Bicycle Africa bicycle tour, adventure travel

Bicycle Africa

Liberia, West Africa (click to enlarge)

Comments & Testimonials: North Africa

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Travel Consulting

Comments and Testimonials from past participants.... 

Multi-region   North Africa   West Africa   East Africa   Southern Africa

Ed Note: Due to media reports on problem spots in Africa, perhaps you are a bit hesitant to bicycle there. As a responsible company specializing in Africa, we would like to ease your mind. While Africa is not without its problems, we are very selective about where and when we travel. The general information on Africa misrepresents how safe, serene and welcoming the continent as a whole has been and continues to be.  Let our past participants tell you what they experienced.  References are available on request, email us at "ibike@" our domain name.

North Africa

"After my Bicycle Africa experience in southern Tunisia, I could hardly wait to return for the tour of northern Tunisia. What a fascinating country, with its varied landscapes and people! It was a real adventure to see everything from Roman ruins to the Sahara, and to meet Tunisian people."
Carolyn N. (3 program participant)

"David's technical and in-country experience are irreplaceable and unmatchable, respectively. He was there as the needs arose."
Mike P.

"Tunisia is a great trip. Nice cycling, great accommodations, good food (calamari and couscous -- wonderful stuff), very interesting sites and geography changes almost every day. There is pastry in every little town. Mozer runs a good trip. The leader takes care of so many things (breakfast, dinner and hotel) that you almost never have to hassle with money or making arrangements/ paying bills. Ride the bike to end to road and hire a camel!"
Gihon J. (4 program participant)

"I think most people visualize large animals and safaris when they think of Africa, and thus only focus on the eastern or southern regions. However, to limit oneself based on this image is like thinking of Europe as a place to go and visit the Eiffel Tower; sure, it's great, but there's so much more. Tunisia offers an amazingly diverse landscape, from Mediterranean coastline to glimpses of the Sahara Desert. The architecture is unique and beautiful, and the historical significance of places such as Carthage speaks for itself. For a bicyclist, Tunisia should be near the top of the destination list!

"My husband and I did this trip for our honeymoon. It was fantastic, and I would highly recommend it."
Karen B.

"You're in for a terrific adventure in Tunisia - absolutely PERFECT weather, the most unique accommodations you'll find anywhere, lots of culture, good scenery, and never a dull moment. Probably the most outstanding aspect of the trip is the perfect weather. We LOVED many of the places we stayed - old caravan-style hotels, ancient converted granaries called ghorfas, a troglodyte hotel in Matmata that defies description, and an overnight train. Some of the hotels are awesome, and a couple are very forgettable. David introduces you to much of the culture, and unless you're fluent in French and/or Arabic you need his input in order to appreciate what you're experiencing. We visited a couple Arab families, a Turkish bath, the island of Djerba, and took a camel ride at the edge of the Sahara. The trip is chock full of wonderful experiences.

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime trip, and you'll be sure to love it!"
Ann J.

"I was impressed with your thorough respect of the Tunisians and really feel I have learnt a lot in that respect. I was also amazed at your knowledge of the country, be it history, customs, religion or short-cuts. The approach of Bicycle Africa is very different from anything I have come across with previous biking companies, the differences mainly having to do with respect of another country, its beliefs and its people."
Huberte L.

"It was the best cycling experience of my life thus far. The cultural and geographical diversity, the challenge of the hills, the camaraderie, and the appreciation of a simpler life style (for a couple of weeks, anyway) are unique."
Tony W.

"I loved the cohesiveness of the group for one and the experience of just being on the road - especially through the hills on the way to Matmata and on the route to Chenini where the only people we saw were the occasional farmer or shepherd herding sheep or villagers living on remote mountain tops. The people we met were great. I loved the conversations we had with merchants, university students, etc. They were wonderfully sincere in their interest in us and in wanting us to know who they were too. The fact that we were traveling on bicycles made it easier for people to approach us I believe - less armor than other tourists."
Martha S.

"Tunisians are lovely people, and the food is very good. David is a great guide."
Alain D.

"What experiences -- skirting the Sahara, the beauty of the Cape Bon coastline, eating camel and on and on.  Tunisians -- I brag about their friendliness, their joy at us being there and especially their appreciation for us doing it on bicycles. The courtesy and generosity of the drivers.  Thank you -- David for being such an excellent leader. I've been on trips varying all the way of having a total control freak, a total asshole, to the best ever leader. You rank right up there with the best."
Larry R.

"The trip was great, your leadership was remarkable, the group clicked thanks at least in part because of your friendly example.  I liked the modesty of the accommodations, I loved the patisseries, the mix of old and new, the excavations and your presentations about history, culture, food, language and religion and everything else about this mixed culture.  I found meeting the doctor and the teacher especially interesting and was happy that you were able to go 'with the flow' so easily that day in Sousse. I found the trip not terribly strenuous, even though I could not keep up with the stronger riders. -- By the way, I spent an enjoyable day in Tunis and Carthage by myself after everyone else left. I ventured into the Medina and when all kinds of guys wanted to know if I was there 'tout seul", I bought one of those blond long hair wigs which the little girls wore for my granddaughter and put it on. After that people just stared, ladies smiled and guys looked confused.  I would be interested in going on another trip, and will study your web site and save my pennies diligently. Thank you for helping expand my horizon. It was a lot of fun."
Erika A.
[ed. note: It may be hard for readers to appreciate Erika tactics for peace in the market, but it had us rolling with laughter because of it creativity and the image it must have created.]

"Good introduction since I knew very little about Tunisia and the North Africa region.  I became aware of Arab culture and of Islam's influence on the culture.  Good mix of historic sites and current living conditions.  Definitely well organized, fun most of the time and very safe."
John L.

"Really enjoyed the educational opportunities and the knowledge of the leader.  The best part of the program was the group we traveled with and the people we met."
Bryna L.

"So, as a parting thought: It was fabulous.  I can't imagine having as much fun if you had not been there."
Jeff S.

"I concur with Jeff - it was fabulous... I really had a great time and enjoyed the company of all of our companions.  It is quite a remarkable country - more so than I expected (I don't know what I expected!).  I'm home feeling happy and rejuvenated and full of stories... Anyway, hugs to you, and thanks again for leading us on a great adventure!"
Karen W.

"For me also, it was a great time... I am missing being on the road with the diverse scenery, great companions, and away from work... The best part of the program was the diversity of experiences... [It's] a wonderful and economical way to experience diverse cultures and countries."
Joel D.

"Yes, like all of you I very much enjoyed the Tunisia trip. I think I'll find it tough to do a 'real' Bicycle Africa south-of-the-Sahara-trip again!"
Alan P.  (6 program participant)
[Ed.note: Alan is making reference to the comfortable accommodation and modern infrastructure of Tunisia which has evidently spoiled him.]

"I always enjoy eating new things and finding new favorites and learning new stuff, but I think the star of this program was the incredibly beautiful spring Tunisia had this year and what it did to the countryside in both the north and the south."
Ralph M.

"Down-to-earth, rigorous, genuine and educational bike tour. David did a great job of guiding and enduring four "unique" personalities."
Hugh S.

"Thanks for the great experience in Tunisia! I really [had] a marvelous experience and coincidentally got very good value for my money, especially considering your knowledge of the area and willingness to share it."
Steve R.

"Sorry for not shouting out how I liked the tour sooner.  Well I did!"
Panko G.

"David, thank you so much for organizing and leading our trip.  Perfect job. That was the best trip I have been on for both enjoyment, challenge and interest. I have no improvement suggestions. Just a great trip."
Raymond N.

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For those who like balance, we have even posted some comments on the worst parts of the program.

A report (text and photos) on the Tunisia program can be viewed at: Tunisia Photo Essay

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Unique Programs To Special Places For Memories Of A Lifetime!

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