Pan Africa Bicycle Information Network (PABIN)

NewsMakers, October 10, 2001


Visiting Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe who got a test ride in one of Thailand’s noisy three-wheel taxis, or tuk-tuks, on Friday is now taking it home. Mugabe, who sat alongside Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra in the backseat, was presented with his brand new 500cc ride after the test drive.

And officials of the company who gave him the tuk-tuk hope it can soon make inroads into Africa. “We are expanding fast and our new plant being opened later this year would raise our monthly production to about 800 units from 200 units now,” said Sakda Sangsawaet, marketing executive of Pholasith Tuk-tuk International Ltd.

Mugabe ends his five-day visit on Monday. Sakda’s firm now sells tuk-tuks to more than 30 countries, exporting around 2,000 of the vehicles a year, each priced from $1,900 to $2,500. (Reuters)

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