IBF is 100%
solar powered
Pedal Powered Application A number of organization have done work
transforming the drive train of bicycles into other pedal powered operations.
There websites can be found by searching for 'bicycle
powered' and 'pedal
power applications', and variations of these terms. We have collected
a little information here:
Bicycle Powered Generator
(click on Human Powered Generator) Commercial product that attaches to a wind
trainer to generate electricity. (July 2015)
Bicycle Wheel Windmills and Generators (Jan 2012)
Campus Center for
Appropriate Technology Articles on a wide range of bicycle driven
applications. (Nov 2006)
- Fender Blender Pedal your way
to a fresh smoothie. (July 2009)
- Maya Pedal
(Guatemala) Used bicycles
to build pedal-powered machines: Bicycle Mill/Corn Degrainer, Bicycle Blender,
Bicycle Water Pump, Microconcrete Vibrator (Roofing Tiles), Tricycles and
Trailers, Bicycle Coffee Depulper, Bicycle Metal Sharpener, Bicycle Washing
Machines, Bicycle Electricity Generator, Soil plow/till/hoe, Bicycle
Nut-Sheller, Bicycle Wood Saw and bicycles. (Nov 2004)
Maya Pedal video "The
Bicycle Machines of Guatemala" (2015)
Pedal Power: In Work, Leisure and Transportation,
edited by James McCullagh, Rodale Press. Explores the potential
for pedal-driven devices in the workshop, in the kitchen, on the farm and for
transportation -- with actual building instruction.
- Pedal Power Applications The following, mostly agricultural related, mechanical application have used pedal
power technology: chain trencher, weeding/harvester rider, frontend loader, thresher,
weeder (paddy), rototiller, grain reaper, oil seed press, forklift, huller/sheller, soy
grinder, reel mower, bulldozer, dumptrike, grain drill, rice separator, tri- and
quadra-cycle (with interchangeable units: cargo, flatbed, tanker, stakebed, dumper,
pickup, animal, garden tools), sicklebar mower, crawler tractor, wildflower seed
harvester, rice polisher, grain winnower and seeder. For more information on any of these
contact: Ken Hargesheimer, PO Box 1901, Lubbock TX 79408-1901 USA. Email: minifarms
(at) gmail.com.
Pedal Power Attachment for Standard Bicycle The resulting machine can
be used to power numerous small‑scale mechanical devices such as grain
threshers, grinders, water pumps, electrical generators, and a variety of
small machine tools.
Pedal Power Computer: For description of a pedal-powered computer project in Laos
Pedal Powered Farms and Factories An article covering a wide variety of
applications and note links to other resources.
Pedal Power
Generator A wide range of do-it-yourself (DIY) pedal power applications
and information from David Butcher. (July 2008)
Pedal Power Generator
Do-it-yourself (DIY) website with free plans.
Pedal-a-Watt Stationary Bike Power Generator The
Pedal-a-Watt bike was designed to keep the user aerobically fit while creating
some extra power that may be sent to a bank of batteries. These batteries may
then be tapped at a later time, after dark for example, when the energy is
needed to power lights or appliances. The average rider will produce between
150 and 200 watts using the Pedal-a-Watt. While this may not seem like much
power, solid state equipment draws very little power and can be powered for long
spans of time with small amounts of power. VHF/UHF Ham Radios, laptops, and DC
stereos all draw small amounts of current at 12 volts DC. (Jan 2004)
PedalPower+ Charge mobile
(cell) phones, GPS and other battery powered devices while bicycling.
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The International Bicycle Fund is an independent, non-profit
organization. Its primary purpose is to promote bicycle transportation. Most IBF projects
and activities fall into one of four categories: planning and engineering, safety
education, economic development assistance and promoting international understanding.
IBF's objective is to create a sustainable, people-friendly environment by creating
opportunities of the highest practicable quality for bicycle transportation. IBF is funded
by private donation. Contributions are always welcome and are U.S. tax-deductible to the
extent allowed by law.

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