Pan Africa Bicycle Information Network (PABIN)

Working to improve opportunities for bicycle transport and low-cost mobility to improve productivity, the quality of life and the environment in Africa.

Join the Pan Africa Bicycle Information Network (PABIN) email discussion group:  Whether you are just interested in bicycle transport, non-motorized transport (NMT) or low-cost mobility in Africa and want to watch the discussion, or have questions or information to share about policies, programs or resources relating to bicycle transport, NMT or low-cost mobility, please join the PABIN discussion group.  With a single message you can ask a question of or share information with everyone else in the group.  To subscribe send a blank e-mail from the email address you wish to subscribe with, to  You can unsubscribe at any time by sending a blank e-mail from the email address you wish to unsubscribe, to All past postings are archived at

News Items:

Transport Policy:

One of the priorities of the Jinja Declaration is the development of Non-motorized Transport Plans.  Here is a collection of links to other similar products:

Bicycle Sector in Uganda (doc)

European Transport Policy For 2010

IBF Bibliography: Bicycle: Policy

IBF Bicycle Advocacy

Assessment-of-the-non-motorized-transport-program-Kenya-and-Tanzania, Sub-Saharan Africa Transportation Program, World Bank, 2002.

Use of Intermediate Modes of Transportation for Patient Transport in Afirca. (550 kb, PDF)

Links to resources on bicycle advocacy in Africa:

A Bicycle in the African Perspective Kayemba, Patrick G. (Velo-city 2003) (PDF)

Africa: Bike & Non-Motorized Transport IBF's index page for articles related to bicycle and non-motorized transport (NMT) in Africa.

Africa Bicycle & Sustainable Transport Advocacy Organizations & Clubs

African Odyssey: The Red Bicycle (1971)  Film short about economic life in East Africa told through the tale of a red bicycle.

Afribike Training workshops, low-cost bicycle procurement programs, bicycle enterprise projects and IMT (intermediate means of transport) advocacy work in Africa.

Bamboo Bikes

Fahrräder für Afrika German based bicycle program focusing on Uganda.

How can the bicycle assist in poverty eradication and social development in Africa? (Position paper)  Heyen-Perschon, Jürgen; Kisamadu, Richard  (Velo-city 2000) (PDF)

Improving the Image of Bicycles and Bicycle Use In Uganda Kisamaddu, Richard (Velo-city 2003) (PDF)

Productive and Liveable Cities, Guidelines for pedestrian and bicycle traffic in African cities  Tembele, Rustica  (Velo-city 2000) (PDF)

Recycling Collecting and shipping second hand bicycles and parts to LDCs.

The Bicycle in Southern Africa  Waal, Louis de (Velo-city 2000) (PDF)

The Delft Low-Cost Mobility Statement  Expert Group meeting on low-cost mobility in African cities (Velo-city 2000) (PDF)

The Integrated Transport Plan: Non-motorised Transport in the City of Cape Town Garrod, Kevin (Velo-city 2003) (PDF)

Transportation and Development in Uganda  Mwebesa, Christine (Velo-city 2000) (PDF)

Wooden Bicycles in East Africa Devoted to wooden work bikes in East Africa.

Links  Access to IBF link section and its array of links to sites about bicycling and Africa.

Please send your suggestions for web site content and links, or report bad links to: "ibike@" our domain name.

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