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Automatic Bicycle Rental / Bike Share Systems Suppliers / Bike Station Vendors



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High-Tech, Automated Bicycle Share Systems / Stations

Many of the hi-tech bike sharing system use their own uniform proprietary bicycles.  Most of these have strong and sturdy "comfort bike" geometrics with step through frame design, easily adjustable seats, 3 to 8 speed internal hub gearing, hub brakes, automatic lights, front and rear fenders, and full chain guards.  The bikes then uniquely fit into the systems docking station or storage pod. The combination of the hardware and software of these systems are design to be anti-theft. Click here for a list of cities with hi-tech bike sharing systems.

If you are the DIY-type here is an article that might be of interest, "University Students Build Their Own Bike Share."

Here is a list of manufacturer, supplies, vendors and other resources for hi-tech bike sharing systems:

Biceberg. Carretera Nacional 330. Km. 647,500 Polígono Charlé, Calle 2ª 22700 Jaca (Huesca) SPAIN. Email: ma-s Automatic bicycle parking system.

Bicycle Parking Tower (1) (Japan) Subterranean, automated bike parking silo. YouTube video in English.

Bicycle Parking Tower (2) (Japan) Another automated subterranean bicycle parking structure. YouTube video in Japanese.

Bixi Public Bike System, 2113, 32e Avenue, Lachine, Quebec H8T 3J1 CANADA.  (Bankrupt Jan. 2014)

CityRyde, 3225 Arch St, Philadelphia, PA 19104. Tel: 1-888-363-1898. Email: info Bike sharing/library software package called CityRyde Spark to operate and manage bike-sharing system.

Cycle-works, 2 Rances Way, Winchester, Hampshire SO22 4PN, UK. Tel/Fax: 44-(0)1962-855212. Vendor of a variety cycle parking systems and accessories.

Gear Locks, 1316 N. Samantha Rd., Liberty Lake, WA  99019. Tel: 1-5094967068. Email:
ashleylakemt  Small to mid market entry level , ideal for areas that don't quite justify a multimillion dollar system installation.

Limebike, dockless technology.

ON Bike (UK/France) A system which uses intelligent parking stands and chip on bike.  The stand knows which bike is parked there, who took it and when it come back. 

OYBike, London, England. Early automated bike parking and check-out/check-in system where (rental) bikes can be checked out and paid for by cell phone.  Closed in Dec 2011

Sandvault CycleStation  Bicycle rental system where users can sign out bikes at a stations using their credit card or other approved ID card and return them to any of the stations in the system.  Tel: 817-485-8111.

Sekura-Byk Grosvenor House, 112-114 Prince of Wales Road, Norwich, Norfolk, NR1 1NS, UK. Tel: +44 1603 620720. Email: enquiry Produce a variety of bicycle racks and bicycle lockers, including automated smart card systems.

Smoove, 912 rue de la Croix Verte, Bat 3 Miniparc, Montpellier,  FR 34198, FRANCE. Tel: +33 (0)4 81 916 816. Email: info

The Smart City Bike (Norway) works with a smart card which users must carry.  The log the user's use of bikes.  Adshel IIRC and Depo use similar smart card tracking systems.

Spin, dockless technology.

Traditional Styles of Bicycle Parking Equipment

Vbikes, dockless technology.



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