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Bibliography / Book List: Guyana



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To help on your search for knowledge we provide the following bibliographies / book lists. The variety of subject matter these publications cover foretells of the diversity you will find in the country. Specific titles are sometimes hard to find. Even if your local bookstore or library doesn't have the specific titles listed, pick up what is available. We welcome you comments and suggestions on books and articles to add.

"Guyana: Poor Man's Gold Rush," Economist [London], May 12, 1990, 42, 46.

Abrams, Ovid S. Metegee: The History and Culture of Guyana. Eldorado Publications, 1998.

Adamson, Alan H. Sugar Without Slaves: The Political Economy of British Guiana, 1838-1904. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1972.

Akhtar, Shameen. British Guiana: A Study of Marxism and Racialism in the Caribbean. Dallas: Southern Methodist University, 1962.

Arbell, Mordechai.  Jewish Nation of the Caribbean: The Spanish-Portuguese Jewish Settlements in the Carribean and the Guianas. Gefen Publishing House, 2002

Augies, F.R., S.C. Gordon, D.G. Hall, and M. Reckford. The Making of the West Indies. London: Longmans, 1960.

Avebury, and the British Parliamentary Human Rights Group.  "Guyana's 1980 Elections: The Politics of Fraud," Caribbean Review, 10, Spring 1981, 8-11, 14.

Bacchus, M.K. Education for Development or Underdevelopment?: Guyana's Educational System and Its Implications for the Third World. (Development Perspectives Series, No. 2.) Waterloo, Canada: Wilfred Laurier University Press, 1980.

Bancroft, Edward. Essay on the Natural History of Guiana. Arno Press.

Bartels, Dennis. "Class Conflict and Racist Ideology in the Formation of Modern Guyanese Society," Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology [Toronto], 14, No. 4, November 1977, 396-405.

Bell, Judith. "Guyana-Suriname." Pages 346-53 in Alan J. Day (ed.),  Border and Territorial Disputes. Harlow, United Kingston: Longman Group, 1987.

Benjamin, Joel (ed), Ian McDonald (ed), Lakshmi Kallicharan (ed) and Lloyd Seawar (ed). They Came in Ships: An Anthology of Indo-Guyanese Prose and Poetry. Peepal Tree Press, 1997.

Bisnauth, Dale. The East Indian Immigrant Society in British Guiana. Peepal Tree Press, 1996.

Bisnauth, Dale. Settlement of Indians in Guyana, 1890-1930. Peepal Tree Press, 2001.

Bolland, O. Nigel. "Systems of Domination after Slavery: The Control of Land and Labor in the British West Indies after 1838," Comparative Studies in Society and History [Cambridge, United Kingston], 23, No. 4, 1981, 591-619.

Braveboy-Wagner, Jacqueline Anne. The Venezuela-Guyana Border Dispute. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1984.

Brereton, Bridget, and Winston Dookeran (eds.). East Indians in the Caribbean: Colonialism and the Struggle for Identity. (Papers presented to a symposium on East Indians in the Caribbean, The University of the West Indies.) Millwood, New York: Kraus International, 1982.

Brett, William Henry. Legends and Myths of the Aboriginal Indian of British Guiana. Kessinger Publishing Co., 2003.

Brotherson, Festus Jr. "Burnham-Bashing: Hoyte Fiddles While Guyana Burns," Caribbean Review, 3, No. 3, July-September 1990, 16, 17, 79, 81, 82.

Brotherson, Festus Jr. "Hoyte Takes the Other Road," Caribbean Contact [Bridgetown, Barbados], 18, No. 3, November-December 1990, 8, 9.

Burnham, Forbes. A Great Future Together. Georgetown: Government Printery, 1968.

Burrowes, Reynold A.  The Wild Coast: An Account of Politics in Guyana. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Schenkman, 1984.

Campbell, Nills Learmond. "Disunity Hoyte's Trump Card,"Caribbean Contact [Bridgetown, Barbados], 18, No. 3, November-December 1990, 8.

Costa, Emilia Viotti. Crowns of Glory, Tears of Blood: The Demerara Slave Rebellion of 1823. Oxford Univ. Press, 1994.

Cross, Malcolm, and Gad Heuman (eds.). Labour in the Caribbean: From Emancipation to Independence. London: Macmillian, 1988.

Damore, Kelley. "Dispute over Essequibo Coast," Washington Report on the Hemisphere, 8, No. 21, July 20, 1988, 1-6.

de Angelis, Gina. Jonestown Massacre: Tragic End of a Cult. Enslow Publishers, 2002.

de Barros, Juanita.  Order and Place in a Colonial City: Patterns of Struggle and Resistance in Georgetown, British Guiana, 1889-1924. McGill-Queens, 2003.

de Caires, David. "Guyana after Burnham: A New Era? Or Is President Hoyte Trapped in the Skin of the PNC?" Caribbean Affairs, 1, January-March 1988, 183-93.

Drummond, Lee. "The Cultural Continuum: A Theory of Intersystems," Man [London], 15, No. 2, 1980, 352-74.

Fauriol, Georges A. Foreign Policy Behavior of Caribbean States: Guyana, Haiti, and Jamaica. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, 1984.

Fredericks, Marcel, John Lennon, Paul Mundy, and Janet Fredericks.  Society and Health in Guyana: The Sociology of Health Care in a Developing Nation. Durham, North Carolina: Carolina Academic Press, 1986.

French, Howard W. "Guyana Marxist, Mellowed, Makes a Comeback," New York Times, July 5, 1991, A10.

Gibbs, Allan and Christopher Barron. Geology of the Guyana Shield. Oxford Univ. Press, 1993.

Gibson, Kean. Cycle of Racial Oppression in Guyana. University Press of America, 2003.

Glascow, R.A. Guyana: Race and Politics among Africans and East Indians. The Hague: Nijhoff, 1970.

Hall, John R. Gone from the Promised Land: Jonestown as American Cultural History. Transaction Publishers, 2001.

Hintzen, Percy C. Costs of Regime Survival: Racial Mobilization, Elite Domination and Control of the State in Guyana and Trinidad. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989.

Hollett, David.  Passage from India to El Dorado: Guyana and the Great Migration. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1999.

Hope, Kempe Ronald. "Electoral Politics and Political Development in Post-Independence Guyana," Electoral Studies, 4, April 1985, 57-68.

Hope, Kempe Ronald. Guyana: Politics and Development in an Emergent Socialist State. New York: Mosaic Press, 1985.

Jagan, Cheddi. West on Trial, My Fight for Guyana's Freedom. New York: International, 1972.

Jagan, Cheddi. Forbidden Freedom: The Story of British Guiana. Penguin Publishing, 1999.

Jayawardena, Chandra. "Culture and Identity in Guyana and Fiji," Man [London], 15, No. 3, 1980, 430-50.

Jayawardena, Chandra. "Religious Belief and Social Change: Aspects of the Development of Hinduism in British Guiana," Comparative Studies in Society and History [Cambridge, United Kingdom], 8, No. 2, January 1966, 211-40.

Jeffrey, Henry B., and Colin Baber. Guyana: Politics, Economics, and Society--Beyond the Burnham Era. Boulder, Colorado: Rienner, 1986.

Kyte, Cwolde.  Caribbean Medicine Forward to Eden: A Source Book on the Healing Modalities of Guyana, the Caribbean and the Americas. Center for Sacred Healing Arts Publishing Co., 1988.

Landis, Joseph B. "Racial Attitudes of Africans and Indians in Guyana," Social and Economic Studies [Kingston, Jamaica], 22, No. 4, December 1968, 426-39.

Lawrence, KO.  A Question of Labour: Indentured Immigration into Trinidad and British Guiana, 1875-1917. St Martin's Press, 1994.

Mandle, Jay R. The Plantation Economy: Population and Economic Change in Guyana, 1838-1960. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1973.

Manley, Robert H. (Rev., James Wessman.) "Cooperative Republic of Guyana." Pages 446-50 in George E. Delury (ed.),  World Encyclopedia of Political Systems & Parties (2 Volume Set). New York: Facts on File, 1987.

Manley, Robert H. Guyana Emergent: The Post-Independence Struggle for Nondependent Development.  Cambridge, Massachusetts: Schenkman, 1982.

Mangu, Basdeo.  Indians in Guyana: A Concise History from Their Arrival to the Present. Basdeo Mangu, 1999.

McDonald, Scott. "Guyana." Pages 445-58 in James M. Malloy and Eduardo A. Gamarra (eds.),  Latin America and Caribbean Contemporary Record, 1987-1988. New York: Holmes and Meier, 1990.

Menez, Mary Noel.  Amerindians in Guyana, 1803-1873: A Documentary History. Frank Cass, 1979.

Mitrasing, F.E.M. The Border-Conflict Between Surinam and Guiana. Paramaribo, Suriname: Kersten, 1975.

Moore, Brian L. Cultural Power, Resistance and Pluralism: Colonial Guyana, 1838-1900. McGill-Queens Univ. Press, 1995.

Munroe, Andrew.  Caribbean Stories: Supernatural Tales of Guyana. Golden Grove Publishing, 1994.

Naidu, Janet A. Indian Women of Guyana (online article)

Odie-Ali, Stella. "Women in Agriculture: The Case of Guyana," Social and Economic Studies [Kingston, Jamaica], 35, No. 2, June 1986, 241-89.

Peake, Linda and D Alissa Trotz.  Gender Ethnicity and Place: Women and Identity in Guyana. Routledge, 1999.

Potter, Lesley M. "The Post-Indenture Experience of East Indians in Guyana, 1873-1921." Pages 71-92 in Bridget Brereton and Winston Dookeran (eds.).  East Indians in the Caribbean: Colonialism and the Struggle for Identity. (Papers presented to a symposium on East Indians in the Caribbean, the University of the West Indies.) Millwood, New York: Kraus International, 1982.

Premdas, Ralph R. "Guyana: Socialist Reconstruction or Political Opportunism?" Journal of Inter-American Studies and World Affairs, 20, No. 2, May 1978, 133-63.

Premdas, Ralph R. Ethnic Conflict and Development: The Case of Guyana. Ashgate Publishing, 1995

Rauf, M.A.  Indian Village in Guyana: A Study of Cultural Change and Ethnic Identity. Brill Academic Publishers.

Rivière, Peter. Individual and Society in Guiana: A Comparative Study of AmerIndian Social Organization. Cambridge University Press, 1984.

Roberts, G.W., and J. Byrne. "Summary Statistics on Indenture and Associated Migration Affecting the West Indies, 1834-1918," Population Studies [London], 20, No. 1, July 1966, 125-34.

Rodney, Walter. History of the Guyanese Working People, 1881-1905. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993.

Rodway, James.  History of British Guiana, from the Year 1668 to the Present Time. Greenwood Publishing Group, 1988.

_____“Small-scale Gold Mining and Environmental Policy Challenges in Guyana’s Interior Region.” Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Vol. 31. No.61. Spring 2005:115-144.

_____“Environmental Policy Changes and Growth in Guyana.” In Living at Borderlines: Issues in Caribbean Sovereignty and Development. Cynthia Barrow-Giles and Don Marshall (eds.), Kingston, Ian Randle Publishers, 2003: 276-303.

_____“East Indian Emigration to the Caribbean: Beyond the Push and Pull Model” Caribbean Studies. Vol. 31. No. 2, Spring 2004: 97-134.

_____ “Indo-Caribbean Migration: From Periphery to Core.” Caribbean Quarterly. Vol. 49. No. 3, Fall 2003: 30-60.

_____ “Wounding Guyana: Gold Mining and Environmental Degradation.” European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Vol. 73, October 2002: 83-91.

_____ “Indo-Guyanese Migration: From Plantation to Metropolis!” Immigrants and Minorities. Vol. 20. No. 2, 2001: 1-25.

_____ “Politics, Economics and Environmental Policy in Guyana.” Journal of Caribbean History. Vol. 34. No.1 & 2, 2000: 178-217.

_____ “The Dual Legacy of Antigua’s First Prime Minister Vere Bird, 1909-1999.” Revista/Review Interamericana. Vol. 30. No. 1-4, 2000: 1-8.(on line article)

Roth, Walter.  Additional Studies of the Arts, Crafts and Customs of the Guiana Indians, with Special Reference to Those Southern British Guiana. Reprint Services Corp, 1995.

Roth, Walter. Inquiry into the Animism and Folklore of the Guiana Indians. Johnson Reprint Corp,

Sanders, Andrew. The Powerless People: An Analysis of the Amerindians of the Corentyne River. (Warwick University Caribbean Studies.) London: Macmillian, 1987.

Seecharan, Clem.  Bechu: "Bound Coolie" Radical in British Guiana, 1894-1901. Univ. of West Indies, 2000.

Singh, Chaitram. Guyana: Politics in a Plantation Society. New York: Praeger, 1988.

Singh, Jagdish R. Days of Laughter. Sincere Books, 2010. Depicts some of the childhood experiences of many who lived in Guyana during the 1950s and 60s.

Smith, Raymond T. Kinship and Class in the West Indies: A Genealogical Study of Jamaica and Guyana. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990.

Smith, Raymond T.  Negro Family in British Guiana: Family Structure and Social Status in the Villages. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1956.

Spinner, Thomas J., Jr. "Guyana Update: Political, Economic, and Moral Bankruptcy," Caribbean Review, 11, No. 4, Fall 1982, 9-11, 30-32.

Spinner, Thomas J., Jr. A Political and Social History of Guyana, 1945-1983. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1984.

Strachan, A.J. "Return Migration to Guyana," Social and Economic Studies [Kingston, Jamaica], 32, No. 3, September 1983, 121-42.

Thomas, Clive Y. Plantations, Peasants, and State: A Study of the Mode of Sugar Production in Guyana. CAAS Publications, 1984.

Upper Mazaruni Amerindian District Council Staf, Amerindian Peoples Association of Guyana Staff, Forest Peoples Programme Staff.  Indigenous Peoples, Land Rights and Mining in the Upper Mazaruni. Global Law Association, 2000.

Vasil. Jaj K. Politics in Bi-Racial Societies: The Third World Experience. Delhi: Vikas, 1984.

Williams, Brackette.  Stains on My Name, War in My Veins: Guyana and the Politics of Cultural Struggle. Duke Univ. Press, 1991.

Williams, Denis. Prehistoric Guiana. Kingston: Ian Randle Publishers, 2003

Worrell, DeLisle. "The Impoverishment of Guyana." Pages 79-109 in Rosemary Thorp (ed.).  Latin America in the 1930's: The Role of the Periphery in World Crisis. London: Macmillan, 1984.

Zambrano Velasco, José Alberto. The Essequibo: Our Historic Claim. Caracas: Ministry of Foreign Relations, 1982.

If you have a favorite that should be added to the list please let us know. 

Latin American Network Information Center: Guyana An excellent set of links for information on Guyana.



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