Camera_98-10-22_001 Oct 22 1998 12:03AM


Throughout the country there are "trading centers".  Depending upon 
the population density trading centers may be five, ten, twenty or 
forty kilometers apart and may consist of a half dozen merchants or 
be small towns.  Each tends to provide the basic needs of the 
community.  This trading center in Ekwendeni is fairly good size.  
It includes tailors, typing school, nursery school, savings, 
credit and cooperative society, bottle store, grocery, pharmacy, 
water well project office, churches, restaurant, resthouses, bars, 
tire fitters, bike repair, post office, police, clinic, contractors, 
fertilizer and farm store, butchery, hair salon, bakery, bus 
station, and open market with fish, vegetables, cloth, fruit, 
plastics, music, pots, pans, cutlery, dishes, dry goods, hardware, 
lotions and notions, piles of bags of sugar, and bike parts.