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Workbikes: Bicycles & Pedal Power
If you have information about government or corporate programs using bicycles, please send us a description. Table of ContentsPedal Power Recycling | Do-It-Yourself Trailers | Police Gear-Up | Post, Parks and Petite Bourgeoisie On Your Bikes | Biking The Buns, Pizzas and Other Things | Bike for Health or Health for Bikes | EarthSmart Programs | Green Business Green Transport | Madagascar Parks | Dutch Civilized Servants | Low Flying Bicycles | Company Rewards Employees With Bicycles | Perks For Pedaling | Credit Schemes | Secure Parking | Other Pedal Power Applications | Links To Related Internet Resources Bicycles In The Work Place
Post, Parks and Petite Bourgeoisie On Your BikesThe following governmental uses of bicycles have been reported:
Biking The Buns, Pizzas and Other Things
Cycle for Life: Bike for Health or Health for Bikes
EarthSmart ProgramsThe San Luis Obispo County, CA, Board of Supervisors approved a program that offers a bicycle to county employees for their exclusive use. In return, the employee must agree to ride the bicycle to work at least two days per week. Participants must sign a "Bicycle Use Permit". At the end of one year of successful participation, the employee may receive ownership of the bicycle. The bicycles are either donated or are unclaimed theft recoveries. A month after the first memo announcing the program a second memo was describing the response as overwhelming and reporting a shortage of bicycles. In other actions, the county installed additional bicycle racks, new bicycle lockers and personal lockers at various county facilities to accommodate and promote the use of bicycles. These efforts are in concert with the county's Clean Air Plan and related trip reduction requirements. For details: General Services Director, County Government Center, San Luis Obispo, CA 93408. Green Business Green TransportThe Greener Cleaner, is a cleaning service in New York City which uses only environmentally safe products. As you might have guessed, employees travel between clients by bicycle. Madagascar ParksThe World Wildlife Fund in Madagascar has bought 300 All-Terrain- Bikes for park guardians. Dutch Civilized ServantsFrom now on civil servants in the Netherlands must travel by bus, rail or bicycle.
Official travel by car will no longer be allowed. Those who leap on to a bike can claim
mileage. The new ruling, effective now, applies not only to journeys within the city but
also to multi-day travel over greater distances. Low Flying BicyclesThe US Air Force has used bicycles sporadically in many different ways for years. There is no central policy governing where and when their use is mandated, different units and bases simply use them where they make sense. Some examples of their use are:
Although they are generally used to speed up the movement of people who would normally have to walk they are treated as vehicles and those that forget that are either corrected or the situation corrects them. Case in point - one fellow decided that since he was on a bike he could ignore the red light that governs a road behind a aircraft parking area. The light was on because a C-141 (a large military transport) was doing a maintenance engine run. The wheels of the aircraft are chocked so it won't roll forward. Just about the time our cyclist got directly behind the plane the maintenance technician stood on the brakes and hit full throttle. This guy bounced, rolled, flew and slid about 75 yards perpendicular to his intended path of travel before the force of the planes exhaust diminished enough that he would stop. He was liable for his lost time and for his damaged bicycle. [Capt. Matthew E. Mangan, USAF] Company Rewards Employees With BicyclesBy Ernst Poulsen (Bicycle News Agency) When the energy supply company, Oslo Energy, wanted to celebrate a good year, they decided to offer their 1.350 employees a 21 speed MTB. To make the offer special, the price was set at 1.000 Norwegian Kroner. (Similar bicycles would cost 5 times as much in a shop.) Eighty-five percent of all employees took the deal. Information Manager Morten Schau explains, that the company has had a long tradition for sponsoring Norwegian Bike-racing. "When we had to consider a way of marking a good year for the company it was natural to think of bicycles." Oslo Energy also has an active group of cyclists in the company sports team, and several employees participate in the Great Trial of Strength, a 540 km long bicycle race. "Of course we hope that many people will use the bikes commute to and from work, and we hope that this will also benefit the general health of our employees", Schau adds. Further information: "Paa Sykkel", membership magazine of the Norwegian Cyclists Federation, SLF,
Postboks 8883, Youngst, N-0028 Olso, Norway. Perks For PedalingA part of Fleetwood Enterprises' effort to increase Average Vehicle Rider (AVR) ratios, as required by the Southern California Air Quality District, is an aggressive bicycle commuting program. Among its features: double the points available to car-poolers toward merchandise (shoes to camcorders), services (massages to cruises) or days off; showers and clothes lockers; bicycle storage lockers; free helmets, mirror, night light and reflective vests; the Fleetwood Mud Sweat & Gears Bicycle Club; loaner bike for new bike commuters; subsidized bicycle purchase; pickup vehicle for stranded cyclist; bicycle clinics; guaranteed ride home; and special prizes for bicyclists. Twelve percent of the workforce are enrolled in the program to commute by bicycle at least twice a week. This compares to one percent bicycle commuting in the U.S. in general. For more information contact: Fleetwood Enterprises, PO Box 7638, Riverside, CA 92523. Coyote Found Candles has a "Coyote Bucks" program, where employees receive a Coyote Buck each time they commute using an alternative to a single occupant vehicle. Coyote Found Candles, PO Box 632, Pt Townsend, WA 98368 USA. Calvert Group, a socially responsible mutual fund company, offers as one of it many benefits to employees, not only reimbursement for public transportation, but also reimbursement for walking shoes or a bicycle and free messages. Calvert Group, 4550 Montgomery Ave., 10th Fl., Bethesda, MD 20814. Credit SchemesIn Zimbabwe several companies have made available tens-of- thousands of dollars (US) for implementation of staff bicycle purchase schemes. In one company 40% of all staff, opted for it. Secure bicycle parking was also provided. The programs were started in part because the transportation system is so overburdened employees could get to work. Management of one company claims that late arrivals had been eliminated at work places where bicycles were loaned to employees. In a similar program, legislation was progressing through Parliament to establish a revolving fund to give village development worker loans to buy bicycles. [Financial Gazette, The Herald] As part of the Vea Integrated Fish Farming Project in northeast Ghana, the Programme of Action to Mitigate the Social Costs of Adjustment is extending loans to the rural fishmongers so that they can buy bicycles to enable them to convey fresh fish from the project area to the markets. [People's Daily Graphic, Accra] Secure ParkingThe international banking firm of J.P. Morgan & Co., New York City, is not as stodgy as its Wall Street facade suggests. For the past 15 years, the bank has provided guarded, secure, indoor bicycle parking and showers for its bike commuter employees. Charles Curreri of Morgan's Facilities Management Department says Morgan has selfish reasons to do so: "Healthy employees are happy employees." For a guide to additional secure parking facilities in Manhattan and Brooklyn contact Transportation Alternatives, 494 Broadway, New York, NY 10012 USA. [City Cyclist]
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