Asia and the Pacific Bicycle & Sustainable
Transport Advocacy Organizations & Clubs
List is alphabetical by country
of these site are posted on a reciprocal basis. If you have a site that
fits this category. that you would like listed, please follow the instructions under "link
* To prevent
email harvesting the email addresses in this directory are un-hyperlinked and
have an extra space in them. To contact an organization you will need to
cut-and-paste the address and delete the space before the @ symbol. For
those of you with honorable intentions we are sorry for the inconvenience in
communicating with these fine organizations.
Bicycle Network
Capricorn Coast Bicycle Users Group
Queensland, Australia
Cycling and Walking Australian and New Zealand (CWANZ)
Internet: https://www.cwanz.com.au/
Institute For Environment & Development
50, Dit Extension Rd 5th Fl.
Dhaka 3691, Bangledesh
Dhaka Cycling Club
Zobera Rahman Linu, President;
Azharul Islam Masum, Secretary General
35, Sk Sb Bazar Road, Azimpur
Dhaka 1205, Bangladesh
Cell: 88 01 89202602, 88 01 71538705
Fax: 88 02 8617198
Email: dhakacyclingclub @yahoo.com (remove space)
Working for a Better Bangladesh
House #49, Road #4/A
Dhanmondi, R/A
Dhaka 1209, Bangladesh
Email: info @wbbtrust.org (remove space)
Internet: http://www.wbbtrust.org
Save Environment Movement
House # 58/1, Kalabagan 1st lane
Dhanmondi, Dhaka,Bangladesh
Hong Kong
Hong Kong Cycling Assoc. (Racing)
#1013 Queen Elizabeth Stad
18 Oikwan Rd
Wanchai, Hong Kong, China
Tel: +85-2573-3861
Hong Kong Cycling Alliance
Internet: http://hkcyclingalliance.org/
Promote increased level of cycling in Hong Kong
Hong Kong Mountain Bike Association
Internet: http://www.hkmba.org/
Hong Kong Tour Cycling Assoc.
Flat V, 11/F., Block 1 Kin Ho Industrial Bldg.
14-24 Au Pui Wan Street, Fo Tan, ShaTin,
New Territories, Hong Kong China.
Tel: +85 2387-0650. Fax: +85 2735-8111
Bike Guangzhou
Internet: http://bikegz.com/
Chinese Taipei Amateur Cycling Assoc.
3, Lane 153, Chang An E. Rd., Sec. 2
Taipei 104 Taiwan, China
Tel: +886 2-721-0459. Fax: +886 2-740-2758.
Dehli Cycling Club
11/1, Jangpura Road, New Delhi-110014
Tel: +91 11 2437 3584, Fax: +91 11 2437 3588
Email: delhicyclingclub @gmail.com (remove space)
Federation of Rickshaw Pullers of India
B-36 Abhimanshri Society,
Pashan Road, Pune - 411 008.
Tel/Fax: +91 20-5671305
E-mail: makkiz @ip.eth.net (remove space)
Internet: http://www.ride2026.com/
Cycle Tourist Association of India
Mukunda Yatnaikar
467 Shaniwar Peth, Hasabnis Bakhal
Pune 411030, INDIA
Nation Building Forum
Mr. Laxmi Narain Modi, Exec. Director
Ahimsa Bhavan, F-125 Lado Sarai
New Delhi 110030, INDIA
Tel.: +91-11-51641480, 29523250, 30623250, 9891013200
Email: shakahar @vsnl.net (remove space)
Programs promoting literacy and bicycle transport to women in
rural India.
Orissa Regional Forum for Rural Transport & Development
N-1/324, IRC Village
Bhubaneswar – 751015, Orissa, India
Phone / Fax: +91 674-552496
E-mail: osvswa @rediffmail.com, osvswa @hotmail.com (remove space)
Goa Association For Education And Development (GAED)
Sanjay Gawas, Director
PO Box 1044
GPO Vasco Da Gama
Goa - 403 803, India
Program promoting bicycling, eco-tourism and environmental
Applied System Research Programme
Indian Institute of Technology
New Delhi 110 016, India
Bali Cycling Federation
Jl. Curug Tiga No. 6 B Tuban, Kuta, Bali
Denpasar Bali 80631, Indonesia
Tel: +62 812 394 7303
Email: info @balicycling.com (remove space)
Internet: http://www.balicycling.com/
Bike to Work Indonesia
cq. Pelopor Adventure Office
Jl. Durent Tiga Barat no.5
Jakarta - 12760 Indonesia
Tel : +62 21 915 1923
Email: info @b2w-indonesia.org (remove space)
Forum on Automobile Issues in Japan (FAJ)
Bessho3-16-4, Minami-ku
Yokohama-shi 232-0064, Japan
Tel.: +81 45 712-9095
Email: qwt07203 @nifty.ne.jp (remove space)
FAJ campaigns for human-oriented and sustainable transport. It also campaigns for cutting
automobile traffic, safer walking/cycling and better quality of public transportation
Japan Adventure Cyclist Club
Internet: http://www.japancycling.org/
They describe themselves as bicyclists who learn about nature through global
experience by bicycle, and about human nature through international exchange.
Japanese Bicycle Culture Centers
Jitenshakaikan No. 3
1-9-3 Akasaka, Minato-ku
Tokyo 107, Japan
Near the U.S. Embassy. The center includes a display gallery, event hall, and information
Bicycle Promotion Institute
Korea, Rep of
Consumer Association of Penang (CAP)
228 Macalister Rd
10400 Penang, Malaysia
Tel: +60 4 229 3511 / 3713 / 3612, Fax: +60 4 229 8106
Email: elawmalaysia @igc.apc.org (remove space)
Forum for Equitable and Environment-friendly Transport
Contact: Naziaty Yaacob
Tel.: +60 3 759 5396
Email: naziaty @hotmail.com (remove space)
or Zaitun Kasim
Tel/Fax.: +60 3 2742590
Email: tkasim @pc.jaring.my (remove space)
FEET's aim is to promote more people-friendly and environment-friendly transport,
especially by promoting the interests of pedestrians, public-transport users and
bicyclists. It includes representatives of residents' associations, people with
disabilities, transport experts, members of the press and concerned individuals.
G Club
Penang, Malaysia
Contact: Dr Lim
Friendly recreational cyclists in Penang, Malaysia, organizing monthly
rides and some advocacy activities..
Shabat Alam Malaysia (Friend of the Earth)
27 Lorong Maktab
10250 Penang, Malaysia
Tel: +60 4 2276930, Fax: +60 4 2275705
Email: smidris @tm.net.my (remove space)
Sustainable Transport Environment Penang (STEP)
c/o 10 Jalan Brown
10350 Pulau Tikus, Penang, Malaysia
Tel: +60 4 6451710,
Fax: +60 4 6451807
Email: Dr SP Choong drspc11 @tm.net.my,
Mr. Surin surindotcom @hotmail.com (remove space)
STEP is a network of local NGOs promoting a more participatory transport planning process.
It is pushing for the development of a cycling master plan, has developed a list of
'indicators' to use for getting media attention and building public awareness, and
advocates for public transport to be regulated locally from Penang instead of by a Kuala
Lumpur-based board, as at present. STEP is also collaborating with a new UN-funded project
to make Penang's built environment accessible to people with disabilities.
New Zealand
Cycling Advocates' Network of New
PO Box 6491
New Zealand
Tel/Fax: +64 4 3852557
Email: can @actrix.gen.nz (remove space)
Internet: http://www.can.org.nz
A national voice for cyclists in promoting cycling as an enjoyable, healthy, low-cost and
environment-friendly activity, and as a key part of an integrated, sustainable transport
Cycling Advocates (CYCAD)
1563 Pasaje Rosario
Paco 1007, Philippines
Tel: +63 2 523-0106,
Fax: +63 2 590-238
Email: cycad @ epic.net
Green Forum Philippines
Lot 12, Block 8 Galatians Street
Sacred Heart Village Phase II, Novaliches
Quezon City, Philippines
Tel: +63 2 935-4331
Fax: +63 2 935-4332
Email: GreenFm @phil.gn.apc.org (remove space)
National Bicycle Organization of the Philippines
Internet: www.nationalbicycle.org.ph
Bangkok Bike Campaign
Cyclists in Bangkok are demonstrating for more use of bicycles and cycle
lanes. The campaign was organized by the Thailand Bicycle Association. Among the 400
people participating in one of the demonstrations was Baroness von Pfetten-Arnbach, wife
of the German ambassador to Thailand, and a 10 year old student who wants to be able to
ride to school. [Bangkok Post, The Nation]
Thailand Cycling Club
94/11 Soi Rajkru
Phaholyothin Rd., Phyathai
Bangkok 10400, Thailand
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The International Bicycle Fund is an independent, non-profit
organization. Its primary purpose is to promote bicycle transportation. Most IBF projects
and activities fall into one of four categories: planning and engineering, safety
education, economic development assistance and promoting international understanding.
IBF's objective is to create a sustainable, people-friendly environment by creating
opportunities of the highest practicable quality for bicycle transportation. IBF is funded
by private donation. Contributions are always welcome and are U.S. tax-deductible to the
extent allowed by law.

Please write if you have questions, comment, criticism, praise or
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