Sanjay Gawas, GAED, PO Box 1044, GPO Vasco
da Gama, Goa - 403 803 India. (1995)
Comment On 'Overland' Tours
A bicycle traveler summed up his experience with truck 'Overlanders' in Africa this way:
"Trucks carrying about two dozen travelers from Europe or Australia. When an 'O'
pulls up at a camp site the inmates emerge like commandos and erect a barracks of tents in
seconds. Arc lights, stoves and utensils protrude from the lorry's side like cannon from a
battleship. Our little fire looks feeble."