Bicycle South Africa bicycle tour, adventure travel

Bicycle Africa

Rock Art, Zimbabwe (click to enlarge)

Southern Africa Programs

Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Botswana, Namibia, Lesotho, Swaziland, Mozambique, South Africa

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Travel Consulting


An exploration of many of the countries of Southern Africa will lift your heart with their models of progressive social policy, peace and cooperation. Two thousand years ago southern Africa was inhabited by the hunter-gather 'San' people who left an extraordinary record of their life painted on the walls of caves. Around the eleventh century Bantu-speaking people migrated into the area and began developing the civilization that built the 'Great Zimbabwe', that still stands strong. Today, the region is noteworthy for its democracies, 'agricultural miracles', environmental awareness, material and musical culture. Their primary education, women's development and rural health care delivery are recognized as well. It is a region of pride and optimism.

Visitors exclaim about the thousands of miles of paved roads, many moods of the Zambezi River, breathtaking Victoria Falls, enchanting 'kopjes', flourishing wildlife, intriguing traditional rock art, powerful Great Zimbabwe Ruins, extraordinary modern stone sculpture and excellent museums. But for those who also stopped away from the tourist areas, as great as the sites are, their greatest memories are of the people they met and the friends they made. The primary season for these programs is June-September (full schedule). Itineraries may vary between South Africa, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Botswana and other countries in Southern Africa.


This has got to be one on the world's most unique bicycle tours.  Stuck in the otherwise dry lands of Botswana and Namibia is the lush Okavango Delta -- fed by flood waters from Angola.  We will partially circumnavigate the delta, with opportunities to visit several traditional ethnic groups who live along the route and to look at their current relationship with the unique ecology of the area.  This is deepened and enriched by opportunities to see evidence of mans presences in the area for millennium.


One of Africa's little known, and most friendly, diverse, fascinating and beautiful countries, is Malawi. Bicycle Africa's two, unique, 2-week, cross-cultural, programs to Malawi are usually in August and offered every couple of years.. Combined, the programs cover most of the country from north to south. A special feature of the program is the opportunity to meet people active in the issues of the day; education, women and development, rural health care, environmental protection, sustainable food and cash crop production and energy conservation. In addition the programs will visit the fascinating Liwonde National Park, Lake Malawi, the Mulange Mountains, Zomba plateau, Nyika National Park, local schools, development projects and much more.  Malawi, as well as being unrecognized for its diversity, is a models of peace and cooperation, and one of the emerging democracies of Africa.

A report (text and photos) on the Malawi programs can be viewed at:  Malawi photo essay


The South Africa explores the Kwa-Zulu Natal region of this dynamic country. A special feature of the program is the opportunity to meet people active in the issues of the day; education, women and development, rural health care, environmental protection, sustainable food and cash crop production and energy conservation. In addition the program visits the coast, Drakensburg mountains, several natural reserves, local schools, development projects, and much more. Rural South Africa is a model of peace and cooperation, and has inspiring demonstrations of grassroots initiated social and economic progress.


If you travel to meet people and gain a better understanding of other cultures, Zimbabwe is a fantastic destination. Bicycle Africa offers several unique two-week, cross-cultural programs to Zimbabwe. The programs explore the Mashonaland, Manicaland and Matabeleland provinces. A special feature of the program is the opportunity to meet people active in the issues of the day; education, women and development, rural health care, environmental protection, sustainable food and cash crop production and energy conservation. In addition the programs visit fascinating sites like Inyanga National Park, San (Bushman) painted caves, the Great Zimbabwe Ruins, local schools, development projects, Victoria Falls and much more. Zimbabwe is inspiring for its demonstrations of grassroots initiated social and economic progress.

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