Africa Bicycle & Sustainable Transport Advocacy Organizations
& Clubs
Pan Africa
Bicycle Information Network (PABIN)
Whether you are just interested in
bicycle transport, non-motorized transport (NMT) or low-cost mobility in Africa
and want to watch the discussion, or have questions or information to share about
policies, programs or resources relating to bicycle transport, NMT or
low-cost mobility, please join the PABIN.
Bicycle Aid A list
of organizations providing bicycle through projects in Africa
Country-by-country advocacy
organizations, listed alphabetical by country
* To interfere with
email address harvesting the email addresses in this directory are un-hyperlinked and
have an extra space in them. To contact an organization you will need to
cut-and-paste the address and delete the space before the @ symbol. For
those of you with honorable intentions we are sorry for the inconvenience in
communicating with these fine organizations.
Cycling Out of Poverty
Email: info @cyclingoutofpoverty.com *
Helps local African NGO's to start a bicycle micro credit program with funding.
Initiative For Sustainable Development
PO Box 13065, Douala, Cameroon (Cameroun)
Tel: +237-39-77-93
Fax: +237-39-15-53
Pan-African Research Laboratory for Transport and Logistics
(LaPERAT_L) – Benin.
Contact: Jean-Claude Louis TAKPA, President, takpaclaude @gmail.com *,
Placide BADJI, Secretaire General, badiplacide @hotmail.com *
Centre d'Entraide pour la Défence de l'Environnement (CEDE"
Diaconi de Lulinda, Paroisse de Mboko, Diocese d'Uvira, PO Box 500, Bujumbura,
Contact: Tabi W'ishambe'wa, Director
Eritrea Environment Agency
Leonardo Davinci St,
PO Box 5717,
Asmara, Eritrea
Tel: +291-181415
Fax: +291-182418
Email: asmerom @eae.er.punchdown.org *
Ability Bike Cooperative
Korforidua, Ghana
Supported by Bikes Not Bombs,
Re-Cycle, and
Working Bikes Cooperative.
Bicycles for All Friends Organization (BfAF)
Accra, Ghana
Tel: +233-203086676
Email: info @thebfaf.org *
and thebfaf @gmail.com *
Bright Generation Community Foundation
Adum - Kumasi, Ghana
A non-profit involved in sustainable development.
Centre for
Cycling Expertise (CCE)
PO Box BT 446, Tema, Ghana
Tel: +233 21 682 417
E-mail: info @centrecycling.org*
Future In Our Hands
PO Box 154,
Accra - Trade Fair, Ghana
Future In Our Hands is an international grassroots self-help network. The program in Accra
includes instruction in agriculture, environmental protection and job skills. Part of the
job skills program is teaching young people how to repair bicycles.
Village Bicycle Project
Email: info @VillageBicycleProject.org *
Conakry, Guinea
Bicycles Action Network of Kenya (BANK)
PO Box 41330,Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254-2-248281/315757
Email: bikeadvocacy @yahoo.com *
Environmental Liaison Center International
PO Box 72461,
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254-2-562-015
Fax: 254-2-562-175
Email: info @elciafrica.org *
One World Youth Development Group
John Kwoba
PO Box 501, Busia, Kenya
Uvumbuzi Club
PO Box 10788,
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 799 454325
Email: info @uvumbuziafrica.org *
Madagascar Wheels
Aires Protegees
c/o World Wildlife Fund,
BP 738, Antanarivo, Madagascar
"Madagascar Wheels", a local organization promoting bicycling,
is working on a project to begin local assembly of bicycles. They currently have 200 ATBs
which they rent and in April 1992 they hosted Madagascar's first mountain bike
Association Tafaoul
pour l'Environnement et le Developpement
Cite Habitat N 217, Jerada 64550, Morocco
Email: associationtafaouljerada @gmail.com *
Maputo, Mozambique
Email: lauren.thomas @mozambikes.com *
Local production of bicycles, with a side-by-side
non profit to purchase bicycles at cost and donate them throughout the country.
Bicycle Empowerment Network (Namibia)
Michael Linke, Director
PO Box 23150
Cell: +264 8 1295 6281
Email: michael @benbikes.org.za *
Afri-Bike Community Network
Lagos, Nigeria
Moses A Sawacha, Director, Email: msawacha @ hotmail.com
(remove spaces)
Afri-Bike Community Network is working to promote the use of
bicycles for transportation by rural farmers and itinerant traders and organize
bicycle tours. This program is in partnership with rural farmers co-operatives
who will use these bicycles to transport their produce to neighboring village
Bicycle For Agriculture
6 Odunze St., Mile 3 Diobu
PO Box 2584,
Port Harcourt, River State, Nigeria
Life and Fitness Cycling Club
Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria Rwanda
Dakar, Senegal
Email: abaced @ arc.sn *
A Senegalese group that is working on bicycle projects and
advocacy. Samba Gueye, Project Director.
BP 3370,
Dakar, Senegal
ENDA, a Senegal based, non-governmental, environmental organization, publishes
periodicals, occasional papers and documents on habitat, health, technology, energy,
agriculture and related African development and environment topics. Publications may be
available in French, English and/or Spanish.
Sierra Leone
Friends of the Earth - Sierra Leone
Private Mail Bag 950
33 Robert Street
Freetown, Sierra Leone
Tel: +232-22-226577
Fax: +232 22 226577 or +232 22 224439
Email: friendsoftheearth2006 @yahoo.com *
Internet: www.onesky.ca/foesl
Village Bicycle Project
Email: info @VillageBicycleProject.org *
Somalia Cycling Federation
Ahmed Mohamed Hassan
Email: somcycling @yahoo.com *
South Africa
Bicycling Empowerment Network (B.E.N.)
Andrew M Wheeldon
Email: boix @iafrica.com *
Cell: +27-(0)82-598-9178
Fax: +27-(0)21-686-6691
Mountain Bike Promotion
Sias Moster
P.O. Box 6281, Stellenbosch,
Cape Town 7612, South Africa
Tel: +27 (0)21 883 8799
Fax: +27 (0)21 887 0588
Email: sias @aztec.co.za *
Pedal Power Association
9 Hill Park Lane, Mowbray, Cape Town, South Africa
Tel: +27 - 21 689-8420
Fax: +27 - 21 689-8490
E-mail: info @pedalpower.org.za *
Email: qhubeka @axiz.co.za *
Provides sustainable community based solutions to climate
change where African Kids grow trees to earn bikes.
Pedal Power
P.O. Box 665 Rondebosch 7701
Tel: +27 (021) 689-8420
Email: info @pedalpower.org.za *
Association for the Advancement of Low-Cost Mobility
Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Asteria Mlambo, Assistant Director.
Email: asteria_m @hotmail.com
Cycling Association of Tanzania
Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Isaya Peres
Email: isaya_ @hotmail.com
Umma wa Wapanda Baisikeli Dar es Salaam (UWABA)
Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Mejah Mbeya, Chairperson
Sousse VTT
Sousse, Tunisia
Velorution Tunisie
16 Avenue Tahar Ben Achour
1082 Tunis Mutuelleville, Tunisie
Cycle Connects
Gulu, Uganda
Email: bicyclesagainstpoverty @gmail.com *
FABIO - First African
Bicycle Information Office
P.O. Box 1537, Jinja, Uganda
Tel: +256-43-121468 or +256-77-469159
Fax: +256-43-22050
Email: fabio @source.co.ug *
Jugendhilfe Ostafrika
(in German)
Thankirchen 3, 83623 Dietramszell, Germany
Fax: 08027-7114
Email: bikeyouth @hotmail.com *
A German-based NGO promoting the use of bikes in Uganda.
Ride for a Woman (R4W)
P.O.Box 822, Kampala, Uganda
Denis Rubalema, Exec. Director
info @ride4awoman.org *
ride4awoman @gmail.com * Uganda Bicycle And Pedestrian Federation
PO Box 15068, Kibuye,
Kampala, Uganda
Wildlife Conservation Society of Zambia
Mwape Sichilongo, Director
PO Box 30255,
Lusaka, Zambia
WCSZ is a non-profit organization dedicated to environmental conservation. They have a
network of 1000 participating schools, produce a weekly radio show and have promoted bicycle transportation.
Not specifically advocacy, but developing the production of bamboo bikes.
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The International Bicycle Fund is an independent, non-profit
organization. Its primary purpose is to promote bicycle transportation. Most IBF projects
and activities fall into one of four categories: planning and engineering, safety
education, economic development assistance and promoting international understanding.
IBF's objective is to create a sustainable, people-friendly environment by creating
opportunities of the highest practicable quality for bicycle transportation. IBF is funded
by private donation. Contributions are always welcome and are U.S. tax-deductible to the
extent allowed by law.

Please write if you have questions, comment, criticism, praise or
additional information for us, to report bad links, or if you would like to be
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