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Bibliography / Book List: Africa: Central



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The bulk of the books published on Central Africa are in French.  Here is a selections of those in English, many of which are in fact translations -- and even many of these are hard to find.






Lemke, Dieter, No Man Be God: Bushdoctor in Cameroon. iUniverse, 2001.

Mbaku, John Mukum, Culture and Customs of Cameroon. Greenwood Publishing Group, 2005.

Neba, Aaron. S., Modern Geography of the Republic of Cameroon. Neba Publ., 1987.

Ngwa, J.A., A New Geography of Cameroon. Longman, 1987.

Notué, Jean-Paul and Bianca Triaca, Babungo: Treasures of the Sculptor Kings in Cameroon .  5 Continents, Milan, 2006.  Essays on Babungo history, culture, art and religion, and catalogue of the Babungo Museum.

Regis, Helen A., Fulbe Voices: Marriage, Islam, and Medicine in Northern Cameroon.   Westview, 2002.

Ritzenthaler, Pat, The Fon of Bafut. Thomas Y. Crowell Co., New York, 1966.  Historical fiction covering the transition of the culture from 1850, before any European influence on the culture, to 1950, when European education, religion and economics had transformed many of the rituals, beliefs and relationships within the culture.


Chiabi, Emmanuel, Making of Modern Cameroon: A History of Substate Nationalism and Disparate Union, 1914-1961. University Press of America, 1997.

Delancy, Mark W., and Mike Delancy, Historical Dictionary of the Republic of Cameroon. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2000.

Egerton, F.C., African Majesty: A Record of Refuge at the Court of the King of Bangangte in French Cameroon.

Goheen, Miriam, Men Own the Fields, Women Own the Crops: Gender and Power in the Cameroon Grassfields. Univ of Wisconsin, 1996. Study of the Nso people of northwest Cameroon.

Mbuagbaw, T.E, Brain, R. & Palmer, R. A History of the Cameroon. Longman, 1987.

Johnson, Willard R., Cameroon Federation: Political Integration in a Fragmentary Society. Princeton, 1970.

Joseph, R.A., Radical Nationalism in the Cameroon: Social Origins of the U.P.C. Rebellion. Oxford, 1977.

Kaberry, Phyllis, Women of the Grassfields: A Study of the Economic Position of Women in Bamenda, British Cameroons. Taylor and Francis, 2003.

Le Vine, Victor T., Cameroon Federal Republic. Cornell, 1971.

Lumumba, Patrice, Fighter for Africa's Freedom. Progress Publishers, n.d.

Morel, Edmund Dene, Black Man's Burden: The White Man in Africa from the Fifteenth Century to World War One. Associated Faculty Press, 1973.  Grim history of King Leopolds Congo. A classic of  decolonization first published in 1920.

Nelson, H.D., Area Handbook for the United Rep. of Cameroon. Washington, 1974

Ranger, Terence O., (ed.) Aspects of Central African History. Northwestern, 1968.

Rubin, N., Cameroon: An African Federation. Praeger, 1971.


Cameroon, in particular, has some very good novelist, which provide excellent portrayals of traditional and transitional life.

Beti, Mongo, Mission to Kala. Heinemann, 1964 (Cameroon)

Beti, Mongo, The Poor Christ of Bomba. Heinemann, 1971 (Cameroon).

Gide, Andre, Travels in the Congo. Knopf, 1929.

Hallet, Jean-Pierre, Congo Kitabu. Fawcett, 1967. (Stories of a white adventurer.)

Jumbam, Kenjo wan, White Man of God. Heinemann, 1980.

Makuchi Nfah-Abbenyi, Juliana, Your Madness Not Mine: Stories of Cameroon.  Ohio Univ Press, 1999.  Stories about women by a young woman writer.

Naipaul, V.S., A Bend In the River. Vintage, 1980. (One man, an Asian, in a small town in a newly independent nation that resembles Zaire.)

Oyono, Ferdinand, The Old Man and the Medal. Heinemann, 1969 (Cameroon).

Oyono, Ferdinand, Houseboy. Heinemann, 1966 (Cameroon).

Scanlon, Paul A., (ed.) Stories from Central and Southern Africa. Heinemann, 1983.


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