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Directory: Youth & Young People
Bicycle Programs



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This category covers a range of programs involving young people and bicycles: teaching young people cycling skills, a vocation, personal management, business management and community consciousness, and giving them self-esteem, while promoting bicycling and diverting good bicycles from the land fill. 

If you live in any of the following community you can easily get involved with your local youth bicycle program. Most of these organization accept donated bikes, though some have constraints on what they can or will take.   If you don't live in a community with a program you will probably find the people involved at these programs eager to help you set one up:

List is alphabetical by U.S. state / Canadian province, then city, followed by programs "Outside North America"

Note some "community bike", "free bike", "bike library" programs have a youth component so you might check this other page as well..

* To prevent email harvesting the email addresses in this directory are un-hyperlinked and have an extra space in them.  To use the email address: cut-and-paste the address and delete the space before the @ symbol.  For those of you with honorable intentions we are sorry for the inconvenience in communicating with these fine organizations.

Alberta, Arizona, Arkansas & British Columbia

  • The Spoke, Edmonton AB Canada.
  • Bicycle Program, 5850 J Glendale Ave, Glendale, AZ 85301. Contact: Susan Bookspan.
  • Handlebar Helpers, Paiute Neighborhood Center, 6535 E. Osborn, Scottsdale, AZ. Tel: 480-312-0002. Contact Terry Erickson, email: terickson *. Earn-a-bike and apprentice programs. 
  • BICAS (Bicycle Inter-Community Action & Salvage), 44 W 6th St, PO Box 1811 , Tucson AZ 85702. Tel: 520-628-7950. Contact: Kim Young. Email: bicasunderground *.
  • Recycle Bikes for Kids, 717 E 10th St, North Little Rock, AR 72114. Tel: 501-563-8264. Email: info  *.
  • Better Environmentally Sound Transportation (BEST), 197 E 17th Ave., Vancouver, BC V5V 1A5 Canada. Tel: 604-879-2453. Contact: Guy (Gee). Email: best * 


  • Waterside Workshops, Street Level Cycles, 90 Bolivar Drive, Berkeley, CA, Tel: 510-644-2577. Email: watersideworkshops *.  A nonprofit organization that provides recreation opportunities, classes, and job-training for local youth while offering services to the community including a bicycle shop and repair facility, a full service wooden boat building shop and Berkeley's only waterfront coffee shop.
  • La Cueva, 695 Center St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627. Contact: John LeVere.
  • Lennox Middle School, 3243 W 112th St., Inglewood, CA 90303. Contact: Lenny.
  • Bikes 90800, 202 E Bart St, Long Beach, CA 90805. Tel.: 562-570-1640. Contact Dave San Jose.
  • Cycles of Change, 2025 E 12th St., Oakland CA 94601 CA. Tel: 510-595-4625. Email: cyclesofchange *
  • The Crucible, 1260 7th Street, Oakland, CA 94607. Tel: 510-444-0919. Contact: Ismael Plasencia. Email: ismael *   Earn-a-bike program for youth 12yrs and older and an art bike class for students who have successfully completed earn-a bike.
  • Learn to Earn Program, 200 North Cherry, Ontario, CA 91764. Tel.: 909-988-6481. Contact: Suzanne Thomas.
  • Bicycle Education Training & Repair, 2200 McDonald Ave, Richmond CA 94801. Tel: 510-621-1221. Contact: Ben Gill. Email: bgill * .
  • Adopt-A-Bike Foundation, 1111 Harris Street, San Bernardino CA 92411. Tel: 909-888-1695. Contact: Charlie Seymour. (probably defunct)
  • Bicycle Dojo, 1710 45th Ave., San Francisco, CA 94122. Email: cbmoore *
    dtromba *.
  • Bike Hut, Pier 40, (Embarcadero and Townsend), San Francisco, CA 94107.  Tel: 415-543-4335. Contact: Ted Thomas. Email: Tdthomas16 * 
  • Bike Kitchen, 1256 Mission St, Mission District, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA. Email: info *.
  • Chain Reaction, 680 Alabama, San Francisco, CA 94110. Tel.: 415-642-7298.  Contact: Arturo Cato.
  • Lowrider Bike Club, 534 Precita Ave, San Francisco, CA 94110. Tel.: 415-206-7756. Contact: Marquez Rueben.
  • Pedal Revolution, 3085 21st St, San Francisco, CA 94110. Tel.: 415-641-1264.   Contact: John Scheffer. Email: theshop * 
  • Signs & Wonders, 256 Lewis Rd, San Jose, CA 95111. Contact: Alex Arostigui.
  • Trips for Kids/Re-Cyclery, 610 Fourth St, San Rafael, CA 94901. Tel.: 415-458-2986. Contact: Marilyn Price. Email: tfkbike *
  • The Bicycle Tree, 811 N Main St, Santa Ana, CA 92701. Tel: 714-760-4681. Email: info *
  • Bici Centro, 434 Olive St., Santa Barbara, CA 93103. Email: info  *.  Programs include youth earn-a-bike, adult classes and do-it-yourself shop hours.  A project of the Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition.
  • Santa Barbara Middle School, Santa Barbara CA. Bicycling is an integrated part of the curriculum.
  • Green Ways to School, Bike Santa Cruz County Youth Program, Santa Cruz, CA 95060. Email: chris   *.

Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia

  • Trip for Kids Denver/Boulder, Colorado.
  • Bike Together, 2825 Fairfax Street, Denver, CO 80207. Tel: (303) 393-1963.
  • Recycle Bicycle Program, 13101 Wapiti Trail, Pine, CO 80470. Tel: 303-908-7982 Contact: Bruce Lien, email: bikedadlien *
  • Trips For Kids Southern Colorado, PO Box 1413, Pueblo, Colorado 81003. Tel: 719-250-0020. Email: info *.  Sponsor and run several youth bicycle programs. Always need bicycles and parts. Will pick up bicycles and parts in the area.
  • Bicycle Education and Enrichment Program (BEEP), Education Committee, Connecticut Bicycle Coalition, 1 Union Pl. Hartford CT 06103. Tel: 860-527-5200. Contact: Barry Alexander.
  • (no name), New Britain CT. Contact: Cliff, Email: bikecliff *

Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana

  • Campaign for a Prosperous Georgia, 1083 Austin Ave NE, Atlanta, GA 30307. Contact: James Chapman.   (probably defunct)
  • Cycles and Change, Atlanta, GA

  • Earn-a-Bike, Atlanta Bike Coalition, Atlanta GA

  • SWIMBA (Southwest Idaho Mountain Biking Assoc.), Boise, ID
  • Blackstone Bicycle Works, 6100 S Blackstone, Chicago, IL 60637. Tel: 773-241-5458.  Contact: Andrew Gregg. Email: blackstonebikes *
  • Project Wheel, Northern Illinois Univ., Dept. of Leadership Education and Policy Studies, DeKalb, IL 60155-2866. Tel: 815-753-9341. Contact: Richard Tapia.
  • Community Bike Project, 216 N. Madison St, Bloomington, Indiana 47404.
  • Freewheelin' Community Bikes, 418 E 34nd St., Indianapolis IN 46205. Tel: 317-429-7973. Email: freewheelinbikes *.

Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana

  • FreeWheels for Kids, 526 Ann Ave, Kansas City, KS 66101. Tel: 913-205-3073. Email: FreeWheelsforKids *. (probably defunct)
  • Bicycling for Louisville, 425 S 2nd St, Louisville KY 40202-1430. Tel: 502-582-1814. Contact: Barry Zalph, Exec. Dir. Email: info * .
  • Cabbage Patch Settlement House, Louisville KY. Youth earn-a-bike program.
  • Wayside Christian Mission's Men's Shelter, Louisville KY. Earn-a-bike program.
  • Front Yard Bikes, Baton Rouge, 974 W Roosevelt St, LA. Email: frontyardbikes * . Earn-a-bike and other programs.

Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts

  • Lewiston Time Bank & Recycle, Howe-Two Exchange, #2 Howe St, Lewiston, ME 04240. Tel: 207-782-4202. Email: Howe2Exchange *.
  • Community Bicycle Center, 21 Knight Farm Rd, Kennebunk ME 04043. Tel: 207-282-9700 . Email: info  *.(probably defunct)
  • Artemis Racing, Bethesda/Chevy Chase/Silver Spring MD.  Teaching young people how to race.
  • Rockville Youth Bike Project, Rockville MD.  Tel: 301-461-5349. Contact:  Mike McMillion,  mike *.   RYBP provides community service and earn-a-bike opportunities to local youth, as well as bike & pedestrian safety education in local schools, in cooperation with the Bikes for the World domestic and international program.
  • Community Bike Program, Hampshire College, Amherst MA. 
  • Boston Bikes Youth Cycling Program, Office of the Mayor, 1 City Hall Square, Rm 932, Boston MA 02201. Tel: 617-918-4270. Contact: Eric Sjoberg.
  • Brockton Fights Back, PO Box 4722, Brockton, MA 02403. Contact: Jim Walsh.
  • Bikes Not Bombs, 59 Amory St, Roxbury, MA 02130. Tel: 617 522 0222. Contacts: Matt Soycher. Email: learn *.  Programs include:
    *  Girls In Action (GIA); girls ages 10-13 have the opportunity to engage in basic bicycle mechanics, bicycle outings, sleepovers, arts and crafts and discussions on girls issues.  We help girls to get active physically and to learn to love bicycling!  The girls meet Fridays from 3:30-6:30. 
    *  Youth Drop in Program (YDIP) currently meets Wednesday nights from 3:30-6:30 and is a chance for youth to get some tutoring help with their homework, bike rides, and some mechanics. Future plans as we increase attendance include increasing the number of days to 2/week, field trips/outings/overnights, shop projects, a scavenger hunt, and shared experiences with other youth groups.
    *  Shipping bikes to and working with bike organizations and appropriate technology organizations in other countries,  as well as helping to set up earn-a-bike programs and bike shops in other countries. The contact for this is Carl Kurz, email: carl *
  • Cycle Kids, 5 JFK St., Cambridge, MA 02138. Tel: 617-661-0908. Email: info *
  • Worcester Earn-A-Bike, 4 King St, Worcester MA 01610. Tel: 508-579-9093. Email: gary *. Neighborhood bike shop that allows people of all ages to "earn" bikes from the selection of donated bikes in return for helping others.  Accepts donations of all types of bikes. 

Michigan, Missouri, Minnesota, Montana

  • Back Alley Bikes / The Hub of Detroit, 3535 Cass Ave., Detroit, MI 48201. (313) 879-5073. Email: shop *
  • Open Roads Bikes, 1532 Riverview Dr, Kalamazoo, MI 49003. Tel: 269-365-9142. Email: info, or openroadsbike *.
  • Norte Youth Cycling, Traverse City, Mi, 49685. Tel: 231-883-2404. Email: hello *. Community bike shop, bike library, and youth bike program.
  • BicycleWorks, 4102 Shenandoah, St. Louis, MO 63110. Tel: 314-664-0828. 
  • Small Blue Planet, PO Box 63325, St. Louis, MO 63163.  Tel.: 314-772-6115. Contact: Roy Bohn.  (probably defunct)
  • Loon State Cyclists, 7824 Florida Cir., Brooklyn Park, MN 55445. Contact: Larry Martin. (probably defunct)
  • Cycle for Change, 1915 E 22nd St, Minneapolis, MN 55404. Tel: 612-787-7433. Email: info  *.  Education/classes, youth programs, welcomes bike donations, etc. 
  • Full Cycle 3515 Chicago Av S, Minneapolis, MN.  612-824-7581. A program to teach at-risk youth to repair bikes.
  • Phantom Bike Shop, 3660 43rd Ave. S, Minneapolis MN 55406. Contacts: Mike Oker & Chris.  (probably defunct)
  • Venture North Bike Shop, 1830 Glenwood Ave. Minneapolis, MN. Tel: (612) 377-3029 Email: live-it *.
  • Cycle for Change, 712 University Ave W, St Paul, MN 55104. Tel: 651-222-2080. Email: info  *.  Education/classes, youth programs, welcomes bike donations, etc. 
  • Youth Express Bike Shop, 234 North Snelling, St Paul, MN 55104. Tel.: 651-644-9660.
  • Free Cycles Missoula, 833 W Pine, Missoula, MT 59802.  Tel.: 406-543-2383. Email: mist

Nevada, New Mexico, New York & North Carolina

  • Kiwanis Bike Program, 145 Catron Dr, Reno NV. Tel: 775-337-1717. Email: kiwanis_bikes * . Ongoing clinics on bicycle repair and safe riding practices for youth organizations, refurbishing of bikes for at risk youth in our community.
  • City of Albuquerque, PO Box 1293, Albuquerque, NM 87103.  Tel.: 505-768-3532.  Contact: Craig Rivera. Email: crivera *.
  • The Bikeworks. 815 E. 10th St., Silver City NM 88061. Tel: 575-388-1444. Operate an earn-a-bike program, affordable reconditioned bicycles, a workshop with a free tool library, and a free-roaming yellow bike program.
  • Troy Bicycle Rescue, 15 Trinity Avenue, Albany, NY. Tel: 518-573-7947. Email: tbr *

  • Grand Street Campus, 162 8th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11215.  Contact: Ira Perelson.
  • Park Slope Middle School, 441 4th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11215. Tel.: 718-788-0666.   Contact: Vince Canziani.
  • Recycle Ithaca's Bicycles (RIB), 530 W Buffalo St.,  Ithaca, NY 14850. Tel: 607-256-5355.   Contact: Bob Wolfe Jung. Email: bschrempf *.
  • Center for Appropriate Transport, 38 E 4th New York NY 10003. Tel: 212-505-8276. Contact: George Bliss. 
  • Recycle-A-Bicycle (RAB), Children's Aid Society, 21 Jumel Place Rm B110, New York, NY 10032. Tel.: 212-569-2760.   Contact: Tare Gantt. .Email: taregantt 
  • Henry Street Settlement, 367 Madison St, New York, NY 10002. Contact: Christina Koenig.
  • Recycle-A-Bicycle, 35 Pearl St, Brooklyn, NY 11201.  Tel: 718-858-2972. Contact: Pasqualina.  Email: rab *.
  • Recycle-A-Bicycle, 75 Ave C, New York, NY 10009. Tel: 212-475-1655.
  • Urban Youth Bike Corps, 301 Cathedral Park Way #3A, New York, NY 10026-4066. (probably defunct)
  • Urban Youth Bike Corps, 506 Lenox Ave., KP17102, New York, NY 10037. Tel: 212-939-4005. Contact: Erik Clitte.
  • Stillwater, NY. Contact: James Brown.
  • Ashville Recyclery, 37 Mulberry St, Ashville NC 28804. Tel: 828-253-7930. Contact: Lynn Williams. Email: arecyclery *. (probably defunct)
  • Triangle Bikeworks, In Carrboro NC, ride *. Youth bicycle programs include Spoke'n Revolution, Bikes & Barnyards and Tymber Wolves.

Ohio, Oklahoma, Ontario & Oregon

  • The Bicycle Experience, 3074 Portsmouth Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45208. Tel.: 513-321-5919.  Contact: Mike Self.
  • Ohio City Bike Coop, 1823 Columbus Rd, Cleveland OH 44113. Tel: 216-830-2667. Email: webmaster *
  • The Third Hand, Columbus OH. Contact: Lizandra Vidal 
  • Bike Coop, Wilder Hall Box 25, 135 West Lorain St., Oberlin, OH 44074. Tel: 440-775-5351.  Email: bikecoop *
  • Ardmore Recycle Bike Program, Ardmore OK. (probably defunct)
  • Wheels After School, 523 NW 31st, Oklahoma City OK 73118. Tel: 405-524-2014. Contact: Bill Byrd.
  • Community Bike Network, 761 Queen St. W. #101, Toronto, ON  M6J 1Y7 Canada. Tel: 416-504-2918. Contact: Maogosha Pyjor.
  • Brockville Bike Ministry, Brockville ON. Contact: Eric Montgomery, Email: emontgo1017 *.
  • Two Wheel Drive, ON. Contact: Henry Summerville.
  • Community Bike Program, 205 Granite St., Ashland, OR 97520. Tel.: 541-488-8126.  Contact: Elias DeChristo.  Email: salmandr *.
  • Center For Appropriate Transport, 455 W First Ave., Eugene, OR 97401. Tel: 541 343 5568. Contact: Jan Vander Tuin. Email: *.
  • Community Cycling Center, 1700 NE Alberta, Portland, OR 97211. Tel: 503.287.8786. Contact: Daniel Bohn. Email: info *

Pennsylvania, Quebec, Rhode Island

  • Community Bike Works, 235 N Madison, Allentown, PA 18102. Tel.: 610-434-1140. Contact: Stefan Goslawski, info *  
  • Bethlehem Bicycle Co-op, 60 W Broad St #195, Bethlehem, PA 18018.  Tel.: 610-954-5744. Contact: Damion Mill.
  • Coatsville Community Bike Works, PO Box 203, Coatesville PA 19320. Tel: 610-383-4349. Email: info *
  • Recycle Bicycle Harrisburg, 2266 Atlas Street, Harrisburg, PA. Tel: 717-571-2008. Email: recyclebicycle * . Facebook:  Adult & teen earn-a-bike, free kids bikes, free DIY repairs, free instruction.
  • Kutztown Jr. High Cycling Club, 10 Deisher Ln, Kutztown, PA 19530.  Tel.: 610-683-3575.  Contact: Ron Imboden.
  • Cadence Cycling Foundation, 4323 Main St, Philadelphia, PA 19127. Tel: 610.420.7765. Contact: Doven Collins.
  • Neighborhood Bike Works, 3916 Locust Walk , Philadelphia, PA 19104. Tel.: 215-386-0316.   Contact: Andy Dyson. Email: info *.
  • Free Ride! Recycle-a-Bike, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Tel: 412-731-4094.  Contact: Erok Boerer.  Email: freeride *.  Open three days a week; youth Earn-a-Bike and open shop.
  • Positive Spin, 188 43rd St, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15201. Tel: 412-325-4334 and 412-325-4335. Email: info *
  • Youth Bike League, 201 Mcknight Park Dr., Pittsburgh PA 15237. Tel: 412-367-4034. Contact: Linda Yadao.
  • Recycle-A-Bike, The Steel Yard, 27 Sims Ave, Providence, RI 02909. Tel: 401-831-9327.  Email: info @recycleabike,org  * 

Saskatchewan, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia

  • Core Neighborhood Youth Co-op, 414 Ave B South, Saskatoon, SK S7M 0Z9 Canada. Tel.: 306-665-3889.  Contact: Lenore Swystun.
  • Revolutions: A Community Bicycle Initiative, 1000 S Cooper St, Memphis TN 38104.  Tel: 901-949-1201. Email: anthony *
  • Halcyon Bike Workshop, 2802 12th Ave S, Nashville, TN 37204. Tel: 615-730-9344.
  • Austin Yellow Bike Project, 5013 E 51st St, Austin TX 78723, .  Tel: 1-512-457-9880. Email: austinyellowbike *.  Six week course for kids 12-16 years old. Kids get to pick out a bike from our warehouse, or bring one of their own. They are led through a complete teardown and rebuild of the bikes they choose. The program is completed by outfitting the kids with lights, a lock and a helmet, and going on a safety ride. Summer only.
  • The Bike Gangs of Fort Worth, Fort Worth TX. Tel: 682.429.2298. Email: gangbossguido *
  • Camp All Saints, Pottsboro, TX 75076. Mountain bike programs for children.
  • Salt Lake City Bike Collective, PO Box 2400, Salt Lake City, UT. Tel: 801-328-BIKE. Contact: Jonathan Morrison. Email: info *
  • Phoenix Youth Bike, Barcroft Park, 4100 S. Four Mile Run Drive, Arlington VA.  Tel: 703-575-7762.  Contact: Colin Dixon. It serves teens through an after-school program.  Phoenix Bikes is a project of the Greenbrier Learning Center.

Washington & Wisconsin

  • Sharing Wheels, Everett, WA.
  • Recycle, Longview, WA.  Kids doing custom bikes and a community free bike program. 
  • Bike Works, 3709 S. Ferdinand St @ Rainier Ave S, Seattle, WA 98118. Tel: 206-725-9408. Contact: Jake Beattie, Dir.  Email: director *. Programs include:
    A retail storefront w/ professional mechanics, new & used stuff, used bikes, and reasonable prices (basically a normal bike shop but with donated goods and lower prices)
    An earn-a-bike program for kids w/ its own classroom (our core program)
    Youth Ventures - Rides etc for earn-a-bike graduates
    Volunteers who work in the classroom space, fixing up bikes that are donate around (generally to community groups, who award bikes to participants based on merit--a way to not undercut the efforts of EAB kids by giving away bikes)
    An annual kids bike swap
    Exports to Ghana and more
  • Dream Bikes, 4245 W. Beltline Highway, Madison, WI 53711. Tel: 608-467-6315
  • Wheels for Winners, 229 S. Fair Oaks Ave, Madison, WI 53704.  Tel.: 608-249-2418. Contacts: Majorie Ward..  Email: wheelsforwinners  *.
  • Boys & Girls Club, Milwaukee WI. Has a bike program where kids fix donated bikes and distribute them in the community. They gave out 400 in the summer of 2004.  During the summer they have a mobile bike shop and go around to the other clubs in the city fixing bikes.
  • Dream Bikes, 2021A N. Martin Luther King Drive, Milwaukee, WI 53212. Tel: 414-763-0909
  • Milwaukee Bicycle Works, Milwaukee, WI
  • Bicycle Council, N1367 Southern Rd, Lyndon Station, WI 53944. Tel: 608:666-2062. Contact: Jay Townley.

Outside North America

  • Bike Club (UK) Provides grant to support youth bicycling activities. There are development officers in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
  • Deadly Treadlies, Alice Springs, Australia. In the process of bicycle rebuilding, Deadly Treadlies trains young people in a variety of skills: team work and planning, mechanical skills, personal development and enterprise development. (probably defunct)
  • Pedal MCR, Platt Fields Park, Manchester M14 6LA (UK). Bike Recycling and community education project with Earn a Bike and weekly Tool Club where you can use our tools to fix your bike. Volunteers, bikes and parts always needed.

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The International Bicycle Fund is an independent, non-profit organization. Its primary purpose is to promote bicycle transportation. Most IBF projects and activities fall into one of  four categories: planning and engineering, safety education, economic development assistance and promoting international understanding. IBF's objective is to create a sustainable, people-friendly environment by creating opportunities of the highest practicable quality for bicycle transportation. IBF is funded by private donation. Contributions are always welcome and are U.S. tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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