Ibike Korea People-to-People Program



Photo essay: Mungyeong to Andong


Mungyeong to Andong (50mi, 80km) Quiet roads – one major climb. Beautiful views.
Points of Interest: traditional village (World Heritage Site),.

  road side spring, Korea Local people drive to this roadside spring to collect water to use at home because it is suppose to be particularly good.Hang Guidal, a scholar and official in the early Joseon period

Several times, or more, a day we pass roadside monuments. Most don't have any sign.  This one is for Hang Guidal (1438-1504), a scholar and official in the early Joseon period.  The sign near this monument gives typical information like the size (height: 3.74m) and detail like, "the inscription was written by Nam Gon, who was prime minister and the calligraphy was written by his son, Hong Eon-guk" and a biography. Hang rose to become education minister, then falling out of favor, was exiled, was rehabilitated and was murdered.

  Terraced rice fields, Korea harvested diakon radish, KoreaRice, diakon and vegetable farms, KoreaTerraced fields, often rice (left), step up the valleys to the base of the steep slope of the hills.  This is typical, where all of the fertile bottom land that can be used is, and then on the steeper slopes the farms abruptly transition into healthy forests.  On the right are a variety of crops, including rice and diakon, a large radish.  When the diakon (a.k.a. White Radish, Japanese radish, Oriental radish, Chinese radish) are harvested they are laid out to form long rows.
  During high water, this is not the route that would be recommended, and it is not suitable for motor vehicles. The foot bridge is less than one meter wide, and a meter above the river level at low water. When the crossing is practical it provide access to a farm road that is accessed from the north and east, which has very low traffic volumes.
  Farm road through flat farm land Often the hills that dominate the landscape suggest that the route ahead is formidable but usually, someplace, there is a flat corridors through and past them, often following streams and rivers.  Here the bicycling follows the base of the hill and then opens up on to a flat farm road through flat farm land.

There is a tendency to keep moving, but the bicycle gives you a chance to slow down, and when you do it is possible to meet people, especially if it happens to be in proximity of an English speaking Korean.  Here is a chat on the road side.  This student has relatives in the U.S. and exchanged addresses with a couple people in the group.

  Andong weir Andong weirStretching across the Nakdong River, below Andong, is a weir. Keeping with local culture and symbols, some of the structure of the dam is decorated with masks. Water flows from the mouth.
  Andong Lake, Korea Andong Lake, KoreaUp stream from Andong is another dam, which forms a sizable lake. There are walking/hiking trails, which circumnavigate it and lead off into the hills. And tourist excursion boats ply the waters.

Up stream from this lake is an even larger dam, visible in the center of the image on the left.

  Boepheoung-dong pagoda, Andong, Korea Boepheoung-dong seven-story pagoda is the oldest and largest brick pagoda in Korea. It dates back to the Unified Silla period (late 7th to early 10th century). Its height is 16.8m and the width of the foundation is 7.75m. Much is missing from the original structure. At one-time tiles used to be laid on roof (ledges) of each of the stories. Only a few can be seen today. According to an old history book on Andong, this pagoda was repaired in 1487.Head residence of the Tapdong branch of the Goseong Yi clan, Andong, Korea7

Adjacent to the pagoda is the head residence of the Tapdong branch of the Goseong Yi clan. A head house is the home where the family of the eldest male descendants of a lineage live. The traditional house was built in 1704, by Yi Hu-sik, who served as a royal secretary during the Joeseon Dynasty.

The house is said to have been built on the former site of Beopheungsa (temple), which also dates back to the Unified Silla period and provides a context for the pagoda.

  Andong Jjimdak Alley. Korea The culinary specialty of Andong is Andong Jjimdak (spicy chicken stew). A section of the central market is called Andong Jjimdak Alley, which is a solid block of more than a dozen jjimdak eateries. They all look a lot the same to the first-time visitor, but presumably each has an offering that is a little different, and the sophisticated pallet would determine a favorite.

Mungyeong Nakdong Rivers - Hohoe        


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