bike advocacy, bicycle tour, bicycle safety


Bicycle / Pedal Power
Technology and Applications



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Non-Standard Bicycle Technology Manufacturers

Arm Powered Cargo Bikes, Bicycle
Trailers, Infant Trailer
Child Third-Wheel / Trailer Bike Electric-Assisted
Folding Bike Alternative Cycle
Technology Page
Innovation PediCabs / Rickshaws
Quadra-cycle Recumbent  Tandem Tricycle

[Most retail sites are posted on a reciprocal basis.  If you have a site that fits one of these category, that you would like listed, please follow the instructions under "link exchange."]

Standard Bike Technology

This page is mostly about sources of non-standard bicycle. For the story on standard bikes see:

Arm Powered Technology

Folding Bike Technology

(Folding bicycles show some of their best advantages when they are regularly used in inter-modal travel -- part of the trip is by plane, train, bus, boat, etc.  The various models folding bikes demonstrate great diversity, which generates endless debate among aficionados about relative attributes; such as weight, stiffness, speed of assembly, compactness, number of gears, wheel size, price, etc.  Invariably, with the strength of one attribute there is a compromise in another category.   In the end the best mix of attributes is very personal to the user and how they plan to use the bike.  Despite what you might be told by others, we have not found one where "one-size-fits-all". But don't misconstrue this, we believing that the technology, in all its diversity, is a great asset in facilitating additional non-motorized transportation and one of these bikes might be right for you.)

* Makes a touring model.

Recumbent Bicycle Technology

Recumbent means to recline. Recumbents have their advocate just because they are recumbent, but they also significant because they provide back support and a different body positions which can be very helpful for people with various conditions that make riding traditional bicycles difficult -- back and neck pain and carpal tunnel syndrome. If you are shopping for a recumbent you are going to have to sort through the several styles of bikes, each with its own advantages and drawbacks.  The issues we have heard about start with price, reinforced with; harder to store, harder to transport, not as maneuverable in traffic, less visibility, etc.  None of this is to say that the aren't a good ride and the people who use them love them. Many manufacturers have distributors on multiple continents.

(T) - Makes a touring model.

Tandems Bicycles Technology

* Makes a touring model.

Tricycles Single and Tandem Technology

Quadracycles (and more) Technology

Cargo Bikes, Cargo Trailers & Infant Trailers Technology

Child Third-Wheel / Trailer Bikes Technology

Electric-Assist and Other Power Assist Cycle Technology

The number of e-bike manufactures has exploded, so this list is missing entries. It is now to a point were we have stopped updating this section. What you see is some of the earlier companies in the field, and some of them are disappearing. Despite the number of manufacturers, initially, the majority of the motor systems were supplied by BionX, Bosch, Brose, Shimano, TanzX or Yamaha. Motors and batteries are the core of e-bikes so it is import to focus on these if you are purchasing one. Most motors are at the rear hub or mounted to the frame at the bottom bracket. Note: E-bike batteries can't be taken on airlines.




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The International Bicycle Fund is an independent, non-profit organization. Its primary purpose is to promote bicycle transportation. Most IBF projects and activities fall into one of  four categories: planning and engineering, safety education, economic development assistance and promoting international understanding. IBF's objective is to create a sustainable, people-friendly environment by creating opportunities of the highest practicable quality for bicycle transportation. IBF is funded by private donation. Contributions are always welcome and are U.S. tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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