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Egypt: Bicycle Tour Travel Guide


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by David Mozer

[An introduction and overview to travel in Africa is available by clicking here.  If you are look for a bicycle tour to this country, this link might help you.]

The information below may have been extracted from a more comprehensive "Country Supplement" to the book "Bicycling In Africa".  For information on these publications click on the links.

Egypt doesn't lend itself to bicycle tourism. Among the problems for people who have tried is a lot of rock throwing youth. In the Nile Valley there is generally a high density of people, though not necessarily modern infrastructure..  Outside the Nile Valley there is generally a very low density of people and no infrastructure.

Here is one counterpoint(?):

"I read your comment discouraging people from riding in Egypt, and I was quite surprised. Granted that my route took me from Cairo straight through the Sinai desert, and then out to Jordan via a ferry. Thus, I did not experience the densely populated region of the Nile. But I found the 12 days I spent on the road there to be quite extraordinary, and definitely a great experience. Cars were very scarce (one an hour or so) and heat was deadly (I did it during the month of August), but I have yet to experience anything as amazing as the feeling of being all alone in the desert with nothing but the wind in your ears as companion. Not to mention camping in the desert at night with no pollution, no noise, no one around. I admit I like to rough it out, but I would think that for any avid cycle tourist, i.e. anyone who is serious enough to tackle a bicycle trip in Africa, Egypt is definitely a destination to consider. One simply needs to be more careful about carrying food and water."

Links of Interest:


Regional Resources:




For current news on Africa and more web sites with country-by-country information go to the link section and click on "Africa: News, Background, Travel."

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