Bicycle Africa bicycle tour, adventure travel

Bicycle Africa

Liberia, West Africa (click to enlarge)

Comments & Testimonials: Southern Africa

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Travel Consulting

Comments and Testimonials from past participants.... 

Multi-region   North Africa   West Africa   East Africa   Southern Africa

Ed Note: Due to media reports on problem spots in Africa, perhaps you are a bit hesitant to bicycle there. As a responsible company specializing in Africa, we would like to ease your mind. While Africa is not without its problems, we are very selective about where and when we travel. The general information on Africa misrepresents how safe, serene and welcoming the continent as a whole has been and continues to be.  Let our past participants tell you what they experienced.  References are available on request, email us at: "ibike@" our domain name.

Southern Africa

"My trip to Zimbabwe with you was instrumental in my life. I loved many things including the variety of exposure to NGO's and GO's." [Zimbabwe]
Anne P.

"I had never been on a bike trip when I did the Zimbabwe one and I'm not much of a camper so you can imagine how nervous I was about getting together with a group of (who I assumed would be) bike jocks and outdoorsmen (women).  The good qualities I have are being flexible and loving to try new things and the people on our trip turned out to be mostly fun folks who were there to learn about Africa and not prove their athletic abilities. ... There are not many tours that have the breadth of experiences offered by Bicycle Africa. I am sorry its ending and I have to go home. ... I wish I were going on the trip again.  It was an amazing, wonderful adventure." [Zimbabwe]
Diane J.

"I recall Mashonaland as the best bicycle tour I ever took." [Zimbabwe]
Tom S. (from letter to us five year later)

"At the school today the students put on a fantastic show with singing, dancing and poetry, and story telling. There were some incredible gospel numbers with songs first sung in English and then African languages. Songs like " I want to thank you lord, I want to thank you lord, I want to thank you lord for the rest of my life. " It bought tears to my eyes. I moved my feet to try and pick up some of the dance steps and the rhythms."  [Zimbabwe]
Victor O. (from his journal)

"This was the hardest and probably best trip of my life....Difficult because I took up biking only two months ago...gratifying because I was able to keep up and enjoy the adventure. I am grateful for the opportunity to meet some of the people of Zimbabwe, read their books and listen to the sadza and sleep on the very clean floor of a school teacher's house. Your reading list was wonderful." [Zimbabwe]
Denby F.

"children  flowers  fish eagle  colors  greetings  hill   dust  sunset  nsima  akazi  laughs  flavors   elephants  chichewa  Shire  friends  smiles...zikomo Malawi,   zikomo Bicycle Africa" [Malawi]
Silvia C. (after 9th program with Ibike) [ed. note: "zikomo" is "thank you" in the Chichewa language of Malawi]

"I remember sitting and talking to a teacher, and I asked him what he thought of us riding into his village and staying there. He replied… ‘It makes me very happy that you want to see my country and visit my village’." [Malawi]
Hope W. (after 5th program with Ibike)

"This was the first bike tour I have taken and I now believe that bicycling is the best way to travel and be able to experience your destination. Traveling by another means would not have allowed us to as fully enjoy the mountain views, the hundreds of kids yelling "Bye, bye" at us from the side of the road, the rural hangouts at the grocery/bottle stores, all the nice people we met, and the multitude of other things we experienced each day. There was a good mix of easy and harder days that kept us in shape without killing us."
Mark C. [Zimbabwe]

"The tour was super!! ... My Africa tour was very profound. I hope to return again and again.... Each day brought a new opportunity for me to learn more about African people and customs."
Helen C. [Zimbabwe]

"The trip was AWESOME. It felt like I was gone for 3 months, since everyday was packed full of activity and learning. Everything was new and interesting. Shingi was an excellent leader, with lots of information, and an experienced biker, who was helpful with bike repair, setup and cleaning, even."
Betsy W.  [Zimbabwe]

"Things were run 100% to my satisfaction" [Zimbabwe]
Ted S.

"A great experience that I strongly recommend." [Botswana/Namibia]
Jon W.

"The trip was fascinating and that there is so much more to Namibia and Botswana than simply wildlife. I was surprised how much we got to interact with the locals.  I learned quite a bit as usual. I'm already researching more about the music of the Herero people. The village camping and rock art camping were my favorite experiences." [Botswana/Namibia]
Jill K. (after eighth program with Ibike)

"What made the trip for me was meeting the people in their villages, around the campfire, working at their projects or the children running out to meet us along the road. Everybody was gracious, kind, hospitable, and generous in sharing what they had and ensuring our well being. It was fascinating listening to the choral music, watching the craftspeople work, how the people worked in their village, and literally camping on their doorstep." [Botswana/Namibia]
Jon P.

"The ride was better than "good",  I opine.  I thought that the village camping  was the best part......  Thanks to all of you for an ESE... (Entirely Satisfactory Excursion.) "  [Botswana/Namibia]
Mike B. (after sixth program with Ibike)


For those who like balance, we have even posted some comments on the worst parts of the program.

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