
      Ibike Tours


    Link Exchange Policy

    We are usually happy to exchange links with other websites.  If you manage a website that you would like linked on ours, please do the follow:

    Post a link to us on your site.

    1. Website must be family-friendly.
    2. We believe that links are service to our visitors, not just for page rankings and SEO, so link sections should be user-friendly.  The link to the link-page should be in a visible, logical and accessible location:
      a)  The "link" or "resources" section should be linked directly from the homepage.  It should be EASY to find and well labeled, on par (location, font, etc.) with links to other products and services offered on the homepage.
      b) The link/resources sections should be indexed and organized by subject and alphabetically so that it is usable, with no more than 30 links per heading or sub-heading.
      c) The link to our site should be EASY to find and should be no more than three clicks from the home page. (We verify links by starting at the home page.)
    3. Generally, we exchange links one-for-one, generally to a page in the domain that links to us -- no triangular or third-party links. If you you are asking to link to more than one URL please post a similar number of links to other sections of our website, for example www.ibike.org/ibikewww.ibike.org/bikeafricawww.ibike.org/bibliography, www.ibike.org/africaguide, www.ibike.org/encouragement, etc.
    4. We do not link to any site that tries to hide its links page.

    5. We do not link to any site that puts links in a java script code, or runs links through a cgi script, with the effect of making the links invisible to search engine spiders.

    Now, write us when the link is posted.  If we can easily find the link from your homepage we will post a reciprocal link.

    Posting a Link to Us

    You don't have to link to our homepage if the content of your site makes it more logical to link to a content specific page on our site.

    Link Title: Ibike Tours

    Link URL: http://www.ibike.org/ibike/

    Link Description: (use one of the following descriptions or modify one to fit your site.)

    15 words
    Fabulous, small group bicycle tours to Africa, Asia and the Americas, for ordinary active people.

    30 words
    Fabulous, small group bicycle tours to Africa, Asia and the Americas, for ordinary active people. Enrich yourself with the complexity of the history, culture and environment and enjoying beautiful cycling.

    50 words
    Fabulous, very affordable, small group bicycle tours to Vietnam, Korea, Ecuador, Guyana, Washington St/BC and all regions of Africa.  For ordinary active people. Enrich yourself with the diversity and complexity of the history, culture and environment.  Highlights includes staying in traditional communities, people-to-people experiences, great food and enjoying beautiful cycling.

    75 words
    Fabulous, very affordable, small group bicycle tours to Vietnam, Korea, Ecuador, Guyana, Washington St/BC, Tunisia, Senegal, Gambia, Guinea, Mali, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Cameroon, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi, Zimbabwe and South Africa.  For ordinary active people. Enrich yourself with the diversity and complexity of the history, culture and environment.  Highlights includes staying in traditional communities, people-to-people experiences, great food and enjoying beautiful cycling.

    Logo & Graphic:
    Ibike Tours or Ibike Tours
    To capture the image; right click on the image "copy" and "paste" or click on "save picture as" or "save image as" (or some version of this this, depending upon what browser you are using.)

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