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Celebrities on Bicycles



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Many people seem to have a fascination with the rich and famous.  We thought we would investigate what happened when you cross famous and bicycling.  The results are below.  (We are sorry that this is so USA-centric.) Does seeing or knowing that celebrities bicycle make you want to bicycle more? Is there a difference between those who bicycle for health and the environment and those who seem to be mostly "cycle chic."  ('Cycle chic' is the new rage in the West - it can't match the decades of Vietnamese school girls cycle chic, see  We are sure there are many celebrities that we have missed (throughout the world).  If you have suggestions for the list please let us know.


Jessica Alba bicyclingJessica Alba bicycling

Jessica Alba (actress and model) can bicycle chic to the boutique in any season. (left)

Susan B. Anthony (change agent) "Let me tell you what I think of bicycling. I think it has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world. It gives women a feeling of freedom and self-reliance. I stand and rejoice every time I see a woman ride by on a wheel...the picture of free, untrammelled womanhood."

Lily Allen bicycleLily Allen (singer/song writer) incorporates bicycles into her songs and album art (YouTube link).  Her sweet voice and upbeat tempos cover some gritty messages.
Pamela Anderson bicycling

Adele bicycleAdele Laurie Blue Adkins (singer), better known simply as Adele looks like she is ready to be somebody's present. (right)

Lance Armstrong (bicyclist) won the Tour-de-France seven times, and later was stripped of his medals.  (no photo)

Pamela Anderson (actress) rides a pink cruiser bicycle. (left)

Andy Baldwin bicycling

Jennifer Aniston bicyclingJennifer Aniston (actress) worked as a bicycle messenger before she became a celebrity and still bicycles. (right)

Andy Baldwin (actor) competes in triathlons. (left)

Kate Beckinsale bicycling

David Beckham bicyclingDrew Barrymore bicycleDrew Barrymore (actress) is identified as bicycling but we can't confirm it. (right)

Kate Beckinsale (actress) family cyclist. (left)

David Beckham (soccer player) takes his athleticism to bicycling. (far right)

Halle Berry bicycles

Jessica Biel bicyclingHalle Berry (actress) seems to be sitting on a bicycle but it is not clear that she is going any place (near right)

Beyonce (singer) is known to ride regularly on her days off (left)

Joy Bryant bicyclingJessica Biel (actress) cruisers along on a cruiser. (left)

Andrew Bird bicyclingAndrew Bird (singer/song-writer) tours with a bicycle and an environmental mission. (right)

Pierce Brosnan (actor) neighborhood-type rider.  (no photo)

Joy Bryant (actress) rides a folding bike. (far right)

George W. Bush bicycling

Gisele Bundchen bicyclingGisele Bundchen (actress) is a great looking mountain biker. (right)

George W. Bush (politician) former President of the United States bicycled regularly (left)

David Byrne bicycling

David Byrne (musician) former Talking Heads front man, bicycle rack designer extraordinaire and bicycle commuting since the late 1970's. (left)

Alexa Chung (actress) from England, bicycles in NYC. (right)

Ron Claiborne (correspondent, ABC News) is a touring cyclist.  (no photo)

Monique Coleman running

David Clowney bicyclingDavid Clowney (NFL football player) rides a bike to football training camp. (right)

Monique Coleman (actress) competes in triathlons so is a multi-sport whiz. (left)

Stewart Copeland (drummer of rock group Police) (photo below with Sting and Andy Summer)

Courtney Cox bicycle

Russell Crowe bicyclingCourtney Cox (actress) travels to the beach in style. (left)

Russell Crowe (actor) (left)

Jon Cryer (actor) competes in triathlons. (no photo)

Alan Cumming (actor)  (no photo)

Miley Cyrus bicycling

Erin Daniels bicyclingMiley Cyrus (singer) is a regular recreational cyclist even after she got her drivers license. (left)

Richard Daley (Mayor, Chicago IL) helping to create a more bicycle-friendly Chicago.  (no photo)

Matt Damon (actor) is the stoker for his brother on a tandem.  (no photo)

Erin Daniels (actress) make a casual tours through the countryside. (right)

Bertrand Delanoë (Mayor, Paris, France) lead a dramatic change in the environment for bicycling in Paris. (no photo)

Patrick Dempsey bicyclingZooey Deschanel bicycling

Agyness Deyn bicyclingAgyness Deyn bicyclingPatrick Dempsey (actor) wants to accomplish two things with his ride this fall: help families fighting cancer and get more people on bikes. (far left)

Zooey Deschanel (actress and singer-songwriter) (left)

Agyness Deyn (model) bicycle too (and two) chic. (right, up)

Leonardo Dicaprio bicycling

Eliza Dushku bicyclingLeonardo Dicaprio (actor) appears to be taking advantage of a city bike share program to get his ride (left)

Arthur Conan Doyle (writer) (no photo)

Aimée Ann Duffy (singer) seems most notable for illegal cycling behavior. (no photo)

Eliza Dushku (actress) competes in triathlons. (right)

Albert Einstein bicyclingAlbert Einstein (scientist) said, "Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving."  Early in his schooling at Munich University in Germany, he would take bicycle tours with fellow scientists to contemplate the world at large.  And during his final years, while at Princeton University during the early 1950s, when the automobile was the mode of transportation du jour, Einstein chose his trusty steed over any other modern engineering marvels.  The photo is of Albert Einstein riding his bicycle in Santa Barbara.
Erin Fetherston bicycling

Tina Fey bicyclingErin Fetherston (fashion designer) adds a ton of style to the club (left)

Tina Fey (actress, writer, producer) is not quite convincing as a bicyclist, so here is to hoping that she really is part of the tribe. (right)

David Feherty (pro-golfer and commentator) quoted from Bicycling Magazine (April 2010), said, "Riding is my lifeline, my meditation, and without question one of the main reasons I'm still alive." (no photo)


Harrison Ford bicycling

Sarah Michelle Gellar bicycling

Scott Foley (actor) competes in triathlons.  (no photo)

Harrison Ford (actor) (left)

Jorga Fox (actress) regular bicyclist. (right)

Heather Graham bicyclingJorga Fox bicycling

Kenny G bicyclingKenny G (Musician) (left)

Sarah Michelle Gellar (actress) (right)

Mark-Paul Gosselaar (actor) is a lifelong bicyclist and a Cat 3 bicycle racer.  (no photo)

Heather Graham (actress) is enjoying a shoreline ride, presumably in an exotic location. (far right)

Jake Gyllenhaal bicyclingGeri Halliwell bicycling

Ben Harper bicyclingJake Gyllenhaal (actor) dresses (acts) like a serious road cyclist. (far left)

Geri Halliwell (singer for Spice Girls and author) is a stylish casual bicycler. (left)

Jon Hamm (actor) competes in triathlons.  (no photo)

Ben Harper (musician) bicycles with children in tow in a trailer. (right)

Jennifer Love Hewitt bicycling

Goldie Hawn bicyclingGoldie Hawn (actress) gets around on a mountain bike.  It is interesting to note that she is one of the few recreational bicycling celebrities on this list that wears a helmet. (right)

Jennifer Love Hewitt (actress) does some cruising on a bike. (left)

Audrey Hepburn bicycling

John Hickenlooper bicyclingAudrey Hepburn (actress) in an unverified photo.  We assume it is her because the Internet says so. (left)

John Hickenlooper (Mayor, Denver CO) bicycles with his staff to promote bicycling.  (right)

Paris Hilton bicycling

Kate Hudson bicyclingJulianne Hough bicyclingParis Hilton (celebrity and heiress) (left)

Emile Hirsch (actor) bicycles but actually might prefer skateboarding.  (no photo)

Julianne Hough (dancer, songwriter and actress) (right)

Kate Hudson (actress) is a regular bicyclist in Santa Monica, Miami and other towns. (far right)

Steve Huison bicyclingSteve Huison (actor) (right)

Felicity Huffman (actress) and her husband, William H. Macy (actor) compete in triathlons. (left)

Hugh Jackman (actor) is at least a recreational bicyclist.  (no photo)


LaBron James bicycling

LaBron James (superstar of Cleveland Cavaliers basketball team) use a bicycle to keep in shape in the off-season and to raise money through a bike-a-thon for several youth and urban organizations.  (right)

Famke Janssen bicycling

Boris Johnson bicyclingFamke Janssen (actress, director, screenwriter, and former fashion model) looks every bit the Dutch bicyclist, which is true to her origins. (left)

Boris Johnson (politician) Mayor, London, UK, is a great advocate for bicycling. (right)

Angela Joli and Brad Pitt bicyclingJoe Jonas bicycling

Angela Joli (actress) and Brad Pitt (actor) bicycles with her kids in a child seats and bike trailer.(far left)

Joe Jonas (singer) no evidence of serious cycling. (right)

Dhani Jones (professional football player - Cincinnati Bengals linebacker) is a lifelong bicyclist, fixie rider and environmental activist.  (no photo)

Jackie Kennedy bicyclingJohn Kerry bicyclingJackie Kennedy (First Lady) (right)

John Kerry (politician) seems to prefer carbon fiber bicycles. (far right)

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (civil rights icon)

Ellie Kinnaird bicycling

Ellie Kinnaird (politician) Senator from North Carolina bicycles at a ribbon breaking. (left)

Anna Kournikova (former tennis star and model) competes in triathlons. (no photo)

Donald Kohn (economist) "the most important non-chairman member of the board in the history of the Fed", according to Laurence Meyer, a former Fed governor. From the Wall Street Journal (2 Mar 2010), "Kohn is in many ways the quintessential faceless Washington bureaucrat. When he lived in Virginia, he used to ride to work on a bicycle with the pants of his grey suit tucked into his black socks, parking the bike in the spot in the Fed garage reserved for his car."
Mila Kunis bicycling

Mila Kunis (actress) is out for a casual tour of the neighborhood in a full length dress. (left)

Bobby Labonte (NASCAR driver) (no photo)

Matt Lauer (TV anchor) is the son of a bicycle-company executive and continues to bicycle. (no photo)

Lee Ji-sun (Miss Korea 2007) bicycle to to build muscle and shape her legs for the Miss Universe competition. (right)

John Lennon bicycling

Jared Leto bicyclingJohn Lennon (singer/song writer/musician) "As a kid, I had a dream - I wanted to own my own bicycle. When I got the bicycle, I must have been the happiest boy in Liverpool, maybe in the world.  I lived for that bike.  Most kids left their bikes in the backyard at night.  Not me.  I insisted on taking mine indoors and the first night I even kept it in my bed." (left)

Jared Leto (actor) is mostly photographed on a fixie (right).

Lindsay Lohan bicycling

Demi Lovato bicyclingJennifer Lopez bicyclingLindsay Lohan (actress) rehabilitates with a casual bicycle ride. (left)

Jennifer Lopez (actress) competes in triathlons. (right)

Demi Lovato (actress) bicycles in the neighborhood. (far right)

Elle MacPherson bicycling

Madonna bicyclingElle MacPherson (model) is bicycle chic in this photo, but also a strong supporter of active transportation.. (left)

William H. Macy (actor) competes in triathlons. (photo with his wife, Felicity Huffman, above)

Madonna (super star) (right)

Joe Maddon (major league baseball coach) bicycles to de-stress and plan for the future.  (no photo)

Tobey Maquire bicycling

 Rachel McAdams bicyclingOjo Maduekwe (Minister of Transport 2001-03, Nigeria) pedals through the streets of Abuja en route to meetings, with their formal clothes and papers strapped to his rear carrier.  (no photo)

Tobey Maquire (actor) (left)

Rachel McAdams (actress) (left)

Matthew McConaughey bicycling

Eric McCormack bicyclingMatthew Modine bicyclingMatthew McConaughey (actor) hunk and competitor in triathlons. (right)

Eric McCormack (actor) bicycles with his son on a trailer bike. (far right)

Matthew Modine (actor and environmental activist) (right)

Heidi Montag bicyclingMarilyn Monroe bicycling

Carey Mulligan bicyclingShemar Moore bicyclingHeidi Montag likes a mountain bike. (far left)

Shemar Moore (actor) trains to bicycle to raise money for MS research. (right)

Marilyn Monroe (actress) (left)

Carey Mulligan (actress) (far right)

Iris Murdoch (writer) (no photo)

Barak Obama bicycling

Mary Kate Olsen bicyclingBarak Obama (politician and world leader) The President of the United States evidently bicycled more when he lived in Chicago -- before moving to Washington, D.C. (left)

Mary Kate Olsen (actress) (right)

Dolores O'Riordan (singer-songwriter) (far right)

Alexandra Paul swimming in triathlon

Gwyneth Paltrow bicyclingAnna Paquin bicyclingGwyneth Paltrow (actress) (left)

Anna Paquin (actress) (right, far)

Alexandra Paul (actress) competes in triathlons and Ironman. (left)

Neil Peart bicycling

Katy Perry bicyclingNeil Peart (drummer and lyricist for the rock group Rush) has bicycle toured in several Africa countries and wrote about one of these tours in "The Masked Rider." (left)

Katy Perry (singer) not likely to join Neil Peart on one of his international bicycle tours. (right)

Pink (Alicia Moore) (singer) bicycles instead of using a horse drawn carriage, which she is part of a PETA campaign against. (left)

Brad Pitt (actor) (see photo with Angelina Jolie, right)

Natalie Portman bicycle

Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag bicyclingNatalie Portman (actress, producer, director) takes a casual approach to bicycling attire. (left)

Spencer Pratt (actor) Spencer Pratt like to bicycle with Heidi Montag.  (right)

Romano Prodi (former Prime Minister, Italy) (no photo)

Lou Reed bicycling

Paul Reubens, a.k.a. Pee-Wee Herman, bicyclingLou Reed (punk poet, visionary rock musician, front man for Velvet Underground). Rock 'n' roll poet who influenced and inspired generations of musicians and artists. His one Top 20 hit, 1972's "Walk on the Wild Side," tops the list, but all are essential listening.

Paul Reubens, a.k.a. Pee-Wee Herman (actor) on his signature cruiser. (left)

Julia Roberts bicycling Wionna Ryder bicyclingJulia Roberts (actress) seems to take a very practical approach to bicycling. (left)

Wiona Ryder (actress) takes a break on a BMX ride through the park. (right)

Cynthia Rowley (fashion designer, NYC) think bikes are the best way to get around town, whether in New York or any other city.  (no photo)

Zuleyka Rivera bicyclingCoco Rocha bicycleZuleyka Rivera (Miss Universe 2006 and Miss Puerto Rico) rode a bicycle through the streets of Mexico City in May, 2007, as part of a campaign by municipal authorities to discourage the use of cars.  She also also has a swimsuit so perhaps she will be training to do a triathlons. (left)

Coco Rocha (fashion model) kills bicycle chic in a colored coordinated kit. (right)

Liev Schreiber and Naomi Watts bicycling

Adam Sandler bicyclingArnold Schwarzennegger bicycleAdam Sandler (actor) is a cruiser type cyclist. (far right)

Liev Schreiber (actor) and Naomi Watts (actress) regularly bicycles in NYC. (left)

Arnold Schwarzennegger (politician) rides on California trails with a posse of body guards. (right)

Amanda Seyfried bicycle

Al Sharpton bicyclingAmanda Seyfried (actress, singer and former model) probably looks so healthy on a bicycle because she is also a runner. (left)

Al Sharpton (pastor) is at NYC Critical Mass with a bike. (right)

Russell Simmons bicycling

Patti Smith with a bicycle.Russell Simmons (executive, cofounder Def Jam Records) bicycles in NYC. (left)

Patti Smith (singer-songwriter, poet, and visual artist). She has included bikes in her songs/poetry, and we hear that she is car free (reasonable for someone living in New York, but we can't corroborate it.)

Tori Spelling bicyclingBritney Spears bicycling

Britney Spears (singer) doesn't give the impression that she has been on a bike a lot, but we will take what we can get. (left)

Tori Spelling (actress) bicycles with her husband and children. (right)

Taylor Swift bicyclingSting, Stewart Copeland and Andy Summers of The Police, bicyclingSting (front man for rock group The Police) (left)

Andy Summers (musician for the rock group The Police) (left)

Taylor Swift (singer) seems to have done most of her bicycling for one photo shoot in the blouse and dress seen here. We are hoping this in not the full extent of her indulgence. (right)

Tilda Swinton bicycling

Marshall "Major" Taylor bicyclingTilda Swinton (actress) bicycled for a documentary on the Berlin Wall. (left)

Marshall "Major" Taylor (athlete) was outstanding in several sports and excelled in bicycle racing. Perhaps one of the greatest athletes of all time. (right)

Sara Jean Underwood bicyclingSara Jean Underwood (actress and model) at Portland naked bike ride.  In her professional career she doesn't necessarily wear much more. (right)

Naomi Watts (actress) uses a trailer to take her child along when she bikes. (shown in photo with Liev Schreiber, above)


Florence Welch bicyclingVivienne Westwood bicyclingFlorence Welch (musician, singer, song writer) wears and urban camouflage ensemble to bicycle -- the red hair keeps here visible. (left)

H.G. Wells (writer) (no photo)

Vivienne Westwood (fashion designer) (right)


Robin Williams bicycling

Owen Wilson bicyclingSerena WilliamsRobin Williams (actor/comedian) participates in bicycle races. (left)

Serena Williams (tennis player) take her fashion-sense to bicycling (right)

Owen Wilson (actor) seems to make news when he bicycle in any corner of the USA (NY, CA, FL) -- he bikes a lot. (far right)

Billy Zane bicycling

Ben Zobest (athlete) bicycle to work at Wrigley Field.Billy Zane (actor) is a cruiser-bike-no-helmet pedaller. (left)

Ben Zobest (athlete) bicycle to work at Wrigley Field. (right)

Related link:
Blog: Rock 'n Bikes Rockers on bikes.

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