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Suggestions for Maintaining Decorum at a Community Bike Program



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Suggestions for Maintaining Decorum

Have a "closed shop".  Don't just let the general public wander in and out.

Screen volunteers through an orientation process and with a criminal background check (they are working with kids). 

New kids go through a class; the first class is "rules and tools."  Behavior problems generally go down significantly when you started with "respect" and then go through the rules one-by-one with the whole class. The kids then sign a contract to abide by the rules.  Staff need to hold them to it.

The key to reducing theft  is to make sure people respect and appreciate the people and the shop as a resource and their community.  And, it doesn't hurt to have well labeled tool boards so you know at the end of the day if anything is missing.

To develop your own set of rule you can go to any high school and the shop teachers usually will gladly give you a copy of their code of conduct. Then talk to the principle of any school in your area and ask them for their code of conduct.  Take the two list and put together something that works for  your group.

Here's one set of rules. It is not accidental that they are positive rather than "don't do this, don't do that, no stealing, no swearing." It creates a better atmosphere.


  • yourself
  • your instructors
  • your classmates
  • your shop, tools and all bikes

2. Act safely and responsibly.

3. Clean up your work space and the shop.

4. Waste nothing.

5. Tools and parts must never leave the shop.

6. No riding in the shop.

7. Don't be afraid to ask questions.


Our Bibliography lists books on bike maintenance.

Curriculum For Youth & Young People Bicycle Programs

Youth & Young People Bicycle Recycle, Earn-a-Bike Programs



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