bike advocacy, bicycle tour, bicycle safety


Responsible Travel, Green Tourism, Cultural Programs, Improving International Understanding, Cause Travel



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Thoughts for a day:

"For that man who travels by his own exertions no day can be dull and no journey without an abiding interest....Very wisely it was said, All travel is dull exactly in proportion to its rapidity." HW Tilman, "Snow on the Equator," McMillian, 1938.  Reprinted in " The Seven Mountain-Travel Books," published by The Mountaineers, Seattle, 1983.   Tilman bicycled across Africa from Cameroon to Kenya in 1933.

"The importance of travel is what you do with it when you get home." Unknown

"Travel not to escape, but to add to and transform your soul." Unknown

"To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries." Aldous Huxley

"The triple bottom line of responsible tourism is 3 E’s: environmental sustainability,  engaging in the local economy, and enriching your life from the culture experience.  Actually, it is about the same for all life." David Mozer

Traveling with a Purpose: International Understanding, Social and Environmental Justice, Fundraising

Promoting Responsible Travel / Sustainable / Green Tourism and Sustainable Economic Development: Cross-Cultural, People-to-People, E3

Bicycle Travel Information & Programs

IBF's Bicycle / Development / Sustainability Bibliography / Reading List



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The International Bicycle Fund is an independent, non-profit organization. Its primary purpose is to promote bicycle transportation. Most IBF projects and activities fall into one of  four categories: planning and engineering, safety education, economic development assistance and promoting international understanding. IBF's objective is to create a sustainable, people-friendly environment by creating opportunities of the highest practicable quality for bicycle transportation. IBF is funded by private donation. Contributions are always welcome and are U.S. tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Please write if you have questions, comment, criticism, praise or additional information for us, to report bad links, or if you would like to be added to IBF's mailing list. (Also let us know how you found this site.)

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