Camera_98-10-10_001 Oct 10 1998 5:33AM


Traditional bricks are made from the red clay soil that is found 
in many of the upland areas of Malawi.  The clay is so common that 
kilns made be set-up virtually on the building site.  Sand for the 
mortar is collected from stream beds.  The cement would need to be 
purchased.  The poles for rafters come from wood lots.  Brick 
houses can have thatched or metal roofs.  In the case of the later, 
this would have to be purchased.  The is also a choice for windows; 
some people will use just wood shutters and others will purchase 
glass windows with welded metal frames.  The particular kiln is set 
in a small farm at the edge of one of Lilongwe's growing suburbs.