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Components of a Bicycle Safety Education Program
with Critique Of Traditional & Modified Bicycle Rodeos


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Whether you are critique an existing program or creating a new program the following are important elements to focused on:

           I.         Safety Relevance

                      The program should concentrate on information and skills that are directly related to improving bicycling safety and proficiency and help the bicyclist avoiding accidents and injuries:
o Bike fit
o Bicycle maintenance
o Helmet promotion
o Rules of the road
o Hazard awareness
o Bicycle handling skills

           II.       Instruction

                        Instructors should be thoroughly prepared on the material they are teaching: rules of the road, hazard identification, cycling skills, bicycle maintenance, wearing a helmet, etc. Bicycling experience tends to be a big help.

           III.      Materials

                      Materials need to tailor to the audience.  Graphics should be contemporary and designed for the age group, vocabulary should be appropriate, and the content should be relevant.

           IV.      On‑Bike Time

                       True proficiency on a bicycle requires learning while on the bike.  To quote a Chinese proverb, "You hear something and you forget it, you see something and you remember it, you do something and you know it."  Ideally, 60-80% of the class should be on-bike time (though, not necessary on-road.)

           V.       Time Commitment

                       The length of the program should be adequate to cover all the material that should be included in a comprehensive bicycle safety education program -- not so long that students loose interest.  Good course can easily run from twenty to thirty hours.

           VI.      Multiple Sessions

                       Breaks between the introduction of new material and review and repetition of old material can assist learning.  A multiple session program is preferable to a one shot deal. Parental involvement is encouraged so that they can continue to reinforce the concepts taught in the class during subsequent bicycling activities.

Components of Bicycle Safety Skill Course with skills course participant evaluation (pdf format)

Critique Of Traditional & Modified Bicycle Rodeos

 Traditional Rodeo



* Safety Relevance (equipment check, riding skills)

* Safety Relevance (helmet promotion, rules of the road, hazard identification, defensive driving)

* Instruction (equipment repair)

* Instruction (limited training, lack of awareness of common accidents conditions)

* Materials (brochures)


* On Bike Time (yes, but not on road)



* Length (several hours)


* Number of Sessions (one)

* Positive experience


 Modified Rodeo



* Safety Relevance (equipment check, helmet promotion, rules of the road, hazard identification, defensive driving, riding skills)


* Instruction (Trained instructor emphasizing accident avoiding behavior)


* Materials (brochures)


* On Bike Time (yes, with road simulation, but not on road)



* Length (several hours)


* Number of Sessions (one)

* Positive Experience



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The International Bicycle Fund is an independent, non-profit organization. Its primary purpose is to promote bicycle transportation. Most IBF projects and activities fall into one of  four categories: planning and engineering, safety education, economic development assistance and promoting international understanding. IBF's objective is to create a sustainable, people-friendly environment by creating opportunities of the highest practicable quality for bicycle transportation. IBF is funded by private donation. Contributions are always welcome and are U.S. tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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