Bicycle Africa bicycle tour, adventure travel

Bicycle Africa

Liberia, West Africa (click to enlarge)

Worst Part -- Comments From Participants

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Travel Consulting

(Selective criticisms.  Hey, we have a little sense of humor.  Click here for better comments.)

  • Tan ends in the middle of you thighs and other odd tan lines.
  • Not having a pre-tanned bum when peeing in the bush.
  • Sores in your mouth from too much fresh pineapple.
  • Tired jaw from smiling at and greeting everyone who greets you for miles and miles from along side the road.
  • The day we cycled in the cities. [ed. helps you appreciate the rest of the trip more.]
  • Having to wait a half-hour while elephant enjoy a snack along the side of the road and block the way.
  • Program ran too smoothly so I didn't have a good excuse for telling my boss I need to spend another week in Africa.
  • Having to go whole weeks without a meal of meat and potato.
  • Lack of access to current news on the (take your pick) NHL, NBA, NFL, etc.
  • Spending two weeks with a bunch of liberals.
  • The end of the trip and have to return to reality.
  • Lots of cross-cultural / people-to-people experiences - saturating, so many curious people.
  • Too many fantasies [ed. this has to do with passing a lot of good-looking people -- pick your gender.]
  • Having to carry all the souvenirs I bought on the bike -- except for those I got others to carry for me.
  • Too few hours of sunlight to take it all in [ed. typically twelve hour from sunrise to sunset all year around.]
  • Too much stopping to eat! I put on weight!! [ed: referring to Tunisia]

touring tour eco-tour safari responsible travel journey adventure expedition trip active vacation culture cultural holiday budget

Unique Programs To Special Places For Memories Of A Lifetime!

Please write if you have questions, suggestions and comments about our program or want to be added to Bicycle Africa's mailing list. (Also let us know how you found this site.)

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