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Africa: General Background Resources

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Resources For Pan-African Governance

Relevant organizations and useful websites

Useful Newsletters and Mailing Lists

  • AF-AIDS ": A regional HIV/AIDS information network for Africa (in English and French)...Over 200 organizations working in or with African Nations in the response to the epidemic have already joined the forum." To join send e-mail to: af-aids (remove space) with the word 'join' in the subject line.
  • AFRO-NETS: The AFRO-NETS mailing list has been set up to facilitate the exchange of information between the different networks active in Health Research for Development in the Eastern and Southern African Region. It is a forum for discussion that can support collaboration between the networks in the fields of capacity building, planning and conducting research, transformation of research recommendations into action, etc.  The list also serves as a forum for announcing meetings, training courses and other events of interest to the networks. Subscribe by sending an email to
  • Africa Focus Bulletin: The Bulletin will feature material from a range of Africa-focused organizations. It will be limited to an average of 2 to 3 issues a week and offer selected material relevant to promoting international policies that advance economic, political, and social justice and human rights in Africa. Contact africafocus (remove space) to subscribe or unsubscribe.
  • Africa Trade Agenda: African Trade Agenda is produced by the Political Economy Unit, Third World Network-Africa. TWN-Africa is co-ordinator of the Africa Trade Network. For more info contact: TWN-Africa, Box 19452, Accra-North, GHANA. Tel, 233 21 511189/503669. Contact: contact (remove space). Internet:
  • E-Africa: Journal of Governance and Innovation To subscribe, email your name, job title, organization and country to eAfrica-subscribe @ (remove spaces). To unsubscribe, email to
  • Femnet Bulletin: The African Women's Economic and Policy Network (AWEPON) is a network founded on the principle that women have the fundamental right to shape economic policies that impinge on their lives. It has partners in several African countries and works with them to strengthen the capacity of women especially at the grass root and national levels to influence the shape of economic policy. Find out more information about AWEPON and other organizations by reading the Femnet bulletin.
  • Global Campaign for Education e-newsletter: The Global Campaign for Education is an independent coalition of NGOs and trade unions campaigning for the right to free, good quality education and immediate action on the Education for All goals. Their email bulletin is produced as an information resource for activists and practitioners. To subscribe, send a message with the word 'subscribe' in the subject line to: e-news (remove space),
  • Independent Advocacy Project governance news Independent Advocacy Project (IAP), the Nigerian good governance group, promotes - through advocacy, coalition building, research, publications and information sharing - respect for good governance in Nigeria. IAP produces a monthly electronic journal and you can contact info (remove space).
  • SADC Barometer: The SADC Barometer, a quarterly analysis by the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA), focuses on key issues and trends affecting the Southern African Development Community (SADC). For more information or comment, please contact the SAIIA SADC researcher and SADC Barometer editor, Richard Meissner on +27 (0)11-339-2021, e-mail: SADCBarometer or meissnerr (remove space).
  • Seatini Bulletin: Seatini focuses on trade issues. Website:
  • Pula – A newsletter on women and ICT’s in Africa Pula is the newsletter of the Association for Progressive Communications Africa Women (APC-Africa-Women). Pula aims to promote and profile the work and activities of women's Information and Communication Technology (ICT) initiatives in Africa and to act as a communicative tool to link women to each other and to initiatives and opportunities. To subscribe or unsubscribe email Africa (remove space).

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