bike advocacy, bicycle tour, bicycle safety


About Us



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The International Bicycle Fund is an independent, non-profit organization (501(c)3) (Fed ID # 91-1286223). Its primary purpose is to promote bicycle transportation. Most IBF projects and activities fall into one of four categories: planning and engineering, safety education, economic development assistance and promoting international understanding. IBF's objective is to create a sustainable, people-friendly environment by creating opportunities of the highest practicable quality for bicycle transportation. IBF is funded by private donation. Contributions are always welcome and are U.S. tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Contribute now!!


To promote sustainable transport and international understanding.

Strategies and Priorities

Through education, advocacy and demonstration projects, our aim is to encourage social attitudes, infrastructure and market development that promote the use of bicycles and other forms of sustainable transport for of business and personal welfare. Encouraging environmentally friendly, economically decentralized and educational cultural immersion formats to promote cross-cultural personal and professional development and international understanding. Priority is given to less affluent regions.


The common element in all the activities of the International Bicycle Fund is bicycles. Beyond that IBF covers a lot of territory: urban planning, facility design, women in development, rural mobility, traffic safety education, human settlement, quality of life, person health, energy conservation and responsible tourism. IBF works internationally to promote sustainable transport, preserve environmental quality and build international understanding. IBF is largely a volunteer effort.

Types of Programs:

IBF provides technical advice, consulting, strategic planning, material support and financial support worldwide. Because of limited resources (both labor and funds) most of our material and financial support is provided as small matching grants to grassroots or community based organizations  undertaking unique initiatives in less developed economies. We have been particularly active in sub-Saharan Africa. Some of IBF’s support has gone to training welders in Zimbabwe to make bicycle trailers, advising a community tourism project in Tanzania, supporting a grassroots advocacy group in Uganda, advocating tariff reductions in Kenya, supplying bike parts to Eritrea, supporting a youth mechanics training program in Ghana, supporting the Pan-Africa Bicycle Information Network, funding an environmental education program in India and donating bikes to Cuba.

In Latin America, IBF launched a South America Bicycle Transport Advocacy Initiative to support local bicycle advocacy programs. Grants were made to support workshops to train transport planners about non-motorized transport and to support a car-free day program.

A great deal of IBF’s effort is focused on moving information: researching and answering queries that come to the office, helping partners refine and increase the effectiveness of their respective programs, and publishing information that might be useful for others. Most of the general information that IBF has developed is available on this web site.

PDF file of the preceeding

Contact Information:

International Bicycle Fund
4887 Columbia Drive South
Seattle, WA 98108-1919 USA
Email:  ibike (at)


Privacy Statement

Staff Profile

Directors resume (PDF) and selected projects list (PDF)
A World View with Spokes (profile of David Mozer and IBF)
The article “A World View with Spokes,” by Dan D'Ambrosio, was originally published in the April 2012 issue of Adventure Cyclist magazine, the member publication of the Adventure Cycling Association. For more information, visit:
Copyright 2012 by Dan D'Ambrosio

Website Ad Policy

We offer only limited text advertising opportunities on our website.

Most of what appears to be advertising relates to the programs of the organizations and limited affiliate arrangements.

For other page sponsorships/ads we offer only text ads. We have a bias that they be related to some aspect of our mission and the page that they appear on.

The rates are $45/month, $120/three months, or $400/year, paid in advance.

If you are interested please let us know and we can discussion locations and text.



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Created by David Mozer.
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