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Togo: Bicycle Tour Travel Guide


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by David Mozer

[An introduction and overview to travel in Africa is available by clicking here.  If you are look for a bicycle tour to this country, this link might help you.]

The information below may have been extracted from a more comprehensive "Country Supplement" to the book "Bicycling In Africa".  For information on these publications click on the links.

You can't really go wrong in Togo, though opportunities for loops are limited. The national highway from Lome to Dapong shows a good cross­section of West Africa, traffic volumes are low, people are friendly and prices are fair. With a little curiosity you will find something interesting on every roadside ­­ there are family shrines, cemeteries in frangipani groves, statuary, teak forests, wildlife, and a variety of agriculture. By esthetic measure "Route Nationale" is more interesting north of Atakpame and most interesting north of Sokode. The trip between Atakpame and Lome is more interesting if you take the roads via Kpalime. Areas with particularly rewarding scenery are: the central region from Sokode to Mango; the triangle between Kpalime, Atakpame and Badou; the area east of Kara; and the Tamberma area 25km east of Kande. Most of the country is rolling. Even when you encounter the mountain range which cross the country diagonally the accents never last too long.

Togo wants tourism. Generally, policies and attitudes reflect this. The country has gone through some severe turmoil shifting from a dictatorship to an established multiparty system. The change has brought a tentative increase in personal freedom but several years of political instability. Additional stability hopefully will only be a matter of a maturing political process.

If you would like a very unique and interesting visit to Togo consider spending a couple of days in the traditional agricultural village of Agbo Kope, Wawa. The trip can be done as a loop, which makes a very interesting bicycle, trekking or bushtaxi tour.

Agbo Kope is a small, tranquil village, set in the verdant Plateau Akposso, midway between Badou and Apeyeme. It is not touristy but it enthusiastically welcomes travelers. While staying in the village you can enjoy their small simple inexpensive guest house (Chez Momo), and arrange for specially prepared meals, traditional music and dance in the evening, guided tours of the traditional village, the surrounding agriculture and aquaculture project or the high forest and nearby waterfall.

To get to Agbo Kope from Lome and the south: go to Kpalime; follow the main north on the road to Atakpame and go 30km to Adeta; turn left, climb the Plateau de Danyi to Ndigbe at 7km; turn right in Ndigbe and follow the paved road to Apeyeme and Dzobegan; at Dzobegan bear right at the "Y" and continue on the paved road to Elavagnon; from Elavagnon it is 25km on a well signed all weather dirt road. In route there are hotels in Kpalime and Ndigbe.

To get to Agbo Kope from the north follow the Badou­Atakpame road to Zoubega Ouga. Zoubega is 66km west of Atakpame and 10km east of Badou. At Zoubega turn south and travel 24km on the well signed all weather dirt road. There are hotels in Badou and Atakpame.

When you get to Agbo Kope go to the grand old tree in the center of town and ask for "Chez Momo."

For more information or reservations write to: Kodjo Apeke KENOU, s/c Kossi Kodjo Yesunaley, Conseil de Prefecture, Badou, Wawa, TOGO, West Africa.

Links of Interest:


Regional Resources:

Burkina Faso



For current news on Africa and more web sites with country-by-country information go to the link section and click on "Africa: News, Background, Travel."

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