Ibike Korea People-to-People Program |
(55mi, 90km) Climb to to Han-Gyeryong Pass
(917m, 3000 ft) and descend. Points of Interest: Seoraksan National Park, Osaek mineral spring |
Waterfall along the highway, Seoraksan National Park. The variation of views made this a delightful ride and made a lot of the climb unnoticeable and pass quickly. | |
This is a typical rural highway cross section, with the added feature of wildlife overpass. Intercity highways in more densely populated areas typically have four lanes with paved shoulders. | |
Day hikes is a favorite Korean group recreational activity. At this trail head at the pass, on the weekend, a new group started up the trail every few minutes. Even mid-week, groups of older hikers are out enjoying the extensive trail systems in the mountains of Korea. | |
Osaek Yaksu (mineral water) and hot springs. Its mineral water, containing iron and carbonic acid. The spring produces 12,500 liters of mineral water each day. It is said that rice cooked in Osaek water turns blue and has a good taste. | |
Hand cut rice is dried on road signs. The guardrails along the road are also used for drying rice. | |
Rice that was cut and dried by hand is now being threshed with the assistance of an "iron horse." These machines, with different accessories, can be used to haul goods, till fields, pump water and take the family to town to do the marketing. | |
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Sangnam is a small town off about 10 square blocks, with a half dozen stores, fewer restaurants, some government buildings and one "yeogwan" (small motel with about 6 rooms). It is probably sustained by tourist passing through on there way to see the pristine environment of the surrounding rivers and mountains. Despite its diminutive sized it seems to have a recycling station for florescent tube, CFL and batteries. | |
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