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Traffic Demand Management:
20+ Ways Business Can Increase
"EarthSmart Travel / Commuting" (Bicycle Commuting)





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by David Mozer


This article addresses the policies and procedures that businesses (including government ministries, departments and agencies) can use to influence the transportation mix, not because they are singularly guilty, but because they, like politicians and individuals, have a role to play. Businesses are one of the destination that people want access to, whether it is to work or patronize. Each person, whether they travel for a full days work, part time employment, as a contractor or pop-in to purchase a good or service, creates two trips -- one to and one from. How a business organizes its opportunities for access will help direct the transportation mix that patronizes it. For example: if its front door are near a mass transit route employees and clients can access it by transit. Here are a few ideas to help business and government to encourage bicycle transportation.

  1. Expand 'Rideshare' and 'Transportation Demand Management' programs to include, endorse and promote non-motorize transportation. Programs may need to be renamed so that the title is recognizable as inclusive of walking and bicycling. Alternatives are 'EarthShare Access', or 'EarthSmart Commuting'. (We will use 'EarthShare'.)
  2. Set quantifiable goals for non-motorized travel in vehicle trip reduction plans.
  3. Train Building or Institution Transportation Coordinator in non-motorized transportation.
  4. Include visuals, demonstrations, materials and handouts on non-motorized travel in periodic "EarthShare" promotion events.
  5. Include non-motorized materials in 'Commuter Information Center' board, kiosk or rack.
  6. Expand ridematch program to include bike-buddy matching program.
  7. Provide high quality, convenient, secure bicycle parking.
  8. Offer extra discount, subsidy or perquisites for people who walk or bicycle to bus, above discount or subsidy for people who drive to bus.
  9. Extend rideshare bonus or reward program to all participants in 'EarthShare' or establish bonus/reward program specifically for non-motorized commuters.
  10. Establish weighted benefit program to encourage non-motorized travel.
  11. Create an alternative working schedule program for non-motorized commuters. This could include flextime, compressed work weeks, and staggered work hours.
  12. Institute a guaranteed ride home in emergencies for all pedestrians and bicyclists.
  13. Design flexible 'EarthShare' programs, so participants are acknowledge to some extent even if they don't participate every day.
  14. Provide inviting on-site changing room, locker, showers, and towel service for non-motorized commuter or arrange access to nearby facilities. (shower wishlist details)
  15. Schedule 'on-bike' bicycle training sessions to help build 'bicycle confidence'.
  16. Establish a credit facility to help low income employees to buy bicycles.
  17. Supplement 'motor-pool' with 'bicycle-pool' and 'bicycle-trailer-pool'.
  18. Sponsor a bicycle club at the work site.
  19. Work with local government to make the transportation infrastructure in the community bicycle and pedestrian friendly.
  20. Work with local government or local transit utility to establish a shuttle van service past any major barriers to bicyclists or pedestrians.
  21. Work with local government or local transit utility to establish or expand transit system programs for facilitating pedestrian and bicycling clients (i.e. access to bus stop, bicycle parking at bus stops and transit centers, bicycle-on-bus programs.)
  22. Have corporate directors and managers set an 'EarthShare' example.

Shower wish list details:
* Good ventilation is essential - you don't want to come out sweatier than when you went in.
* A small bench is handy to place personal belongings while you shower.
* Make sure the hot water supply is up to the task before the shower is fitted
* Somewhere to dry towels and wet riding gear will stop radiators, backs of chairs, etc, becoming cluttered.
* A well-drained floor is a must - there's nothing worse than having wet socks all day.
* Lockers are the finishing touch. They're ideal to keep a change of clothes.

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