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Teaching / Learning to Bicycle: Commentary



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As our Teaching Kids (and Adults) to Ride a Bicycle materials increase the ranks of bicyclist one-by-one, here is a sample of the very interesting, inspiring and encouraging feedback we have received:


Submitted by Devmani ( ) on Tuesday, June 14, 2022 at 08:43
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

ohh my god, how nicely it has explained and done, thank you so much!!


Submitted by Tess Cordell Kitchen ( ) on Saturday, June 4, 2022 at 18:59
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you for the video

This is exactly what i did! I was 40 when i learned to ride a bike. Thank you for this video!!!


Submitted by Che Galang ( ) on Monday, May 23, 2022 at 06:13
Message Type: praise
Subject: Re-learning ride

It's been 40 years from the time I learned to ride a bike, now, I am in my 60's but still have the eagerness to ride a bike. Though it took so much time to balance , but doing it repeatedly makes it a little bit perfect. Now that fuel has a sky rocketing price better to ride a bike in going to work. A lot of benefits can be achieved. Thanks for your awesome video, I learned so much the basic once again.


Submitted by dogdanb ( ) on Tuesday, April 12, 2022 at 07:49
Message Type: praise
Subject: I learned to ride

I literally learned how to ride a bike by following this video :)))


Submitted by Sheila Begum ( ) on Sunday, January 16, 2022 at 15:20
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you so much for the video

Today I learned how to ride a bike for the first time at 29 years old, in 45 minutes! After reading comments of people saying they learned in such short time, I really wanted to be one of them and I did it! It was the most amazing feeling! Thank you so much for the video!!!


Submitted by Ayesha Begum ( ) on Sunday, September 12, 2021 at 11:38
Message Type: praise
Subject: Motivational video

This video motivated me so much- I went out on my bike (that I had literally bought the day before) and within an hour was riding a bike for the first time ever (I'm 37 years old!!). Thank you so much for the gradual steps and the idea of using a slope initially to help get balance and momentum. I'm so excited that I can go out riding and teach my son now too!! Brilliant


Submitted by t sh ( ) on Thursday, August 12, 2021 at 11:36
Message Type: praise
Subject: that's great

that's great


Submitted by Abigail Mabansag ( ) on Wednesday, June 2, 2021 at 22:15
Message Type: praise
Subject: Good Job

6:20 her smile that made my day hahaha. Good job! I was learning on how to ride a bike then ytube recommended me this. i wanna ride a bike with my friends


Submitted by Bridget Jones ( ) on Tuesday, May 18, 2021 at 21:10
Message Type: praise
Subject: Best Video

This is one of the best videos for beginner bicyclists. I wish that I had been exposed to this method when I first started to learn how to ride a bike at 8 or 9 years old.


Submitted by Erica B ( ) on Tuesday, May 11, 2021 at 07:46
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

Hi! I learned how to ride a bike yesterday. Thank you for this video. This helped so much, especially with using the slope/small hill to get momentum at first.


Submitted by KidRainbow Does Stuff ( ) on Friday, May 7, 2021 at 05:19
Message Type: praise

And when thw world nedded him most. He Vanished but he helper 600k begginer bycyclers before he vansihed.


Submitted by Lola Hey ( ) on Sunday, March 21, 2021 at 16:26
Message Type: praise



Submitted by JGAL ( ) on Saturday, March 20, 2021 at 14:23
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

I have been looking for tutorials on how to learn to ride a bike at my late 40’s. I found this tutorial a long time ago and from then on till now still stuck in my mind. And this afternoon 20/03/21, finally made it in 3 hours. I still need practice as my partner has to push to give me a start up. Thank you for your tutorial.


Submitted by jaya nandy ( ) on Thursday, March 11, 2021 at 02:29
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

Very beneficial video.


Submitted by Batta Soda ( ) on Friday, January 8, 2021 at 14:23
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

I am 60 and self teaching to ride. Your voice, instructions and confidence in the learner will remain with me until I ride. Thank you


Submitted by Sandy Nandy ( ) on Sunday, December 27, 2020 at 08:39
Message Type: praise
Subject: I learned to ride

Thank you so much for showing how to ride a bicycle. I am 30 plus ,saw your video and tried to ride a bicycle and yes I did it in 5 days. Today is 26th December and I took the first ride, so came here to thank you. love from India ❤


Submitted by Ajitha Vijayakumar ( ) on Saturday, December 5, 2020 at 02:03
Message Type: feedback
Subject: I can't do it

I'm 15 and I'm learning cycling alone. I am following these steps but I don't get it 😭 everyone says it's easy but I don't know why I can't do it.


Submitted by Vanathi Hariparanthaman  ( ) on Tuesday, November 10, 2020 at 18:32
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

Thank you so much.


Submitted by Rumi Sarma ( ) on Friday, October 23, 2020 at 05:04
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thumbs up



Submitted by Sab Sab ( ) on Wednesday, October 14, 2020 at 10:38
Message Type: praise

Pandal pr dheere pair rkh kr chlao [Hindi]
पंडाल पर धीरे पैर रख कर चलो
(Step on the pedal slowly.)


Submitted by piya thakur ( ) on Saturday, October 10, 2020 at 01:59
Message Type: praise
Subject: The lawn

Oh dear I want that lawn. OK, I learned a technique here. ☺☺☺☺


Submitted by Akaruiumi31nihon ( ) on Sunday, Sept 13, 2020 at 14:51
Message Type: praise
Subject: Close to bicycling

I’m literally on the last step of setting off from flat. Almost got it. And need to work on my right turn a bit. Somehow seeing this video makes me feel better about the mess ups today on my starts.☺ Bar the starts the rest came easy.


Submitted by Hazelle L ( ) on Saturday, August 22, 2020 at 02:18
Message Type: praise
Subject: The song

What is the title of this song? I love it!

[editor: "The Bicycle Song", by David Rovics, ]


Submitted by Sofia Liendo ( ) on Wednesday, August 19, 2020 at 20:18
Message Type: praise
Subject: Ready to learn

Well boy! with that music, I feel soo ready to start! But not bike yet. I use to run but broke my cross tendom in one of knees, now with all the happening in my beloved Venezuela, everybody needs a bike, I think will be ready for next week. Cheers!


Submitted by BC Cletts ( ) on Wednesday, August 19, 2020 at 06:30
Message Type: praise
Subject: Bicycling

I learned to ride a safety bicycle in the 1960's by the regular method and 40 years later learned to ride an ordinary (60" wheel BTW) in exactly the same way. This is essentially the method shown in the video and splits the 3 basic skills required into separate stages, rather than trying to learn all 3 at the same time, C-B-A C= Control - astride the bike with feet flat on the ground, and 'paddle' around feeling how the steering and brakes work, without jerking. Older learners can start off the bike, and holding the saddle, wheel the bike around, steering it by leaning, and push the bike along feeling the right forces to apply to the brakes for smooth stopping B= Balance - raise the saddle slightly and with a smooth pavement or tarmac or blocks, that has a slight downhill incline, scoot and lift the feet up, for longer and longer distances. Having already mastered C the rider can brake & steer with confidence. A great thing here is that it is very difficult to go faster than you can scoot. A= Action - set up the pedals, and use the non-attached support options (holding shoulders lightly), with a pedal 'high' at 45 degrees to push down on (either foot - but usually the right one by natural right handedness). Initially some may prefer to 'ratchet' pedal making partial rotations and rocking back as they roll along, and gradually increasing to full rotation of the pedals. Others can move to a single powerful push down and get rolling straight away Once these basic skills are mastered than further vital skills need to be acquired - Riding with one hand lifted from the 'bars and then with the arm extended to signal - Riding whilst looking behind and keeping in a (fairly) straight line - the Lifesaver look, as c.80% of cyclists killed by drivers are hit from behind, and this is a vital way of communicating with drivers (and cyclists) coming up behind you - Getting off and on a moving bicycle - the London Ambulance riders (& many Police cyclists) learn 8 ways of dismounting, often a way to avoid injury should the brakes fail, or a rider 'runs out of road'. A classic novice injury is the broken collar bone when a fall leaves the rider with arms stiff and stretched out in front to hit the ground A caveat on stabilisers here - they should really be called de-stabilisers, and pose a very real danger of a child leaping on to a bike and pedalling off at speed without knowing how to stop or steer. Then a corner taken at speed, by turning the handlebars, will see the bike lifted up and rotating around the pivot point of the outside stabiliser wheel, throwing the rider face-first into the pavement - injuries to the face and neck which a helmet can actually exacerbate.


Submitted by Elena Danilova ( ) on Tuesday, August 18, 2020 at 22:09
Message Type: praise
Subject: Inspired

OMG, I was cheering her up:) Thank you-thank you for the lesson!!! I'm going to try your system


Submitted by L G ( ) on Wednesday, August 12, 2020 at 06:41
Message Type: praise
Subject: Love the smile

I really love the smile on her face when she was able to get her balance the first time. Great job!! So happy for her!!


Submitted by Kayal Bennett ( ) on Wednesday, August 5, 2020 at 21:09
Message Type: praise
Subject: Follow the video

I learnt to ride today and this is one of the videos I constantly referred to. It helped me with the techniques step by step.


Submitted by Subra Siham ( ) on Wednesday, August 5, 2020 at 05:35
Message Type: praise
Subject: Working on bicycling

This is giving me hope I am 21 and I have been trying to for two days 😭 I will update you when I learn wish me luck.


Submitted by Mohammad Husain ( ) on Monday, July 25, 2020 at 13:41
Message Type: praise
Subject: Unique video

This is probably the only video I have seen where someone is genuinely learning to bike!


Submitted by Damian Etzler ( ) on Sunday, July 24, 2020 at 11:29
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

Thank you for your video i learn how to ride the bike from thank you so much now i ride my bike everyday godbless.


Submitted by ameen nallur ( ) on Friday, July 22, 2020 at 11:33
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

I did it within a hour, thank you so much ♥ ♥


Submitted by Srinivas B G ( ) on Friday, July 10, 2020 at 22:04
Message Type: praise

Practice makes man per.... !


Submitted by Sagar Chatterjee ( ) on Wednesday, July 8, 2020 at 11:15
Message Type: praise
Subject: Helpful video

Thanks for the video I also learn cycle by looking into this video. This video is great help for the new learners.


Submitted by Sreya Chatterjee ( ) on Wednesday, July 8, 2020 at 10:16
Message Type: praise
Subject: Perseverance

Thank you so much for sharing this video. The best tutorial ever. I thought I can never do it but finally I have learnt to ride bike. It took me some time, almost a week but with some patience I could do it. :)


Submitted by Authentic Introvert ( ) on Tuesday, July 7, 2020 at 19:38
Message Type: praise
Subject: I learned.

After 22 years, i never really thought i could ever ride a cycle especially being blind in one eye and feeling too embarrassed to ride a cycle I got a cycle and followed these steps without the decline and removing the pedals Took me 2 days but i can finally ride a bike, thanks to this video :')


Submitted by Cooking With Koyal ( ) on Tuesday, July 7, 2020 at 17:37
Message Type: praise
Subject: Learning to bike.

Now at age of 27 daily practicing how to ride & after this daily watching this video☺ I don't have low seat cycle, I have my husband cycle, which is quite heavy. I literally convincing him to buy a new one for me☺.


Submitted by Sheroma Blackman ( ) on Tuesday, July 7, 2020 at 09:13
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you.

I was grinning from ear to ear watching her do it with pride, at her age ♥ Makes me feel like I can do it too ☺.


Submitted by Cooking With Koyal ( ) on Wednesday, June 24, 2020 at 11:47
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you.

Wow I am 27 Literally it's my dream I am going to learning this video helpful & motivating me also.


Submitted by pileydes ( ) on Sunday, June 21, 2020 at 00:58
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you.

Great video! Thank you, the teacher and the learner.


Submitted by Swarna Priya ( ) on Sunday, June 21, 2020 at 00:16
Message Type: praise
Subject: Tutorial.

Hey thank you so much i learnt riding cycle thanks for your tutorial really helpful.


Submitted by Obaidul Hoque ( ) on Thursday, June 18, 2020 at 04:01
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thanks for the help.

Thank you so much. Its help me to ride cycle.


Submitted by Sweety Dey ( ) on Wednesday, June 3, 2020 at 02:23
Message Type: praise
Subject: Bike video.



Submitted by Tony Burac ( ) on Saturday, May 30, 2020 at 08:30
Message Type: praise
Subject: Great teacher.

You're a great teacher.


Submitted by Guadalupe Avalos ( ) on Wednesday, May 27, 2020 at 06:22
Message Type: praise
Subject: Bless you.

Bless you sir! My scary grown 27 year old self just learned how to ride in 2 hours. I can’t believe it I’m a huge chicken when it comes to riding a bike now I’m riding on the side walk. Thank you!


Submitted by MJ Ganda ( ) on Thursday, May 14, 2020 at 04:57
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you.

Im 30+ and im afraid to ride a bike. I was thinking right now,that i should learn how to ride a bike. 😉


Submitted by Vladimir Ipotzky ( ) on Sunday, May 10, 2020 at 03:55
Message Type: praise
Subject: Ready to learn.

I'm 47, I've just learn to ride a mtb during this quarantine for work. It's hard for me like today I was tripped because of a car infront of me and got scratch my elbow in a wall bec the road was to tight. I'm always scared when I ride, but it was fun for me even if I don't have the confidence and I'm happy to learn and continue just like this old lady, be safe😉


Submitted by Preethi Alwin ( ) on Tuesday, May 5, 2020 at 11:14
Message Type: praise
Subject: Ready to learn.

Thank you so much for this video , I learnt in 1/2 hour.


Submitted by J Leena ( ) on Wednesday, April 15, 2020 at 14:20
Message Type: praise
Subject: Mother learns to bicycle.

<>You taught me too! As a mother I can finally ride with my little boy!! Thank you thank you thank you.


Submitted by Ashi Masu ( ) on Friday, February 21, 2020 at 04:33
Message Type: praise
Subject: bicycling for four years..

This is where I learned how to bike! That was on 2016 I was 21 years old.


Submitted by smd2768 ( ) on Sunday, September 22, 2019 at 17:36
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you.

This made me smile.


Submitted by Lorraine Martinez ( ) on Tuesday, September 17, 2019 at 23:01
Message Type: praise
Subject: Video is a big help.

I wish I posted this 4 years ago when it first helped my son to learn how to ride a bike. He learned in 15 minutes and the steps you gave were so helpful! Now I just come here and watch your video because it’s so wholesome and makes me smile 😊 I’m so happy she can teach ppl of all ages ❤.


Submitted by Mysterion ( ) on Monday, August 19, 2019 at 12:41
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you.

Thank you so much, I'm 33 and never try to ride a bike, and it took me hours to learn it and overcome my fear.


Submitted by dbedazzling1 ( ) on Monday, August 12, 2019 at 7:19
Message Type: praise

Yahh im learning too.


Submitted by Mysterion ( ) on Tuesday, July 16, 2019 at 11:42
Message Type: question

I will try but I can't imagine myself doing it.

[editor: See comment two above.]


Submitted by Riya Arora ( ) on Sunday, July 14, 2019 at 18:21
Message Type: praise
Subject: Great video

Great video 👍 what is the name of the song in the video ?

[editor: "The Bicycle Song", by David Rovics, ]


Submitted by Jim Benner ( ) on Wednesday, June 26, 2019 at 9:04
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thanks

Thanks. Worked perfectly for my daughter - She got comfortable balancing while going down a small grassy slope. She kept the pedals on the whole time, then after 8-10 trips down the hill, she started pedaling down the hill. As soon as we got home, she went right to the back driveway and it happened!.


Submitted by Linda Lindsay Agyei ( ) on Tuesday, June 18, 2019 at 21:48
Message Type: praise
Subject: Learned to ride

Thanks a lot for this video. With this method, I was able to ride for the first time in my life with a 28 wheel at 35 years. I practiced 30mins and the next 1.5hrs was like I've been doing this for long. God bless you.


Submitted by Channel Baez ( ) on Monday, June 10, 2019 at 07:30
Message Type: praise
Subject: I got it.

I tried these techniques and within an hour and a half I got it. Thank you.


Submitted by Jim M ( ) on Sunday, June 9, 2019 at 16:41
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you for sharing

Thank you for sharing. I used this technique to teach my 15 year old son today, and he was riding in the street in under 2 hours.


Submitted by Nadia Safira ( ) on Sunday, April 7, 2019 at 04:41
Message Type: praise
Subject: Hope to ride a bike soon

I'm on the step to pedaling, hope I can ride a bike soon 😇.


Submitted by Greedo ( ) on Tuesday, March 17, 2019 at 07:19
Message Type: praise
Subject: Great YouTube

This is truly a great youtube video.


Submitted by Julio Penales ( ) on Tuesday, March 5, 2019 at 04:41
Message Type: praise
Subject: Good Teacher

I've been teaching my wife for 2 weeks and she did not learn. I almost throw away her new bike 😂😂, but when she watched this video it took her 15 minutes to learn how to ride a bike. you are a very good teacher😁😁😁😁


Submitted by Roman Khalili ( ) on Wednesday, February 6, 2019 at 03:42
Message Type: praise
Subject: Great Video

I watched alot of videos on YouTube but only this one helped me ride for first time. Great video & instructions THANKS


Submitted by Fatima Nowrin Rima ( ) on Friday, January 4, 2019 at 08:26
Message Type: praise
Subject: Awesome Video

this video really so awesome.... i like it...


Submitted by Sam Rajthala ( ) on Tuesday, January 1, 2019 at 12:20
Message Type: praise
Subject: Song

Just get on the bike ride weird song but funny 🗣🧒👨🦳👨🦳👩🦳👩🦳👩🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪


Submitted by Nycel Geraga ( ) on Friday, December 21, 2018 at 0:03.
Message Type: praise
Subject: Great Video

great video, will use this when training my little girl.... thanks for sharing this


Submitted by Anthony Lee ( ) on Sunday, August 26, 2018 at 6:08.
Message Type: praise
Subject: Teaching son to bike

This method worked perfectly for my son. He was riding within 90 minutes. Thank you so much for posting this video! Cheers from Montreal, Canada


Submitted by Som ( ) on Friday, August 3, 2018 at 13:08.
Message Type: praise
Subject: Fulfilling a dream

It was a childhood dream to learn cycling.. I tried many times but failed. Thanks a ton for this video.. I learnt cycling entirely on my own. Took me 4-5 hrs but now I can ride it effortlessly. And zero falls during all this. A huge thanks.


Submitted by Pam Pickness ( ) on Tuesday, April 29, 2018 at 21:40.
Message Type: praise
Subject: Learning to bike

I'm 48 and hopefully will be finally able to ride a bike. I'm feeling confident with these awesome videos. I'm crying because I'm so happy for her. She did a great job and you are a awesome teacher. I wish when I was a kid this was how they taught people to ride bikes.


Submitted by Lion 77 ( ) on Sunday, April 30, 2018 at 10:46.
Message Type: praise
Subject: Adult learner

I really wanted you to know this, i am 20 year old who tried cycling when I was like 5/6 and fell badly which created a fear in me when learning's. I couldn't give my 💯 so now when I decided to face my fears and wanted to bicycle... I came across your video and tried it hoping I would learn I did fall once tho 😂 I bicycled 30mins per day for 5 days and boooommmmm!! I got it! I'm so happy so is my family and I'm thankful to you.. God bless you!!! 😘


Submitted by Prathiba S ( ) on Sunday, April 29, 2018 at 07:35.
Message Type: praise
Subject: I succeeded

Nice, I tried and succeeded riding cycle.


Submitted by Marilou Domingo ( ) on Friday, April 13, 2018 at 00:13.
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thx for video

Tnx a lot for this video i learned to ride in just an hour..its a big help seeing this video..riding a bike is my most dream hehe


Submitted by Eye on art ( ) on Tuesday, March 6, 2018 at 06:53.
Message Type: praise
Subject: video instruction

great instruction too!


Submitted by Eye on art ( ) on Tuesday, March 6, 2018 at 06:50.
Message Type: praise
Subject: Smile

her sweet smile of success


Submitted by Brendan Martin ( ) on Wednesday, February 14, 2018 at 07:04.
Message Type: praise
Subject: 😊👍

She catch very fastly. 😊👍


Submitted by hardeep talreja ( ) on Sunday, January 21, 2018 at 06:06.
Message Type: praise
Subject: WoW

WoW beautiful song. Nice tutorial. I learned the hard way, loosing the balance and hurting myself many times. But it was worth it.


Submitted by Kumar Ankur ( ) on Thursday, January 11, 2018 at 02:36.
Message Type: praise

GREAT video.


Submitted by Connie ( ) on Tuesday, December 5, 2017 at 21:29.
Message Type: praise

I watched a few videos on how to learn to ride a bicycle and yours was one I liked and enjoyed the most. I also found it really helpful and took all the lessons you gave and put them into practice, and today after 45 mins I learned how to ride a bike. I'm 27, SO IT'S NEVER TOO LATE. DO NOT BE AFRAID AND JUST DO IT! After you know have how to keep your balance over the bike figured out (do find a slight slope just like the lady in this video, it does help a lot!) the rest just comes more naturally and you just need to practice. Do not give in until you have it figure out and can start pedaling on your own, doesn't even take you days. After watching many videos on how to ride a bike today, I noticed there were lots of people over 20 that didn't know how to ride a bike, so don't feel embarrassed if you don't know yet, just borrow or buy a bike if you can and try. Have a nice day and tell your stories so more people will feel encouraged to give it a go. When I read comments of people telling their success stories it definitely helped me out to learn how to ride once and for all even more!


Submitted by Eye on Art ( ) on Friday, November 17, 2017 at 18:34.
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thanks

I was going to sell my bike until I saw this video. Thanks to both of you.


Submitted by BankruptMonkey ( ) on Wednesday, October 18, 2017 at 11:40.
Message Type: praise
Subject: Best Video

The best video to help adults learn that I've found! I feel I can do it!.


Submitted by Mark C (barnhey@****.net) on Thursday, August 10, 2017 at 12:58.
Message Type: praise
Subject: Success in an hour

I just wanted to thank you for the great advice. My 10 year old daughter learnt to ride her bike in about an hour by following your advice. It was simply excellent! Very proud dad now :-)


Submitted by Asma Ansari ( ) on Sunday, July 2, 2017 at 23:36.
Message Type: praise

Hi, I want to thank you for such a great video... It really works.. I learned without any past cycling experience within 3 hrs.. More importantly without hurting myself much.. Thanks again.


Submitted by kreipagrace () on Sunday, June 4, 2017 at 2:09.
Message Type: praise

This video helped me to learn cycling on my own without anyone helping me. I admire this video . Thank you for posting this.


Submitted by Art and Art () on Thursday, June 1, 2017 at 16:52
Message Type: praise

Thank you, I appreciate you show this video, it is the best! I will teach to my granddaughters to bike, Thanks again!


Submitted by yan dp () on Wednesday, May 10, 2017 at 16:44
Message Type: praise

This is very nice video. I am 35 years old and don't know how to ride a bike before. Thanks for this video, I know how to ride a bike now. I thought i would never experience to ride a bike. Was motivated to learn how to ride because my 5 year old son already know how to ride a bike and he wants me to accompany him while riding. Luckily , I saw this video and i tried it in a concrete slope/parking lot in a university. I woke up 5 am in the morning to learn by myself and copy the method used in the video and hola within an hour I am already riding a bike. Thanks again.


Submitted by Arrow Griffin () on Monday, May 8, 2017 at 9:15
Message Type: praise

This helped me learn how to ride one myself, so thank you! :D


Submitted by Blazer433 () on Thursday, April 13, 2017 at 11:50
Message Type: praise

well done!


Submitted by Dhannnu M () on Tuesday, April 4, 2017 at 11:40
Message Type: praise

good inspiration for new learners


Submitted by chelseafn10 () on Thursday, March 16, 2017 at 15:29
Message Type: praise

Good video! A great way to start.


Submitted by Josiel Macedo de Oliviera () on Monday, January 30, 2017 at 07:41
Message Type: praise

it really work, i´m 49 and i can ride a bike now, thanks.


Submitted by Pritam Baikwad () on Sunday, January 1, 2017 at 07:28
Message Type: praise

It's Never 2 late to learn  :-)


Submitted by christopher benson () on Sunday, September 11, 2016 at 15:40
Message Type: praise

Absolutely brilliant video many thanks for sharing


Submitted by Patrick Neve () on Wednesday, September 7, 2016 at 08:28
Message Type: praise

This was incredibly helpful, our daughter learned from this video. Took a few days, but there was improvement every day. Now we're getting around and working on traffic safety and other skills. Thank you so much!


Submitted by Kara () on Tuesday, August 16, 2016 at 16:49
Message Type: praise

your volunteer is cute.  Bless her.


Submitted by Ray Kan () on Sunday, July 24, 2016 at 21:05
Message Type: praise

Thank you so much, my wife was afraid of learning to ride a bike, and we failed many times. After we watched your awesome video, she success in 2 hours.


Submitted by Ioanna Seremetis () on Monday, June 27, 2016 at 12:23
Message Type: praise

Thank you so much, your video helped me to ride a bike literally within an hour, and I'm over 50.. happy, happy, HAPPY!!!


Submitted by wosackman () on Saturday, June 25, 2016 at 13:41
Message Type: praise

Brilliant! Thanks so much for this video!


Submitted by orville esoy () on Monday, May 30, 2016 at 22:36
Message Type: praise

This video made me smile!!! :D


Submitted by Windy3s () on Saturday, February 27, 2016 at 12:41
Message Type: praise

well a gone ass man and can't ride,every time I ask for help people just laugh 😢 I need a garden or private Park to practice 😂


Submitted by Fouzia Akhwand () on Monday, February 1, 2016 at 06:28
Message Type: praise

Thank you!!!!


Submitted by rita mona () on Tuesday, January 25, 2016 at 15:47
Message Type: praise

thnxsss so much, this video was so infomative &helped me alot. (:


Submitted by Anna (anna@****** on Saturday, December 12, 2015 at 16:07
Message Type: praise
Subject: Teaching 14 year old to ride

Thank you so much for your video tutorial on teaching an adult to ride. It literally did take just one hour to get my 14 year old riding with some confidence. She has been sick for most of this year so it was fantastic to see her having such an achievement.

Thanks again



Submitted by cocalooka () on September, 2015 at 16:07
Message Type: praise

We had tried to teach my now 8 year old daughter to ride a bike for the last two years, all without success. She was just frightened of the bike and I was getting worried that she would never learn to ride. I saw your video and thought I'd try it. Worked like a charm! She was riding the bike the same day. It's genius to take it in steps. I can't thank you enough! :-)


Submitted by ( ) on Tuesday, August 11, 2015 at 06:10
Message Type: praise
Subject: Learning to Bicycle

Worked like a charm for my nine old daughter. Last week she looked like she would never get it on a road, but the grass down the hill worked great. Thank you for the advice.


Submitted by ( ) on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 11:39
Message Type: praise
Subject: Riding Bike Journey

Thank you so much for posting the YouTube video and the step-by-step directions on how to ride a bike without pain! Our 9 and 11 years old girls finally learned how to ride a bike with your wonderful methodology, in one day!!! We were thrilled to finally see our girls smiling with pride when they finally pedaled away on their own! We wished we saw your video 5 years ago, when we first started on teaching them to ride. It was a painful experience then. Now, we are boasting to everyone we know about your unique techniques via video and link. Thank you for all you do! Much is appreciated.


Submitted by (sohteckwah@*** on Monday, March 9, 2015 at 20:47
Message Type: praise
Subject: Learning to bicycle without pain

I am trying to teach my wife at age 52 to learn bicycle. I must say that this is one of the best video material for teaching adult to bicycle that Id find in YouTube.


Submitted by Lesia C., March, 2015 at 20:47
Message Type: praise

I had my doubts, but I tried this method and I can now ride a bike. It was hard and took me several hours, but I did it! 


Submitted by (jesmikmac@***.net) on Sunday, July 27, 2014 at 19:45
Message Type: praise
Subject: Learning to Ride

My 11-year-old daughter struggles with coordination and balance. She tried, on several occasions, to learn to ride and never could quite master it. She reluctantly agreed to try again this year. My husband and I soon realized that balance, breaking, and steering was too much information for her to process at one time. I took to the internet and found your method. I can proudly say over the course of 4 days (less than 2 hours time) she is riding a bike completely on her own. This was a great confidence builder for her.


Submitted by Manisha A. (a***, on Saturday, May 3, 2014 at 09:10.
Message Type: praise
Subject: Learned Cycling

Dear Sir, I wish to express my gratitute as I learned cycling without any help in just few hours. I am a 40 year old lady, always scared for cycling. When I decided to learn cyclin, I was always requesting people to give me support in holding the cycle. However, I just happended to see your videa in the morning and decided to give a try in the evening. I borrowing a cycle from a girl in the building and tried on my own without any help. And wonders, withing an hour's time, I could ride staight. Thought I have not yet learnt turning, this is unbelievable. I have got so much of confidence today that I decided to pen this down immediately. You have made a big change to my life. Thank you very much. Now I would really like to take up cycling as a good exercise. Please send me if there is any other litrature related to cycling.


Submitted by Australian (), on Saturday, Jan 12, 2014 at 14:22.
Message Type: praise
Subject: Riding finally aged 35

I am 35 and have never ridden a bike before. Parents were not interested in teaching me as a kid and I have lived with the constant shame and embarrassment. I have done so much in my life thus far but never rode a bike. I watched your video and went out and bought a bike and followed all the steps diligently. I taught myself with no one else around. To my amazement I was pedalling within 10 minutes of starting and 30 minutes after that had mastered the standing start. I also managed to start on a hill and get turning correct I was having so much fun I didn't want to stop. Thank you thank you thank you again for helping me!!! Keep up the great work.


Submitted by MaverickRhetoric  (), on Friday, Nov 1, 2013 at 12:01.
Message Type: praise
Subject: Learning to ride

I'm a very slow learner. However, today I went from a couple feet on the flat ground to over 20 meters on a slope. I haven't learned how to add pedaling yet, but I was unable to make any progress until I watched this video. Every other place shows the learner getting on the bike once or a quick learning child. I don't know what it was, but I think just watching someone do this over and over made something click. Thank you very much for this! It really did help!


Submitted by Sudhir Ogale ( ) , on Saturday, Oct 19 at 14:20.
Message Type: praise
Subject: Learning to ride

This is definitely good technic. I was able to to teach my 10 years old daughter within a week. That too without failing and without running behind her :) I remember I learnt it for more than a month, with help of my father. He used to run with me, for giving the support while I ride.


Submitted by Angela S.  (s*****, on Saturday, Oct 5, 2013 at 06:15
Message Type: praise
Subject: Bike riding

Thank you SO much for your site. I just used it to help our 7 year old learn to ride his bike. It worked like a charm. He had such confidence and is now riding like a bullet. This was such an easy way to teach him with no stress or frustration. It was such a pleasure - thanks for the great tips!


Submitted by Brian Rayment  (*@*), on Saturday, Aug 18, 2013 at 15:47
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you.

Great video for learning to ride a bicycle, a great touch to use a senior to teach.


Submitted by Tina W. [t***], on Tuesday, Aug 6, 2013 at 17:30
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

My husband and I have been trying to teach our 11 year old son how to ride his bike for 4 years. It has been frustrating and emotional for all 3 of us.

This summer after watching him once again in tears trying over and over to ride, I started looking online for help. I luckily found your site.

After watching your video, my son went out and taught himself (on grass) in less than 30 minutes. He was riding on pavement for over an hour tonight with the biggest grin on his face!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

You helped my son reach a goal he's been trying to get for such a long time!


Submitted by rofllol48 ( ), on Friday, Aug 2, 2013 at 23:21
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

awesome! I'll try to do this :) I just bought a bike today and wanted to learn how to ride one so I can also prepare myself to learn how to drive a car lol. I know it's sorta different, but most of my friends were able to learn how to drive very easily because they knew how to ride bicycles. So, believing in what they say, I will learn how to bike and will follow these drills :) thank you so much!


Submitted by PerfectlyAnywhere ( ), on Tuesday, July 23, 2013 at 05:38
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

This is going to be a big help for me as I've just been giving a bike I haven't rode a bike since I was 9 and it's not like the old saying I need to relearn lol


Submitted by Steve Leonard ( ), on Monday, July 8, 2013 at 08:10
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

This video is brilliant I taught my step daughter to ride a bike in under half an hour using this technique. Very easy.


Submitted by Richard E ( ), on Sunday, July 7, 2013 at 07:46
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

I was able to use some tips in this video to learn to ride a bike this morning. And I'm 30! Now I have to practice gears, steering, balance etc. Also need to get my seat up a bit....


Submitted by Tsaving6 ( ), on Tuesday, July 2, 2013 at 07:39
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

This video is beyond useful...I never thought i will be able to do it and I
avoided it all my life. Well I tuned 29 this year and this was in my list.
I tried the drill in the morning and I am pretty happy with my progress. I
am planning to go to the park in the afternoon to try riding on a flatter
surface....Yipppppee...I could doooooooooooooooo itt!!!!


Submitted by muie5 ( ), on Saturday, June 29, 2013 at 08::49
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

Your video was a tremendous help to me in teaching my 10 year old grandson to ride a bike. He didn't want to learn out of fear of failure and if it had not been for your easy method I don't think he would have learned with out hurting
himself.  He can now ride and I wish you could have seen his thrilled face, his huge smile when he rode on pavement for the first time.  God bless!


Submitted by Scott Gilliland ( ), on Friday, June 28, 2013 at 15:47
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

Great video.. ran behind my 5 year old granddaughter for an hour with no
luck, taught her in less than 10 minutes with your technique


Submitted by Etin Ometoruwa  ( ), on Friday, June 28, 2013 at 09:32
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

Thanks for this video. I would be learning to ride this weekend!  I am sure
it would work.


Submitted by Govinda Kamath ( ), on Sunday, June 23, 2013 at 20:13
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

Thanks for the video. I could learn cycling using this technique in just under 2 hours.


Submitted by hotdyme86 ( ), on Saturday, June 15, 2013 at 11:44
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

This video works! I did it! And I didn't fall at all! Thank you!!!


Submitted by Agus Wahyudi ( ), on Sunday, June 9, 2013 at 21:00
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

this video changed my life.... thank so much.... i am 32.


Submitted by Rebecca Mitchell ( ), on Tuesday, June 6, 2013 at 09:29
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

Thank you for that. Shows that you're never too old to learn how to ride a bike.


Submitted by Gloria S*** ( ), on Saturday, May 25, 2013 at 12:32
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

oh wow thanks for this technique just got a 24" bike for my 9 yr old son who has never ridden a bike b4. can't wait to start teaching him how


Submitted by Gangsta stick ( ), on Tuesday, May 21, 2013 at 07:07
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

Most People do not understand that the fact that [when] you do not know how to do something [it] makes it harder for you to learn especially as you get older. I am 32 years and couldn't ride and it was like a private shame.

So i wanna thank you guys for this wonderful video and method. I got up very early before anyone else would wake up and hit the road. It took me just under an hour (I like to think its because the bike was too small that it took so long) but now i really can ride. Thank you so much


Submitted by Marina Chalke  ( ), on Saturday, May 18, 2013 at 07:26
Message Type: praise
Subject: Teaching my son to ride his bike.

Never thought it would happen, have spent the past year trying to get my 7 year old son to ride without stabilisers. 50 minutes using your method and he was riding around on two wheels with so much confidence. Am so proud of my 7 year old and so grateful to this site. Many thanks.


Submitted by rammerizkool  ( ), on Monday, May 13, 2013 at 11:53
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

she looked so happy when she finally went down the hill while pedalling!


Submitted by stsesame  ( ), on Saturday, May 4, 2013 at 10:02
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

At 33, I finally learnt how to ride today following this video! The method is perfect! Once I learnt how to balance & got the feel of how to glide along, pedaling came almost naturally! Thank you!


Submitted by v*** yepez   ( ), on Sunday, Apr 21, 2013 at 20:27
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

Thank you so much for this video! I finally learned how to ride a bike and I did it in one day with this video.  p.s. I'm 28!


Submitted by s*** loh   ( ), on Monday, Apr 15, 2013 at 05:34
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

awesome !!


Submitted by n*** weasley   ( ), on Sunday, Apr 7, 2013 at 07:23
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

Thank's a bunch for posting this video, it's helped me so much to start learning. I need some more practice and I'll achieve at least B+ in this subject hahahha! And you were absolutely right about the pain and strain, I could not find them in me since I've kept the lesson shown on this great video in mind. I've spent 2 days and I guess tomorrow I'll be riding around my neighborhood with pride :))) and I'm 31 :D God bless you!


Submitted by mbmflips79  ( ), on Saturday, Mar 23, 2013 at 16:57
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

Thank you so much for posting this I missed out on so much in my childhood at 34, I was able to pedal this method still Awkward but a few more practice I can ride!!!


Submitted by ( ), on Friday, Mar 15, 2013 at 06:53
Message Type: praise
Subject: Taught my child to ride a bike

Just wanted you to know that your instructional video is awesome and it really works! My child (7 yrs old) learned how to ride his bike without his training wheels in a little over an hour. (1 hour and 15 minutes) We've been trying to teach him for six months and it always ended horribly with him frustrated and me and my husband exhausted. The method you demonstrated in the video was painless and pleasant. We all actually had fun! Thank you for posting the video and instructions.


Submitted by squirrelavengerr31 ( ), on Sunday, Dec 2, 2012 at 16:25
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

My wife and I are traveling to Europe next year and I really wanted to learn how to ride a bike. I am 32 years old and never learned. We tried on our sidewalk for some time but I quickly became frustrated. I went online thinking I needed adult training wheels and I came across your video on youtube. My wife and I followed the same instructions as you did (except I did not remove the pedals) and within 1 hour I was riding.

A very simple pleasure that brought me indescribable joy.  THANK YOU!


Submitted by Susanta Kar  ( ), on Thursday, Oct 22, 2012 at 20:01
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

Real training - with no time. I really loved that for my kids to learn bike riding.


Submitted by kenpwtam  ( ), on Sunday, Oct 18, 2012 at 08:38
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

This is amazing! Thanks for the method!!


Submitted by anmol patankar  ( ), on Sunday, Oct 18, 2012 at 00:38
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

thanks this video is awesome im 10 years old now i can learn


Submitted by Dragos763  ( ), on Monday, Oct 1, 2012 at 12:11
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

THANKS!!!! I managed to teach my 5 y.o. son riding 2 wheels in 3 hours using your method.


Submitted by Stephanie B.  (asburnham* ), on Thursday, Sept 20, 2012 at 6:54
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you so much

Thank you so much for your wonderful advice. My son has been terrified for a year about learning to ride without training wheels. My husband and I found your website and read about your methods; they worked flawlessly for my son! Our six year old is whizzing down the road on his bike now after only four days of practice! Thank you for helping me to help my son. God bless, the Burnham family.


Submitted by crysbrightt. ( ), on Tueday, Aug 21, 2012 at 9:13
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

My daughter is 7.5, and we tried teaching her with training wheels, with some snags. Her balance is terrible but I thought we would try to master the pedaling and steering first. This makes soooo much more sense, we're totally trying this tomorrow!!! Thank you so much for sharing!


Submitted by achakrawarti. ( ), on Monday, July 30, 2012 at 18:48
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

I am planning to follow this video. So inspiring. I just bought a bike and hope to have the same smile on my face too :) . Thanks for the video.


Submitted by maenchito22. ( ), on Friday, July 27, 2012 at 12:21
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

I am 54 years old and one of my dreams was to ride a bike. Thanks for this video finally I learned to ride my bike. Thanks so much!


Submitted by Miklay. ( ), on Thursday, July 26, 2012 at 14:17
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

The big smile at 6:10 - the Ah-ha moment - was priceless!


Submitted by ThinBlueLine1969. ( ), on Sunday, July 15, 2012 at 12:45
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

My six year old son and myself watched this video and applied all the techniques shown in it. Within less than 24 hours my son had learned to ride his bike. Thank you so much for posting this video. I am a happy father!!!


Submitted by gftorain. ( ), on Friday, June 1, 2012 at 19:33
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

I am in my thirties and never learned how to ride a bike. I watched this video on Tuesday, bought a bike the next day, and was riding after a few hours! This method is so simple; I didn't fall once. I'm so glad I found this and your website! THANK YOU!!!!!!


Submitted by EmmaLilly007. ( ), on Thursday, May 31, 2012 at 10:24
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

I'm 16 and my dad may disown me if I don't learn to ride a bike before we go to see Moto GP - he wants to ride around the track with me after. Thank you SO much for this video; it seems PERFECT:)


Submitted by  Venkatesh ( ***, on Thursday, May 5, 2012 at 21:34
Message Type: praise
Subject: Fantastic Inspiration

I am a 38 year old male from India. I had never ridden a bicycle all these years i.e. until 8th May 2012 (a red letter day for me). I watched the video clip on IBF website and drew tremendous inspiration from the old lady learning to ride in one hour. I bought my own bike on Sunday 6th May, started baby steps on Tuesday 8th May and have learnt balancing, pedaling, starting and stopping as well as downhill riding by 11th May 2012. The only learning left is riding uphill now!

Fantastic inspiration and encouragement provided by your website and you can count me as one of your students who learnt the entire sequence of getting bicycle trained only from IBF. And of course, I have not used the traditional method of asking for a helping hand in learning since I used to practice at 4am in the morning !!!


Submitted by   . ( ), on Sunday, April 29, 2012 at 18:49
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thank you

I am 48 years old and I learned to ride a bicycle using your method.


Submitted by   . ( ), on Sunday, April 29, 2012 at 17:48
Message Type: praise

My 6 year old and I just watched it and decided to give this method a try. She learned to ride in under an hour. She's one happy girl! Thanks!


Submitted by   loopsuganda ( ), on Wednesday, April 25, 2012 at 19:19
Message Type: praise

Just learnt to ride a bike at 48 using this video. Thank you so much. Do to major upheavals during my childhood, I never learnt to ride a bike. Now I can ride with my family. God Bless you for this video.


Submitted by   aggybail ( ), onTueday, April 17, 2012 at 22:14
Message Type: praise

I just learned how to ride a bicycle (I'm 28) and this video helped me a lot! I practiced using a child's bicycle because I needed to have my feet touch the ground as I'm really short. I followed the steps in this video and within a few days I was riding a grown-up bike! Thanks a lot for helping people like me.


Submitted by   . ( ), on Wednesday, March 28, 2012 at 11:31
Message Type: praise
Subject: 7 year old unable to ride bike

I can hardly believe it, my granddaughter is riding her bike. After unsucessful attempts for about a year I found your site on the search engine. She watched the video with me last night and after she came home from school today we practiced for 2 hours and low and behold she is now proudly riding her bike.Thank you.


Submitted by  ptmusicuk ( ), on Tuesday, May 31, 2011 at 04:17
Message Type: praise

Great technique. After failing at getting my young daughter to ride a bike using other teaching methods (running alongside holding the bike etc) I successfully had her riding her bike this weekend after using this technique in about 30 mins! Result = Happy Dad and Daughter looking forward to going on rides together.


Submitted by   . ( ), on Monday, May 30, 2011 at 10:52
Message Type: praise
Subject: thanks for the video tutorial

I have been pushing and pushing my son on his bike with no success. However, following your video tutorial, my seven year old boy who has problems with motor coordination and has autism spectrum disorder, learned to ride his bike only on the second day we tried your method. It worked for us and so I've bookmarked your website to share with others. Thank you!


Submitted by  Peter C. (***, on Saturday, May 14, 2011 at 16:02
Message Type: praise
Subject: Son 9 refuses to learn to ride bike

Found your video via Google and spent an hour going through the steps with my son, who has resisted learning how to ride for years (he's 9). By the end he was riding like a pro. It really works! Thanks for putting it up.


Submitted by  lacygirl99 ( ), on Thursday, May 12, 2011 at 17:08
Message Type: praise
Subject: Best Video

This is the BEST VIDEO on how to learn to ride a bike, my son is 14 and never rode a bike, i got him his first bike yesterday and i tried to teach him and it was a nightmare, he kept falling, crying and hated the bike,he could not balance. we got on line and watched videos together and this was be the best, WOW it was GREAT, he was riding by himself with one hour! i was not teaching him right., just balance first going down a slope and NOT PEDAL, YOU MADE MY SON ONE HAPPY KID, thank you!!


Submitted by  Andrew P.  (), on Tuesday, October 5, 2010 at 05:25
Message Type: praise
Subject: Excellent "how to teach" page

Thanks for the excellent technique on teaching at The hill idea and the build up outlined there was perfect for me and my 5 year old daughter. One 90 min session went from nothing to her cycling away from the bottom of the hill and having to be called back to try again. Thanks for the info and best of luck, Andrew P. Dublin, Ireland


Submitted by  Lily  (***@, on Tuesday, September 14, 2010 at 12:53
Message Type: praise
Subject: Teaching an Adult to Ride a Bicycle

I would like to thank you for the video of an elderly lady learning to ride a bike. I am 47 yrs old and wanted so much to learn to bike since my 6 yr old most times needs a company while she rides her bike. I used to walk very fast , almost running, behind her while we need to get some bread or milk in the city. I find that very exhausting. I am glad i came across your site and it really helped me to learn to bike. Now i am riding beside my daughter when we go for a ride or to the city to get some fresh fruits, bread or to the library.

In the next weeks, i am getting me a new bike fit for my size (since i am using a size smaller now for practice). Once again, THANK YOU! It really makes it easier for me to be in places faster. Warm Regards, Lily from Germany


Submitted by  ***  ( ), on Saturday, September 4, 2010 at 19:14
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thanks for helping teach my son!

Can't thank you enough for your excellent advice - my seven year old followed your method (coasting down a slight hill till able to balance, etc), and was confidently pedalling on a path in 20 minutes. I have back problems so couldn't use the old fashioned "running along with the kid and catching them before they fall" technique!


Submitted by  Lynn H.  (*** ), on Wednesday, August 11, 2010 at 09:28
Message Type: praise
Subject: Best system

I had to write to thank you so much for your advice on teaching kids how to ride a bike. I have two kids on the autistic spectrum who are now 10 and 12 and I thought they would never learn as we have been trying for years without success. Luckily I stumbled across your website and I thought the technique was unlike anything I had seen before. I showed the video to my son and he was amazed at how quickly an adult learned. We gave it a go and both my kids learned to ride in just a couple of days. This has transformed family life for us as now we can all go out cycling as a family. I am recommending your website to everyone - thanks SO much!


Submitted by  ***  ( ), on Monday, July 26, 2010 at 09:20
Message Type: praise
Subject: Learning to Bike

Used this method and loved it. I wrote about it - and cited it - today in my Asperger Syndrome blog.

Thank you for breaking this down into easy steps. It made a huge difference to my son, who struggles with balance issues.


Submitted by  cascadeofgrace  ( ), on Thursday, July 22, 2010 at 18:41
Message Type: praise
Subject: Learning to Bicycle Without Pain; Teaching Bicycling Without Strain

It works! I tried it and learned to ride in 2 hours even with out the grassy slopes and removing the pedals. I kept my feet out of the way of the pedals and did it in the flat drive way. I am now riding and I have no bruises to show for it. I am still practicing riding in a straight line and breaking. As soon I master it I will be taking to the road.


Submitted by  frank  ( ), on Monday, July 12, 2010 at 11:57
Message Type: praise
Subject: incredible page

I read the paragraphs on starting on hill. Lowered seat. Had to use our driveway. Did 5 coast-downs. On 6th one, son started just pedaling and away he went. All morning he has been riding his bike everywhere. Tried the "run on side" method about 2 months ago, to no avail.


Submitted by  Qwen A. (***, on Wednesday, June 30, 2010 at 10:08
Message Type: praise
Subject: Teaching a child to ride a bike

I just need to add my praise and huge thanks for your brilliant video and content. Having struggled in the past teaching children with the "running along", back braking, knee scraping technique, I was delighted to find such a brilliantly common sense approach, so well explained. I kid you not. My 4.5 year old has gone from a nervous/stabliser user, to a reasonably confident and very happy rider in 3 days! It's taken in total no more than 1hr and 30 minutes over that period and she's off! Thank you so much.


Submitted by  ***  ( ), on Monday, June 7, 2010 at 18:54
Message Type: praise
Subject: "I'm doing it!"

My niece Eva will be 12 this summer and until she saw your video on teaching adults to ride, she was very resistant to learning. Her grandmother found your site and encouraged her to try. We found a nice grassy slope and her grandmother grandfather, me and her older sister all came along to encourage. Her sister timed the process, and it took 55 minutes from start to her first ride on the street. She is very exited and proud and so are we! Thank you for helping her achieve a goal she had given up on in the past. When she pedaled toward me on the street, she yelled, "I'm doing it"


Submitted by  *** (). on Sunday, June 6, 2010 at 16:41
Message Type: praise
Subject: This Works!!!

We have been trying to teach our son for THREE YEARS and he has always been resistant and fearful. Using this technique, he finally understood that bike riding is fun and he was able to coast and get his balance at his own pace. He is happy, excited, and looking forward to getting better!

Thank you!


Submitted by  Nina M. (*** on Monday, May 24, 2010 at 08:40
Message Type: praise
Subject: Tip for Teaching Bicycling Video

I watched the video of the older lady learning to ride a bike, went out yesterday (Sunday, May 23rd, 2010!!) and did the same thing! I am pleased to say, that at the ripe old age of 51, your video enabled me to FINALLY learn how to ride a bike!!

Thank you!!!


Submitted by  Ann W. (*** on Monday, May 17, 2010 at 04:11
Message Type: praise
Subject: Learning to ride the bicycle for Adults

Just would like to say that never having learnt to ride a bike, after watching the How to Learn to Ride a Bicycle for Adults I have now learnt how to ride a bike although I have not been able to ride it very far, I have an arthritic knee and hands and I am 61.


Submitted by  Promr999 () on Sunday, March 7, 2010 at 18:00
Message Type: praise

This video was very helpful. I am a 35 year old female and 5 feet tall and I am scared of bicycles. But after seeing this video yesterday, I decided to give a shot. Guess what now I can ride a bicycle like a champ. It only took me 1 hr to learn and this video was my teacher. There was no one there to instruct me other than this resource. This is a very good method to learn how to ride a bike. If I can learn, any one can learn. Thanks for posting this video.


Submitted by  Kathy B (*** ) on Wednesday, January 6, 2010 at 10:00
Message Type: praise
Subject: video

Thanks so much for this video. I struggled for many years with how to get my reluctant, slightly heavy boy to learn to ride a bike. He is almost my height, so running alongside holding him was out of the question. Your method finally worked and he is thrilled with himself. It took us a while to get through it, but step by step it worked. I am so happy.


Submitted by  Dennis W (*** ) on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 at 2:34
Message Type: praise
Subject: Thanks for the help?

I love the article on teaching bicycling. It was extremely handy. I had never thought of taking the pedals off so my daughter could learn to balance it first. She now rides like a pro. Great idea! Thanks!


Submitted by  Rene ( ) on Sunday, September 20, 2009 at 12:34
Message Type: praise
Subject: Just taught my mother to ride

Thanks for the good idea with the downhill! I just taught my mother (age 53) to ride a bike and it took me the whole 5 minutes :)

She has NEVER road a bike before. I tried to teach him a couple of years ago with no success. We tried it the old fashion way by me trying to push and hold her from the saddle. We gave up after an hour when she decided that it was too hard and it can't be done in her age...

But today she once again asked me to take her to a store to pick up something small and meaningless (at least for me). So once again I thought how easy it would be for her to make those trips with a bicycle (she doesn't own a car). So I gave a chance to the good old google to help me find a way to teach her how to ride a bike. And guess what was the first link google suggested? Yeah, you are right - you are on that page currently :) After showing that video to her we both where amazed by the simple technique and we where quite confident that this time we can do it. Luckily we have a nice small downhill asphalt road in near by park and that's where we headed. The bike is not a new one and I was unable to remove the pedals, but we thought that hopefully it won't be a big problem because the beauty of the technique was the downhill. So we put the bike in the middle of a very small "hill" and she got ready to roll. After pushing a bit with her toes she started to roll slowly and was steering very roughly, but after about 10 meters she was already stable and I asked her to try to put her feet to pedals. After some clumsy movements she got her feet to the pedals and before I was able to say something she already started instinctively pedaling and SHE WAS RIDDING A BICYCLE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HER LIFE!!! We where absolutely astonished that it took her only 1 try to get it right. After stopping the next attempt was already on flat surface and once again she was able to start ridding in no time on second attempt. After that she rode back and forth about 30 minutes with no problems. She could make smaller turns, but 90 degree turns have to wait for the next time since it was starting to get dark and we thought it was quite enough for today :)

So thank you very very much for the precious tip! And now I'm sure that it's never too late to learn to ride a bike and everyone can do it! THANK YOU!


Submitted by  Dean ( ) on Tuesday, September 8, 2009 at 15:35
Message Type: praise
Subject: Can't thank you enough

My oldest finally rides a bike and I may no longer be the world’s worst dad!

Only on a couple occasions have I ginned up the will to try to teach my oldest son to ride a bike. Those attempts were well-intended but miserable failures. I would get aggravated and he wound up resenting me and dreading the prospect of being subjected to more “training”.

Hal was born without a left hand. He only got a prosthetic when he was eleven, and has never used it for much besides operating a lawn mower. He’s taught himself or been taught to do all manner of things with his right hand and his left arm that ends just below the elbow. He single-handedly eats corn on the cob and meat that must be cut. He's a wiz with a four-in-hand knot on a necktie, and he even ties his own shoes! He’s amazing…a great boy.

At 5’10” and 140 pounds, our just-turned 14 y/o is a pretty big boy. So much so that without ever having played any competitive sports, he decided a month ago to suit up for high school football. That was the final straw for me.

I realized I had to try once more what I’d been dreading. And thanks to your idiot-proof steps for fearful middle-aged dads with bad backs and short tempers, my big boy became a bicycle rider in one afternoon. With his prosthetic arm and helmet on, and without ever taking a single spill, we progressed steadily through the steps you’ve laid out until he was confidently pedaling up and down our neighborhood streets.

Amazing. Can’t thank you enough!


Submitted by  Gillian ( ) on Monday, July 28, 2009 at 10:23
Message Type: praise
Subject: Video on teaching biking

Last year we tried taking off my daughter's training wheels and it was a complete disaster. As soon as she would start to tip she would take her hands off the handlebars and grab for me! She hasn't ridden the bike since, but we got her a scooter this spring so she could practice the steering-to-balance principle... She mastered that so I wanted to try the bike again but also wanted to take a more informed approach. I found your video on line. I showed it to my 7 year old before we headed to the park so we'd both know what we were going to do and that it works. It was done in half an hour with no spills. The step by step approach was perfect. She improved at coasting down the hill first, then pushing off, then pedaling, then tried it on a downhill sidewalk and is now riding. No pain or frustration! Thank you!!!


Submitted by  ( ) on Monday, June 08, 2009 at 13:28
Message Type: praise
Subject: Riding her bike

Thank you for your article. My daughter was terrified at the thought of learning to ride her bike and repeatedly told me she didn't want a bike and to sell it.

We deliberately took her out for the first couple of times to work on balance only. This was brilliant as she instantly became interested and confident. On the 3rd outing she asked if she could start pedalling as she could see other kids nearby doing so. To my amazement within 10 minutes she was off. The next outing we introduced cycling in a straight line and the following one taking off.

She absolutely loves it now and is whizzing about our street.


Submitted by  ( ) on Saturday, May 02, 2009 at 6:26
Message Type: praise
Subject: Buying for a child

Thank you for your helpful suggestions on buying a suitable bike for a child, and teaching a child how to ride without training wheels. You were the most helpful source I found. Thanks again, from Canada! Yolanda, mother of two


Submitted by  Rorra M ( ) on Monday, February 09, 2009 at 23:00
Message Type: praise
Subject: Grandson learned to ride from your site

I want to thank you so much for your article. My grandson Jacob had starting learn to ride his bike when he was five , with training wheels he was doing fine till one day he fell and then we couldn't get him back on a bike. As years went by and Jacob got much bigger we could get training wheels strong enough to to hold his weight. His parents had given up him every being able to ride a bike. Now his younger brothers were riding there bikes. This just broke my heart. I knew Jacobs fear, as I had fallen off a horse when I was young and it took me years to ride again.

When Jacob would come to my house he said Grandma I wish I could ride my bike. Well I was determined to help him. Then after searching the net I found your article and the next day I went to house and I took his brother bike and got on it and told Jacob we were going gliding. We did as you said and now I can say after 3 weeks my 14 year old grandson with Down Syndrome RODE HIS BIKE. And the first thing he said Grandma I'm proud of myself. Then he gave Jesus praise as well. I want to thank you so much. All us adults are amazed at this way to teach a child to ride a bike. Thank you again, Rorra M and Jacob M


Submitted by ( ) on Friday, July 18, 2008 at 13:29
Message Type: praise
Subject: It works!

My daughter was afraid to take off her training wheels at age 6 1/2. We live across from a park with a perfect little hill, so off we went. She literally was coasting down the hill by herself and pedaling for 50 feet within 5 attempts. It was really amazing. After a couple of days, she was still having trouble starting out in the grass (and refused to try on concrete), so I took her over to the baseball diamond in the park. Nice, firm sand that she could easily start from. The baseball diamond became a favorite place for her to ride and master turning, braking and steering. After riding there for a few days, she was ready for the sidewalk...and now she's a pro!

Thanks for the great advice. I tell everyone I know who has kids about this easy technique. No scrapes, no cuts...just big smiles!

PS. I made the mistake of telling her she was probably the first kid in history to learn how to ride a bike without falling down. Now she asks kids her age if they fell down when they learned to ride...they always say 'yes'...and she says "I didn't!".


Submitted by ( ) on Sunday, May 4, 2008 at 9:26
Message Type: praise

Yippee, I am so glad that you gave my parents the tips that helped me find the joy of riding a bike. Your balancing technique really helped me get in the groove. I went from just pushing and pushing and pushing, to balancing for just a second or tow, to balancing for several seconds, then as long as I want!! I also went from long turns, to short turns that I can control. I'll be ready for pedals soon! by Daniel, 7 years old.

NOTE BY DAD: Daniel has always enjoyed being on our 3rd wheel, and he had some fun with training wheels. But when it came time to ride without them, he became scared, even though we took him to a grassy field. We tried the "hand on the seat" method, but he couldn't seem to get the hang of it. With much resistance and stubbornness, we went back to a 16 inch bike, and took the pedals off. Our driveway has about 100 feet of very gentle slope, and he would "walk" himself down the drive. Still very stubborn ("I hate bike riding! It will never be fun!") But he stuck with it, 10 laps at a time, even if he didn't have any fun. Last night he had a breakthrough, and finally "got the feel" of balancing. This morning when we went out, instead of arguing about how little he could do, he wanted to do 20 laps or maybe 30. I said let's start with 10. He picked right up where he left off last night, and by the second lap, he was balancing all the way down the drive!!! He is happy now, doing turns and challenging himself, and we will move to pedals as soon as he is ready (maybe very soon)! Thank you for your AWESOME suggestions from a thankful Dad!!


Submitted by Jackson on Sunday, April 27, 2008 at 14:27
MessageType: praise
Subject: I did it!

I thought after 2 years i'd never do it but today I saw this webstite and I learned how!
Jackson age 7


Submitted by Mark S. (bikerfur@***.com) on Monday, April 7, 2008 at 16:28:50
MessageType: praise
Subject: Teaching my daughter to ride a bike

Message: I found your site from a google search and took your advice for teaching my 6 year old to ride without the training wheels. We found a grassy hill in one of the parks. After she put on the helmet and pads we took her bike (without training wheels) and let her go. I held my breath as she headed down the hill about 20 feet to a successful stop. She was so excited and wanted to keep on trying. We spent the next hour progressively going a little further with pedaling. A triumph to a dad who loves to ride bikes. Now I have a biking buddy... wooo hooo.... Thank you, Mark S.


Submitted by () on Sunday, March 9, 2008 at 13:09:17
MessageType: praise
Subject: Tips on teaching a child to ride a bike

Message: We struggled trying to teach my 6 year old to ride a bike in a vacant parking lot. Lots of frustration and a few tears. When I read your suggestion, I immediately went out to our drive way which has a small hill. I lowered the seat and my son sat on the bike and tentatively coasted down the hill. I asked him if we wanted the seat a little lower and he said, "maybe", so I went back to the garage to get the wrench. When I walked back out, he was peddling aroudn the culdisac to the cheers of my wife and his brother. I think knowing he could always put his feet down to keep from falling made all the difference and encouraged him to "go for it". Thanks!


Submitted by Geoffrey Kransdorf (*** on Sunday, October 14, 2007 at 03:23:59
MessageType: praise
Subject: Teaching Kids to ride

Message: Your advice on using a slight hill were amazingly useful and successful. My 6 year-old daughter was in tears from the "push and let go" method. After riding down a slope a couple of times, her progress was unstoppable, and she was starting from level and riding all by herself in a few hours.


Submitted by (manoj_c@***.com) on Sunday, September 16, 2007 at 19:45:33
MessageType: praise
Subject: It works !

Message: Your suggestions are great. We were struggling to teach our six year old girl cycling. With your suggestions, she could go he own in a matter of minutes. Thanks


Submitted by Chris Jenkins on Monday, August 20, 2007 at 22:59:07
MessageType: suggestion

Message: My six year old daughter learned to ride a scooter in about an hour. The next day we got her a 20 inch bike, took her to a field, and immediately she started to ride. She rode on hills, grass, dirt, and the parking lot all on the first day. I credit the scooter for teaching her balance and giving her confidence.


Submitted by Ananta () on Monday, July 23, 2007 at 11:32:39
MessageType: praise

Message: I planned a day off at work to teach my 8yr old son bike without training wheels. I anticipated a day of running me behind the bike, frustrations etc. Surprisingly I googled and found this link. Followed the instructions, it's like magic, with in 15 min, he knows how to ride without training wheels. After 1 hour he is completely comfortable. Just with

2 practice sessions (each 2 hrs) he is completely ready to bike on his own with full control.

The main things helped are:

1. Stopping the temptation to teach him with bigger bike. I used 18 inch bike (borrowed form my friend) where his feet can touch the ground when he sits on the floor. 2. Use the slope technique without pedaling as explained. I used a empty parking lot with slope. 3. The "2" o clock technique is a great help, when the seat is raised to make him ready for 20 inch bike.

So it's happy learning day for kid and parent. We are ready to buy 20 inch bike with more confidence.

The detailed explanation itself is a great thanks from my side to the author of this article. Author "Your time spend to write this article, certainly made many Dad and Kids learning time as fun and happy". Thanks for sharing the knowledge. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.


Submitted by () on Sunday, June 24, 2007 at 07:42:24
MessageType: praise

Message: Thank you so much for your article on teaching kids to ride a bike. After over a year of struggles with getting my 7 year old to let go of his training wheels, he went from a frustrated, angry and avoidant biker to an avid two-wheeler in just one session using your grass hill method. He had the SKILLS, he just didn't have the confidence, and this helped him get it.


Submitted by () on Wednesday, June 13, 2007 at 13:00:30
MessageType: praise

Message:  Your information on teaching a child to ride a bike WORKED WONDERS. My 6 and 4 year old have both been struggling with this concept mostly out of the fear of falling on hard concrete. We took them to a grassy hill at a nearby park and within 20 minutes both had balance and coasting down pat and the 6 year old was pedaling all over the field. The look of amazement and accomplishment on their little faces was a priceless moment. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


Submitted by () on Sunday, January 14, 2007 at 02:49:59
MessageType: praise

Message:  After weeks and months of trying and getting very frustrated with teaching my 7 now 8 year old to ride, I figured I must be doing something wrong. I googled "teaching to ride a bike" and found this website. I took my daughter to our local park where there is perfect little hills and she rode so amazingly better than ever before on the grass hills! She has gained confidence enough to even push the bike to the top of the hill and ride down without help, all within 1 hour! Thank you for your help with teaching her, I am confident she will get it all now in no time, as is she! Thank you and kind regards. James (Australia)


Submitted by Ben Johnson, Ph.D. on Thursday, November 2, 2006 at 13:31
Message Type: praise

Message:  Dear IBF, I just wanted to add my deep thanks for providing the great strategies for teaching kids to ride a bike. My son, age 7, was very scared and avoidant about the idea of learning to ride. Using a small bike and practicing coasting to help him learn to balance cracked the code - he got it within a few times. He is now riding on his own. I am a doctoral level clinical and behavioral psychologist and the strategies are completely consistent with my desire not to traumatize him with lots and lots of falls. His best friend fell about 25 times, I'm told, learning to ride,and hated the process. Very quickly my son started loving the process of learning to ride. I hope you can get this core strategy out to as many people as possible. It is not obvious. We found using the sloped pavement in a movie theatre parking lot to work great. Thanks again!


Submitted by ( ) on Saturday, August 12, 2006 at 16:29
Message Type: praise

Message:  Thanks so much for you info on teaching kids to ride a bike. My daughter had become terrified of her bicycle after the training wheels were removed. The idea of letting her coast down a hill at her own pace never occurred to us. Now she is quite eager to practice everyday after school, and I am sure she will be riding on her own very soon. Thanks so much!


Submitted by Frank James on Saturday, May 20, 2006 at 13:18
Message Type: praise

Message:  Thank you so much for the information on teaching a child to ride a bike. My son was 10 and just couldn't get the hang of riding using the conventional method of running along side and letting go of him. By letting him coast down a slight hill he learned to balance without having to pedal. Eventually we added pedaling and turning. I can't thank you enough.

Additional comments on YouTube Video

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IBF's Bicycle Safety,Sustainability Bibliography/Reading List


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The International Bicycle Fund is an independent, non-profit organization. Its primary purpose is to promote bicycle transportation. Most IBF projects and activities fall into one of  four categories: planning and engineering, safety education, economic development assistance and promoting international understanding. IBF's objective is to create a sustainable, people-friendly environment by creating opportunities of the highest practicable quality for bicycle transportation. IBF is funded by private donation. Contributions are always welcome and are U.S. tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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