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Bibliography / Book List of Northwest Ethnic Heritage
(Washington State & British Columbia)



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To help on your search for knowledge we provide the following bibliographies / book lists. The variety of subject matter these publications cover foretells of the diversity you will find in the area. Specific titles are sometimes hard to find. Even if your local bookstore or library doesn't have the specific titles listed, pick up what is available. We welcome you comments and suggestions on books and articles to add.

African | Asian | Chinese | Chinook | Filipino | General | Hawaiian | Japanese | Jewish | Indian | Native American

African Americans

Adams, John. Old Square-Toes and His Lady: The Life of James and Amelia Douglas.  Horsdal & Schubart, 2002. Sir James Douglas was born in 1803, in Demerara (now Guyana), to a Scottish father and mother of African descent.  After serving in several leadership position for the Hudson Bay Company, he became the first governor of British Columbia in 1858.

de Barros, Paul. Jackson Street after Hours: The Roots of Jazz in Seattle.  Sasquatch Books, 1993.

Henry, Mary T.,  Tribute: A Guide to Seattle’s Public Parks and Buildings Named for Black People, with Brief Biographical Sketches. Statice Press, 1997.

Mumford, Esther Hall, Seattle's Black Victorians, 1852 to 1901. Seattle: Ananse Press, 1980.

Mumford, Esther Hall, Calabash: A Guide to the History, Culture, and Art of African Americans in Seattle and King County, Washington Ananse Press, 1993.

Taylor, Quintard, The Forging of a Black Community: Seattle's Central District From 1870 Through the Civil Rights Era University of Washington Press, 1994.

Taylor, Quintard, In Search of the Racial Frontier: African Americans in the American West, 1528-1990. W.W. Norton & Co., 1998.

Wilson, Lyle,  Sunday Afternoons at Garfield Park: Seattle's Black Baseball Teams 1911-1951 Lyle Wilson.

Asian Americans

Burke, Edward, Seattle's Other History: Our Asian American Heritage. Profanity Press, 1979.

Chan, Sucheng, Asian Americans: An Interpretive History. Twayne Publishers, 1991.

Chin, Doug. Seattle's International District: The Making of a Pan Asian American Community.  International Examiner Press, 2001.

Daniel, Roger. Asian America: Chinese and Japanese in the United States since 1850. Univ. of Washington Press, 1988.

Ford, Jamie, Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet. 2010.  This is an engaging historical novel, set around Seattle's International District and at the Panama Hotel in Japantown. It is a sweet love story, a disturbing exploration of prejudice and racism, and a noteworthy examination of Seattle and American history following the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

Friday, Chris, Organizing Asian American Labor: The Pacific Coast Canned-Salmon Industry, 1870-1942. Temple University Press, 1994.

Kim, Hyung-chan, A Legal History of Asian Americans, 1790-1990. Greenwood Press, 1994.

Lang, Catherine.  O-Bon in Chimunesu. Arsenal Pulp Press. 1996.  The story of the Japanese community of Chimainus, BC, prior to internment in 1942.

Takaki, Ronald, Strangers From a Different Shore; A History of Asian Americans. Penguin Books, 1989.

Takami, David A., Shared Dreams: A History of Asians and Pacific Americans in Washington State. Washington State Centennial Commission, 1989.

Zia, Helen, Asian American Dreams: The Emergence of an American People.  Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2000.

Chinese Americans

Chew, Ron  (ed.), Reflections of Seattle’s Chinese Americans: The First 100 Years.  Wing Luke Museum: University of Washington Press, 1994.

Chin, Art, Golden Tassels: A History of the Chinese in Washington, 1857-1977. Art Chin, 1987.

European Americans and General

Andrews, Mildred Tanner, Woman's Place: A Guide to Seattle and King County History. Gemil Press, 1994.

Armbruster, Kurt E. Orphan Road: The Railroad Comes to Seattle, 1853-1911. Washington St Univ Press, 1999.

Atkins, Gary L, Gay Seattle: Stories of Exile and Belonging. Univ. of Washington Press, 2003. Interweaves the history of sexuality, politics, urban development, theology and social consciousness in very readable narrative.

Bragg, L.E., Myths and Mysteries of Washington. Twodot Book, 2005. A bit of the quirkier history of the state: unsolved mysteries, land and sea monsters, buried treasure, ghosts, and UFO, mixed with anthropology, archeology and sociology.

Crowley, Walt, National Trust Guide to Seattle: America's Guide for Architecture and History Travelers. Wiley & Sons, 1998.

Dorpat, Paul, Seattle Now and Then Volume 3.  Tartu Publications.

Frank, Dana, Purchasing Power: Consumer Organizations, Gender and the Seattle Labor Movement, 1919-1929. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1994.

Magden, Ronald E., History of Seattle Waterfront Workers 1884-1934. ILWU, Seattle, 1991.

Morgan, Murray, Skid Road: An Informal Portrait of Seattle. Viking Press, 1960.

Ochsner, Jeffrey Karl (ed.), Shaping Seattle Architecture: A Historical Guide to the Architects. Univ. Washington Press, 1998.

Sale, Roger, Seattle, Past to Present. Univ. of Washington, 1976.

Andrew Strouthous, Andrew, U.S. Labour and Political Action, 1918-1924: A Comparison of Independent Political Action in New York, Chicago and Seattle. St. Martin's Press, 1999.

White, Sid and Sam E. Solberg. Peoples of Washington: Perspectives on Cultural Diversity. Washington State Univ., 1990.

Woodbridge, Sally B. and Roger Montgomery, Guide to Architecture in Washington State: An Environmental Perspective.  Univ. of Washington, 1980.

Filipino American

Bulosan, Carlos, America Is in the Heart: A Personal History. Univ of Washington, 1995.

Churchill, Thomas, Triumph over Marcos: A True Story Based on the Lives of Gene Viernes and Silme Domingo, Filipino American Cannery Union Organizers, Their Assassination and the Trial That Followed. Open Hand Pub., 1995.

Cordova, Fred, Filipinos, Forgotten Asian Americans. Kendall/Hunt, 1983.

Santos, Bob. Hum Bows Not Hot Dogs! International Examiner Press, 2002.

Hawaiian American

Duncan, Janice K, Minority without a Champion: Kanakas on the Pacific Coast, 1788-1850. Oregon Historical Society, 1972.

Koppel, Tom, Kanaka: The Untold Story of Hawaiian Pioneers in British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest. Whitecap Books, 1995.

Japanese American

Conrat, Maisie and Richard Conrat, Executive Order 9066. Univ. of California, 1992.

Guterson, David, Snow Falling on Cedars. Harcourt, 1994. Fiction.

Kashima, Tetsuden, Personal Justice Denied: Report of the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of.... Univ. of Washington Press, 1997.

Neiwert, David A., Strawberry Days: How Internment Destroyed a Japanese American Community.  Palgrave Macmillian, 2005.

Osaka, John, No-No Boy.  University of Washington Press, 1976.

Shimabukuro, Robert. Born in Seattle: The Campaign for Japanese American Redress. University of Washington Press, 2001.

Sone, Monica, Nisei Daughter. Little, Brown & Co. 1953.

Takami, David A., Executive Order 9066: 50 Years Before and 50 Years After. Wing Luke Asian Museum, 1992.

Takami, David A., Divided Destiny: A History of Japanese Americans in Seattle. University of Washington Press & Wing Luke Asian Museum, 1998.

Jewish American

Avner, Jane A.,  Historic Jewish Seattle: A Tour Guide. Washington State Jewish Historical Society, 1995.

Kramer, William M. (ed.) Sephardic Jews in the West Coast States: Seattle, Washington and Portland Oregon. I Nathan Press, 1996.

Native American

Averill, Lloyd J. & Daphne K Morris, Northwest Coast Native and Native-Style Art: A Guidebook for Western Washington. Univ. of Washington Press, 1995.

Boyd, Robert T., Coming of the Spirit of Pestilence: Introduced Infectious Diseases and Population Decline among Northwest Coast Indians, 1774-1874. Univ. of Washington, 1999.

Brown, Steven C., Native Visions: Evolution in Northwest Coast Art, from the 18th through the 20th Century. Univ. of Washington Press, 1997.

Duff, Wilson, The Indian History of British Columbia: The Impact of the White Man. Royal British Columbia Museum, 1997.

Furtwangler, Albert, Answering Chief Seattle. Univ. of Washington Press, 1997.

Garfield, Viola, Seattle’s Totem Poles. Thistle Press, 1996.

Gunther, Erna, Ethnobotany of Western Washington: The Knowledge and Use of Indigenous Plants by Native American. Univ. of Washington, 1973.

Hilbert, Vi,  Thom Hess and Dawn Bates, Lushootseed Dictionary. Univ. of Washington Press, 1994.

Harmon, Alexandra, Indians in the Making: Ethnic Relations and Indian Identities around Puget Sound. Univ. of California Press, 1998.

Hauberg, John H., The Spirit Within. Seattle Art Museum, 1995.

Kluger, Richard, The Bitter Waters of Medicine Creek. Knopf, 2011. A carefully research, well written story of the stealing of Indian land in Washington territory and the tragic aftermath.

Matson, Emerson N, Longhouse Legends. Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1968.

Ravenhill, Alice, Native Tribes of British Columbia.

Ruddell, Nancy, Jennifer Wilson (ed), Jennifer Rae-Brown (ed), Raven's Village: The Myths, Arts and Traditions of Native People from the Pacific Northwest Coast. Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1995.

Smith, Harlan I., Ethnobotany of the Gitksan Indians of British Columbia. Univ. of Washington, 1997.

Stewart, Hilary, Artifacts of the Northwest Coast Indians. Hancock House Pub., 1993.

Stewart, Hilary, Looking at Indian Art of the Northwest Coast.  Univ of Washington, 2003.

Tennant, Paul, Aboriginal People and Politics: The Indian Land Question in British Columbia, 1849-1989. Univ of British Columbia, 1990.

Turner, Nancy J., Food Plants of Coastal First Peoples. Univ. of Washington, 1995.

Wright, Robin K, Time of Gathering: Native Heritage in Washington State. Univ. of Washington, 1991.

Chinook Indians

Ames, Kenneth. 1991, "Indians constructed wooden houses." Oregonian: May 9, 1991, 3F. 

-------"Archaeologists fish for clues to when salmon took key role." Oregonian, Jan. 23, 1992, 3B. 

-------"Art of Northwest coast had distinctive style." Oregonian, Mar. 26, 1992, 2D.

 Boas, Franz. 1893. "Doctrine of Soul and Disease Among the Chinook." JAFL 6:39-43. 

-------1894. Chinook Texts. Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 20. Washington, D.C. 

-------1901. Kathlamet Texts. Bureau American of Ethnology Bulletin 26. Washington, D.C. 

-------1933. "Notes on the Chinook Jargon." Language 9:208-13.  

Boyd, Robert T. 1990. "Demographic History, 1774-1874." In Handbook of North American Indians. 7:135-49. 

Butler, B. Robert. 1957. "Art of the Lower Columbia Valley." Archaeology 10:158-65. 

Cressman, Luther S. 1960. Cultural Sequences at The Dalles, Oregon. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society. 

Curtis, Edward. 1911. The North American Indian. 8:85-154, 172-83, 198-205. 

French, David.1961. "Wasco-Wishram." In Perspectives in American Indian Cultural Change, ed. Edward H. Spicer. 337-430. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago. 

Gibbs, George. 1955-6. "Account of Indian Mythology of Oregon and Washington Territory." OHQ 56:293-325, 57:125-67. 

Hajda, Yvonne P. 1984. Regional Social Organization in the Greater Lower Columbia, 1792-1830. Ph.D. Univ. Wash. 

Harvey, A.G. 1939. "Chief Comcomly's Skull." OHQ 40:161-67. 

Hymes, Dell H. 1981. "In Vain I Tried To Tell You," Essays in Native American Ethnopoetics. Philadelphia: Univ. of Penn. Press. 

Irving, Washington. 1836. Astoria. New York: 

G.P.Putnam. Jacobs, Melville. 1955. "A Few Observations on the World View of Clackamas Chinook Indians." JAFL 68:283-89. 

-------1958. Clackamas Chinook Texts. Bloomington: Univ. of Indiana. 

Kane, Paul. 1971. Paul Kane's Frontier. Austin, Texas: ed. J. Russell 

-------1971. Columbia Wanderer. Ed. Thomas Vaughan. OHSP. 

Lewis, Meriwether and Clark, William. Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. various eds. 

McChesney, Charles E, et al. 1969. Rolls of Certain Indian Tribes in Washington and Oregon. Fairfield, Wash.: Ye Galleon Press. 

Minor, Rick. et al. 1989. Overview of Investigation at 45SA11. Archaeology of the Columbia River Gorge. Eugene: Heritage Research Associates. 

Pettigrew, Richard M. 1990. "Prehistory of the Lower Columbia and Willamette Valley." In Handbook of North American Indians, 7:518-29. 

Phebus, George E. Jr. and Drucker, Robert M. 1979. Archaeological Investigations at Seaside Oregon. Seaside Museum and History Society. Ray, 

Verne F. 1937. "Historical Position of the Lower Chinook." PNQ, 28:363-372.

-------1938. Lower Chinook Ethnographic Notes. Univ. of Washington.

Rubin, Rick. 1981. "Coyote on the Columbia." In The Northwest Experience 2:166-79. Seattle: Madrona Publishers.

-------1986. "She Who Watches." Portland: Northwest Magazine, (Sept. 28).

-------1999. Naked Against the Rain: The People of the Lower Columbia River, 1770-1830. Portland: Far Shore Press, 1999.

Ruby, Robert Holmes, and Brown, John A. The Chinook Indians: Traders of the Lower Columbia River. Norman: Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1976.

Santee, J.J. 1932. "Comcomly and the Chinooks." OHQ 33:271-78.

Sapir, Edward. 1909. Wishram Texts. American Ethnological Society.

Sapir, Edward and Spier, Leslie. 1930. Wishram Ethnography. Seattle: Univ. of Washington.

Silverstein, Michael. 1990. "Chinookans of the Lower Columbia." In Handbook of North American Indians, 7:533-46.

Smith, Marian W. 1943. "Columbia Valley Art Style." AA (ns) 45:158-60.

-------1949. "Basketry Design and the Columbia Valley Art Style." SWJA 8:336ff.

Smith, Silas. 1901. "Primitive Customs and Religious Beliefs of the Indians." OHQ 2:255-65.

Spencer, Omar C. 1933. "Chief Cassino." OHQ 34:19-30.

Stewart, T.D. 1960. "The Chinook Sign of Freedom: A Study of the Skull of the Famous Chief Comcomly." Smithsonian Report.

Strong, Emory. 1960. Stone Age on the Columbia. Portland: Binfords & Mort.

Strong, W. Duncan. 1945. "The Occurrence and Wider Implications of a `Ghost Cult' on the Columbia River Suggested by Carvings in Wood, Bone and Stone." AA 47:244-261.

Swan, James G. The Northwest Coast. New York: Harper & Bro., 1857. 

Thomas, Edward Harper. 1935. Chinook, A History & Dictionary. Portland: Binfords & Mort.

Williams, Chuck. 1980. Bridge of the Gods, Mountains of Fire. White Salmon, Wash.: Elephant Mountain Arts.



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