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Bicycling In Africa Comprehensive how-to book if you are planning to travel to Africa or other less developed regions. 192 pages of information. US$15.00 (WA State addresses need to add 10.1% sales tax ($1.52). Please include postage and handling for mail orders; USA US$10, For destination outside USA, please contact us for current prices.  Ordering information.

Bicycling In Africa Country Supplements: Supplements cover cycling season, routes, getting maps and spare parts, accommodations in rural areas & special comments for cycling.

  • Bicycle Touring In Kenya. US$10, emailed as PDF
  • Bicycle Touring In Zimbabwe/Zambia/Botswana. US$10, emailed as PDF
  • Bicycle Touring In Malawi/Tanzania/Uganda. US$10 , emailed as PDF
  • Bicycle Touring In Ethiopia/Eritrea. US$10, emailed as PDF
  • Bicycle Touring In Ghana/Togo/Benin. US$10, emailed as PDF
  • Bicycle Touring In Tunisia/Algeria. US$10, emailed as PDF
  • Bicycle Touring In Senegal/Gambia/Guinea. US$10, emailed as PDF
  • Bicycle Touring In Mali/Burkina Faso/Niger. US$5, emailed as PDF
  • Bicycle Touring In Cameroon. US$5, emailed as PDF

Cycle-Recycle Calendar  This colorful wall calendar celebrates cycling in everyday use (and not so everyday uses). It is complete with captions, provocative quotations and illustrations.  Makes a great gift. Click for ordering information.

IBF Trailer: Assembly Instructions Plans & instructions for building an IBF Bike Trailer. US$5.00, emailed as PDF (free to development workers in "less developed countries.")

The Bicyclist's Dilemma In African Cities Impact on individuals, society & the environment of not accommodating & encouraging bicycle use in African cities. 26 pages US$3.00 + postage*

Transportation, Bicycles And Development In Africa: Progression or Regression Transportation in Africa is primarily by foot. Is encouraging bicycles progressive or regressive? 18 pages, US$2.00 + postage*

Transportation Patterns In Nairobi The history of transport in Nairobi that has led to traffic jams and filthy air. With strategies for encouraging bikes. 17 pages, US$2.00 + postage*

Flying With Your Bicycle Summary of baggage regulations for bicycles on 40 major airlines. Hints and strategies for packing and flying with a bike. US$4.00, emailed as PDF

Selecting & Preparing A Bicycle For Travel In Remote Areas / Annotated Detailed Packing List A comprehensive how-to essay on special considerations. US$4.00, emailed as PDF

Language In Cross-Cultural Understanding Essay on cultural bias in language. A must for travelers who want to see different cultures with a clearer vision. US$2.00, emailed as PDF

Tips For Environmentally Friendly Travel / Code of Responsible Travel US$1.00, emailed as PDF

Bicycle Helmet Brochures Sound advice for safer bicycling. US$1.00 + postage* or print your own for free.

Share The Trail Brochures Safety information for safer bicycling. US$1.00 + postage* or print your own for free.

IBF Flyer Handout for promoting bicycling.  Print double-sided and then cut in thirds. Print your own for free.

IBF News '93/1: Transportation: Who Pays? / Sustainable Tourism.

IBF News '93/2: Sustainable Access.

IBF News '94/1: Least Cost Planning.

IBF News '94/2: Land Use Planning.

IBF News '95/1: Multi-mode Level-of-Service.

IBF News '95/2: Less-Developed Countries & Bicycle Tourism.

IBF News '96/1: Bicycling In India and Eritrea.

IBF News '96/2: Community Bike Libraries, Societal Attitude Toward Accidents.

IBF News '97/1: 15 Myths On Bicycling In Africa.

IBF News '97/2: Bike decline in Asia / Bike history.

IBF News '98/1: Policies in Cuba, Poland & Honduras.

IBF News '98/2: Assessing Critical Mass.

IBF News '99/1: Bike to Work / Tanzania Tourism.

IBF News '99/2: Tunisian Women / World Bank Roundtable.

IBF News '01/1: Biking with Infants.

IBF News '01/2: Impact of Sept 11, 2001.

IBF News '02/1: Pan-Africa Bicycle Information Network.

IBF News '02/2: Student Bicycle Essay Contest 2002 Winners.

IBF News '03/1: Bicycle Messengers and Activism in San Francisco.

IBF News '03/2: Student Bicycle Essay Contest 2003 Winners.

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* Prices are suggested donation. For items with an * please include postage & handling (for many items we can email you a PDF file of the publication for zero postage cost):  

  • For destinations in the USA add US$2 for 1st item and US$1 for each additional item. 
  • For destination outside USA, please contact us for current prices.
  • Contact us for Express Mail or Priority Mail prices.

Quantity discounts are available on most publications.

To order: 

Please email details of your order, shipping address, and contact email or phone number, and arrange of payment by credit card or through Paypal (direct payment to our email address: "ibike (at) ibike (dot) org").

Or, mail details of the order, shipping address, contact email or phone number and full payment in US funds to: 
International Bicycle Fund
4887 Columbia Drive South
Seattle, WA 98108-1919 USA.



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The International Bicycle Fund is an independent, non-profit organization. Its primary purpose is to promote bicycle transportation. Most IBF projects and activities fall into one of  four categories: planning and engineering, safety education, economic development assistance and promoting international understanding. IBF's objective is to create a sustainable, people-friendly environment by creating opportunities of the highest practicable quality for bicycle transportation. IBF is funded by private donation. Contributions are always welcome and are U.S. tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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