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- We believe that links are service to our visitors, not
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link sections should be user-friendly. The link to the link-page should be
in a visible, logical and
accessible location:
a) The "link"
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section should be linked directly from the homepage. It
should be EASY to find and well labeled, on par (location, font,
etc.) with links to other products and services offered on the homepage.
b) The link/resources sections should be indexed and organized by
subject and alphabetically so that it is usable, with no more than 30 links per heading or sub-heading.
c) The link to our site should be EASY to find and should be no more than three clicks from the home page.
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- Generally, we exchange links one-for-one, generally
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Posting a Link to Us
You don't have to link to our homepage if the content of your site makes
it more logical to link to a content specific page on our site.
Link Title: International Bicycle Fund
Link URL:
Link Description:
(Use one of the following descriptions or modify one to fit your
8 words
Promotes bicycle transportation, responsible tourism and understanding worldwide.
25 words
Promotes bicycle transportation worldwide, especially in
less developed areas. Activities include: urban planning, rural mobility,
economic development, safety education, environmental quality and responsible
tourism program.
50 words
IBF promotes bicycle and other aspects of non-motorized
transportation worldwide, especially in less developed areas, with a particular
interest in Africa and South America. Areas of activities include: urban
planning, rural mobility, economic development, safety education, environmental
quality, energy conservation and responsible tourism. Sponsors small group
bicycle tour programs worldwide.
80 words
IBF promotes bicycle and other aspects of non-motorized
transportation worldwide, especially in less developed areas, with a particular
interest in Africa and South America. Areas of activities include: urban
planning, transportation planning, rural mobility, mobility for women, economic
development, road safety education, human settlement and quality of life,
personal health, environmental quality, energy conservation and responsible
tourism. Sponsors environmental friendly, cultural immersion, small group,
bicycle tour program for ordinary active people, to Asia, the Americas, and all
regions of Africa.

To capture the image; right click on the image "copy" and "paste" or click
on "save picture as" or "save image as" (or some version of this, depending
upon what browser you are using.)
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The International Bicycle Fund is an independent, non-profit
organization. Its primary purpose is to promote bicycle transportation. Most IBF projects
and activities fall into one of four categories: planning and engineering, safety
education, economic development assistance and promoting international understanding.
IBF's objective is to create a sustainable, people-friendly environment by creating
opportunities of the highest practicable quality for bicycle transportation. IBF is funded
by private donation. Contributions are always welcome and are U.S. tax-deductible to the
extent allowed by law.

Please write if you have questions, comment, criticism, praise or
additional information for us, to report bad links, or if you would like to be
added to IBF's mailing list. (Also let us know how you found this site.)
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