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Youth & Young People Bicycle Recycle, Earn-a-Bike Programs |
Urdu translation of this page by Samuel Badree. This category covers a range of programs involving young people and bicycles: teaching young people cycling skills, a vocation, personal management, business management and community consciousness, and giving them self-esteem. They also create a health habits, promoting bicycling, diverting good bicycles from the land fill and are a venue for very positive intergenerational activities. These programs are often looking for bicycle donations, volunteers and contributions. For the location of a youth bicycle program near you check our directory of youth bicycle programs. (If you can't find a youth bicycle organization in your community, you should also check the programs listed on our "community bike", "free bike", "bike library" and international recycling bicycle organizations pages.) Starting a youth bicycle programs is often very organic -- following the passions of the organizers and the youth involved. So focus on teaching self-sufficiency through bike mechanics, some focus on foster a love of bicycling through creative organized rides and other on bike activities (i.e. BMX, bike polo, etc.) and some programs cover all of this and more. The is no one right-way to start a program, there is no magic wand, but there are many successful programs. In the simplest case, if you have a knowledgeable volunteer and some interested young people you have the key components. From there, programs can focus on learning bike mechanics or organized rides or a mixture of the two. For a repair class participants can work on their own bikes or donated bikes can be solicited from the community. A set of proper bicycle tools will make the project more successful. For bike rides, if the kids don't have their own bikes and helmets, you will again have to go to the community. If you are looking to learn more about the youth programs; how they formed, how they are organized, what they offer and to glean from there experiences, contact a few of those listed in the directory. If you have questions or expertise about community bike programs, please join the email-based Community Bike Forum. The discussion focuses on community bike, earn-a-bike, free-bike, bike library and other forms of cooperative bicycle programs. It provides those new to the movement an opportunity to get information that will help them along and those with experience an opportunity to share their knowledge and further expand the movement. To subscribe send an e-mail to community-bike-subscribe@egroups.com. Please forward this information to others who might be interested. Directory of Youth Bicycle / Bicycle Recycling Programs How-To Manual For Developing a Youth Bicycle Program Liability Issues This is not specifically for bike repair focused programs, but offers a few ideas to consider. Youth Bicycle Maintenance Program Curriculum Suggestions for Maintaining Decorum at a Community Bike Program Youth Bicycle Education Network (YBEN)
Earning A Bike With Community ServiceGloria Butler, the property manager of a subsidized housing complex in western Anne
Arundel County, MD, USA, had the idea of engaging young children to perform community
service and rewarding their efforts with bicycles. Get Out Spoke'nThose of you interested in Bikes and Schools should check out Get Out Spoke'n. Get Out Spoke'n is a two-year national campaign by young people, ages 10-16, to reduce air pollution and traffic congestion by making their communities safer and easier for bicycle transportation. The campaign starts officially in September 1998 and will involve at least 100,000 young people and 4,000 educators and adult leaders. Get Out Spoke'n is all about young people working to improve their communities. Educators and adult leaders help them identify a problem and give them the right tools and knowledge to address it. The campaign teaches young people how to collect information and network with local groups, empowering them to make a difference in their communities and nationally through their collective efforts. Goals of Get Out Spoke'n: Make schools bike friendly. Encourage local schools to create policies that permit and encourage students to ride their bikes to school and provide secure parking for bicycles. Develop public awareness. Make local citizens aware of existing bike plans and needs, and rally the public to help make the community more bike friendly. Increase safety for bike riders and security for bikes. Get organizations to conduct safety clinics and bike theft prevention clinics. Encourage communities to implement cops on bikes programs. Survey, plan and map bike routes that serve youth transportation needs in the community. Mobilize a show of support for biking. Organize bike-to-school rides during National Bike Month and have your school adopt a proclamation to endorse every May as Bike to School month. (Sept 1998)
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