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Bicycle Statistics: Usage, Production, Sales, Import, Export



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Hard facts on bike usage, production, sales, imports, exports and trade are hard to come by and constantly changing, which means they are extremely time consume to assemble and keep statistics up-to-date.  Unfortunately, our meager resources and competing demands don't allow us to allocate time for collecting and assembling this information. (For some statistics that have come our way see the top link below.)

Many of the best statistics are buried in papers that are presented at conferences such as VeloCity, ProBike and the Transportation Research Board (TRB). Sometimes these papers are published after the conferences but it can then be difficult to get a hold of the proceeding, and then they aren't very well indexed so you have to go through all of all of them to extract anything that might be useful to you.

Even when you can find statistics you need to be careful: They can be collected under different conditions (time of year, time of day, etc.), assumptions, rules and using different definitions.

He are links to information that might lead you to some answers:

  • Bicycle Statistical Data Charts and figures that IBF has harvested.
  • Statistical Yearbook / Annuaire statistique
    Department of International Economic and Social Affairs, Statistical Office / Department des affaires economiques et sociales internationales, Bureau de statistique
    United Nations / Nations Unies
  • Industrial Commodities Statistics Yearbook / Annuarire de statistiques industrelles
    Department of International Economic and Social Affairs, Statistical Office / Department des affaires economiques et sociales internationales, Bureau de statistique
    United Nations / Nations Unies
    For bicycles try:
  • International Trade Statistics Yearbook
    Volume I. Trade by Country
    Volume II. Trade by Commodity
    Department of International Economic and Social Affairs, Statistical Office / Department des affaires economiques et sociales internationales, Bureau de statistique, United Nations / Nations Unies,
  • Alliance for Biking and Walking Data on bicycling and walking in the USA with some international statistics for comparison.
  • BikeBiz Trade, production and market information.
  • Bikexpo Used to have worldwide trade figures with some usage, accident and other data, but they seem to have disappeared. Let us know if you can find them.
  • Bicycle Product Suppliers Association, 1-215-564-3484, U.S. information.
  • Bicycle Retailer & Industry NewsIndustry statistics.
  • Bike Commuting in the US: 2000-2019.
  • Interbike Directory, published annually by Interbike, US statistics
  • 25+ Biking Statistics That Won’t Surprise You At All (if you love cycling)
  • Bicycling in Quebec  in 1995 and 1996, Government of Quebec, Ministry of Transport, 1998.  The report covers the bike market, bicycle use and bicycle facilities.
  • Bike Europe. Trade Journal for the European Bicycle & Scooter Market -- source of information about the European bicycle industry and market.  Publish 8 issues at a subscription rate of $146 including postage. International Subscriptions: Ms. Kirsten Veldkamp, fax: + 31 (0) 26 323 0283
  • Carfree Commute Database Bicycle, pedestrian and mass transit commuting statistics for the USA.
  • Bureau of Transportation Statistics United States Department of Transportation.
  • Earth Policy Institute Transportation Data World and country bicycle production and links to other data. Search for "bicycle".
  • Eurostat Statistics arm of the European Union. When you search for "bicycle" there are dozens of results.
  • Getting There: Strategic Fact for the Transportation Advocate is packed with statistical measures for  the environment, health, walking, bicycling, public transportation, sprawl and much more. Contact: Gas Guzzler Campaign, 310 D St NE, Washington DC 20002 USA. Tel.: 202-547-9359. Fax: 202-547-9429. Email:
  • Global Urban Indicators Database - Transportation  Mode split, commute time, per capita transportation expenditure and automobile ownership for 200 cities. 
  • National Bicycle Dealers Association, 2240 University Drive #130, Newport Beach, CA 92660. Tel: 714-722-6909. Fax: 714-722-1747. US industry discussion.
  • Statistical sites on the www:
  • Transport, European Union.
  • Transportation Research Board Searchable archive with hundreds of papers on NMT, some of which have bicycle statistics imbedded.
  • UN-HABITAT Global Urban Observatory Under "Key Indicators" their is some "transport mode to work" data by country: city.
  • US Dept of Commerce Collects figures on the value of bicycles and part imported and exported, but it does indicate what percentage is bicycle or the number of bicycles.  You can reasonable figure that the bicycle being export, on average, are more valuable per unit than the bicycles being imported., search for "bicycle".
  • World Bank Data

Figures also appear in many of the documents listed in the IBF's Bicycle / Development / Sustainability Bibliography / Reading List



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The International Bicycle Fund is an independent, non-profit organization. Its primary purpose is to promote bicycle transportation. Most IBF projects and activities fall into one of  four categories: planning and engineering, safety education, economic development assistance and promoting international understanding. IBF's objective is to create a sustainable, people-friendly environment by creating opportunities of the highest practicable quality for bicycle transportation. IBF is funded by private donation. Contributions are always welcome and are U.S. tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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