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Bibliography / Book List: Africa: South |
ART, CULTURE & RELIGIONAndersen, Heather. I Never Intended to Be Brave: A Woman's Bicycle Journey Through Southern Africa. Windy City Publisher, 2011. Anderson, Charles John. Notes of Travel in South-West Africa, 18th century. Bernstein, Henry. For Their Triumphs & For Their Tears. IDAF, 1985. Recommended. Foster, Craig and Damon. "The Great Dance." Video. Huntington, Richard. Gender and Social Structure in Madagascar. Indiana U., 1987. Leshama, The old People say!: The Wisdom of the Forefathers in Setswana Proverbs. Van Schaik, 1999. Malan, JS. Peoples of Namibia. Martin, Henno. Sheltering Desert, 1957. Nzenza-Shand, Sekai, Songs To An African Sunset: A Zimbabwean Story. Lonely Planet Publications, 1997. Recommended. Shostak, Majorie. Nisa: The Life and Words of a Kung Woman. Harvard Univ. Pr., 1981. van der Post, Laurens, Lost World of the Kalahari, 1977. ISBN 9780156537063 van der Post, Laurens, Heart of the Hunter, 2002. ISBN: 9780099428749 HISTORY & ECONOMICSBarnard, Alan. Hunters and Herders of Southern Africa: A Comparative Ethnography of the Khoisan Peoples, Vol. 85. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1992. Carlin, John. Playing the Enemy: Nelson Mandela and the Game that Made a Nation. ISBN 978-0143115724 Cocker, Mark. Rivers of Blood, Rivers of Gold: Europe's Conquest of Indigenous People, 2001. ISBN 9780802138019 Rogers, Douglas. That's The Last Resort: A Memoir of Zimbabwe. ISBN 0307407977. Recommended. Gewald, Jan-Bart. Herero Heroes : A Socio-Political History of the Herero of Namibia, 1890-1923, 1998. ISBN 978-0821412572 Hanlon, Joseph. Beggar Your Neighbours: Apartheid Power in Southern Africa. Indiana Univ., 1988. Hoagland, Jim, South Africa: Civilizations in Conflict. Houghton Mifflin, 1972. Kent, Raymond K. Early Kingdoms in Madagascar: 1500-1700. Holt, Rinehart, Winston, 1970. Kupe, Tawana, ed. Go Home or Die Here: Violence, Xenophobia and the Reinvention of Difference in South Africa. ISBN 978-1868144877 Recommended. Livingston, David. Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa, 2006. Mandela, Nelson, Long Walk to Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela. New York: Little, Brown & Co, October 1995. Marquard, Leopold. The Story of South Africa. Faber & Faber, 1966. Marquard, Leopold. The Peoples & Policies of South Africa. Oxford, 1969. Mbanga, Wilf and Trish. Seretse and Ruth: The Love Story, 2005. ISBN 978-0624043225 Millard, A., ed. Steve Biko: Black Consciousness in South Africa. Random House, 1978. Mutibwa, Phares M. Malagasy and the Europeans. Longman, 1974. Namhila, Ellen Ndeshi, Seeking Freedom. Windhoek: New Namibia Books, 1997. 200 pp. Namibia, Zambia, Angola. Norman, Andrew, Robert Mugabe and the Betrayal of Zimbabwe. McFarland, 2004. Nujoma, Samuel. To Free Namibia: The Life of the First President of Namibia. Omen-Cooper, John D. Zulu Aftermath: A Nineteenth-Century Revolution in Bantu Africa. Northwestern Univ., 1966. Parsons, Janet Wagner. The Livingstons at Kolobeng. Parsons, N and T. Tlou. Seretse Khama: 1921-1980. Ramsey, J, B. Morton and T. Magadla. Building of a Nation: A History of Botswana from 1800 to 1910. Sachs, B. The Road From Sharpville. Marzani & Munsell, 1961. Smith, D. & Simpson, C. Mugabe. Sphere Books, 1981. Tlou, T and Campbell. History of Botswana. (Cover from pre-historic times to the end of the 20th century.) Worth, Richard. Robert Mugabe - Zimbawe. Silver Bur, 1990. MODERN LITERATUREAbrahams, Peter. Mine Boy. Heinemann, 1963. (South Africa; a country man adjusts to a large industrial city.) Andreas, Neshani. The Purple Violet of Oshaantu, 2001. (Namibian) ISBN 9780435912086 Brink, Andre P. & Coetzee, J.M., ed. Land Apart: A South African Reader. Penguin, 1986. Chimomvo, S. Malawian Oral Literature, Ctr for Social Reseaarch, Univ of Malawi, 1988. Dangarembga, Tsitsi. Nervous Conditions. Women's Press, 1988. (Zimbabwe; school girls struggle as they replace their culture with the colonial culture.) Recommended. Davies, Caitlin. Jamestown Blues, 1997. (Set in Botswana mining town.) Davies, Caitlin. Place of Reeds, 2005. Davis, Jean. South Africa: A Botched Civilization?: Racial Conflict and Identity in Selected South African Novels. Univ. Press of America, 1997. Diescho, Joseph, Born of the Sun, 1988. (Namibian) ISBN 9780377001879 Head, Bessie. Collector of Treasures. Heinemann, 1979. (Botswana; village setting.). Head, Bessie. Maru. Heinemann, 1972. (Botswana; a woman of the untouchable class is raised by missionaries to have pride and challenges tradition.). Head, Bessie. A Quesion of Power. Heinemann (Botswana), 1990. Head, Bessie. Serowe: Village of the Rain-Wind, Vol. 220. Heinemann, 1981. (Set in Botswana) Head, Bessie. When Rain Clouds Gather. Heinemann (Botswana), 1996. Hiyalwa, Kaleni. Meekulu's Children, 2000. (Namibian) Honwana, Luis Bernardo, We Killed Mangy-Dog and Other Stories. Zimbabwe Pub, 1987 (Stories from Mozambique) Kachingwe, Aubrey. No Easy Task. Heinemann, 1966 (Malawi). La Guma, Alex. Time of the Butcherbird. Heinemann, 1979 (South Africa; life in a small Bantustan community as it moves toward tragedy.) La Guma, Alex. Walk in the Night and Other Stories. Heinemann. La Guma, Alex. In the Fog of the Season's End. Heinemann. La Guma, Alex. Stone Country. Heinemann. La Guma, Alex; Matthews, Rive & Alf Wannenburgh. Quartet. Heinemann, 1965 (Four voices from South Africa.). Lessing, Doris. Grass Is Singing. Heinemann, 1973 (Rhodesia; the struggle of a white farm family and the work of the black "houseboy".) McCall Smith, Alexander, No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency series, which take place in Botswan, I is recommend if you like light reading. The stories mostly take place in the villages around Garborone. However, "Tea Time for the Traditionally Built" takes place in the Okavango Delta region. Mulaisho, Dominic. Tongue of the Dumb. Heinemann, 1971 (Zambia; a village rivalry pulls in religion, politics and superstition.) Mullvihill, William. Sands of Kalahari. Putnam's Sons, 1960. Mzamane, Mbulelo., ed. Hungry Flames: And Other Black South African Short Stories. Longman, 1986 (Black South African short stories.) Namhila, Ellen. Seeking Freedom, 2000. (Namibian) ISBN 9789991631639 Paton, Alan. Cry, the Beloved Country. Scribners, 1948 (South Africa; a classic) Pepetela, Mayombe. Zimbabwe Pub, 1983 (A novel from Angola) Rive, Richard. Advance, Retreat: Selected Short Stories. St. Martin's Press, 1990. Samkange, Stanlake. On Trial for My Country. Heinemann, 1966 (Zimbabwe; a historical novel on the empire-building of Rhodes, Moffat, Jameson and others.) Recommended. Samkange, Stanlake. Year of the Uprising. Heinemann, 1978 (Zimbabwe; a historical novel set at the time of the death of Lobengula and the uprising of 1896.) Recommended. Sassine, W. Wirriyamu. Heinemann, 1980 (Mozambique; a historical novel based on the massacre of Wirriyamu by Portuguese soldiers in December 1972.) Scanlon, Paul A., (ed.) Stories from Central and Southern Africa, Heinemann, 1983. Sesinyi, Andrew. Love on the Rocks, 1983 (Botswana literature) Sepamla, Sipho. Ride on the Whirlwind. Heinemann, 1981 (South Africa; set during the tension, turbulence and confusion of the June 1976 riots in Soweto.) Sikakame, J. A Window on Soweto. IDAF, 1977 (a personal account of Soweto.) Sister Namibia. A New Initiative Song, 1994. (Collection of Namibian women's poetry and fiction.) Sobott-Mogwe, Gaele. Colour Me Blue, !995. (Botswana short stories) ISBN 9780435909710 Vambe, L. Ill-Fated People. Heinemann, 1972 (Zimbabwe: history & values.)
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