Washington State Africa Network

Africa Matters!


For more information contact: Washington_Africa_Network @ ibike.org (remove spaces).

WASAN Mission Statement and Goals

African Community Calendar of Events (mostly Puget Sound Region)

African Community Directory, Resource & Contacts (Greater Seattle)

African Restaurants and Dining Guide (Seattle)

WASAN Flyer (PDF - print your own)

Next WASAN meeting: (see the Community Calendar)

Washington State Africa Network email list /group: If you are interested in or have information to share about policies, programs or resources relating to Washington State and all or any part of the continent of Africa please join the Washington State Africa Network. To subscribe send a blank e-mail to wa-afr-network-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

Africa Matters email discussion group: This is a national forum to discussion policies, programs, resources and grassroots strategies for promoting the common agenda of the people of the United States and the people of Africa, in the United States. To subscribe send a blank e-mail to us-afr-network-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

Africa Kids Page

Summary of National Summit on Africa - Washington State Delegation
National Summit on Africa

Report on July 21, 1999, meeting (with an explanation of the National Summit on Africa)

Archives: Letter from the Pacific Regional Summit | Press Release for July 21 meeting | Jerry Large's Column, Seattle Times, July 22, 1999 | Agenda for July 21 meeting | Report on July 21 meeting | Agenda for Aug 8 meeting | Report on Aug 8 meeting |

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Bibliography on Africa

Africa News, Background & Resource

Country-by-Country Links for Africa Nations
(This is a travel guide, but at the end of each sections are links to sites with even more extensive sets of links.)

 Language In Cross-Cultural Understanding



Ibf-logo.gif (5380 bytes) Thank you to our friends at the International Bicycle Fund for providing and maintaining this web site.


For current news on Africa and more web sites with country-by-country information go to the link section and click on "Africa: News, Background, Travel."

Africa Guide Home   IBF's Bibliography: Africa   IBF's Travel Page   IBF's Africa index 
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