Cameroon / Cameroun: Country of Contrast
Bicycle Africa / Ibike Tours


Cameroon Bicycle TourSmall group, self-contained bicycle tour, exploring the diversity of Cameroon.  Cameroon likes to describe itself as "Africa in miniature."  It has rainforest, grasslands, arid lands, mountains, waterfalls, lakes, rivers, countless micro climatesCameroon Bicycle Tour and over 200 languages.  The number of languages is a good proxy for the ethnic diversity.  Included in this diversity is variations in architecture, cuisine, art, dress, economic activity, religion and almost every other aspect of human endeavor.  It would take a lifetime to really understand all of the nuance of Cameroon, but by its vary nature a bicycle tours is a good way to get started.  Please come along with us.


Note: These essays contain only selected observations, and are not intended to be a comprehensive reports of all interactions, discussions, meetings and events on the programs.

  Dispatches: Western Cameroon BicycleTour
Click on the globe to go to the dispatch.
1 Douala  
Today's Dispatch 2 Mbouda  
Today's Dispatch 3 Bamenda  
Today's Dispatch 4 Ndop  
Today's Dispatch 5 Jakiri  
Today's Dispatch 6 Kumbo  
Today's Dispatch 7 Foumban  
Today's Dispatch 8 Bafoussam  
Today's Dispatch 9 Dschang  
Today's Dispatch10 Nkongsamba  
Today's Dispatch11 Kumba  
Today's Dispatch12 Buea  
Today's Dispatch13 Limba  
Today's Dispatch14 Douala  
  Dispatches: Northern Cameroon Bicycle Tour
Under Construction - Not yet linked.
Today's Dispatch Today's Dispatch Today's Dispatch Today's Dispatch Today's Dispatch Today's Dispatch Today's Dispatch Today's Dispatch Today's Dispatch Today's Dispatch Today's Dispatch Today's Dispatch Today's Dispatch Today's Dispatch
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14



touring tour eco-tour safari responsible travel journey adventure expedition trip active vacation culture cultural holiday budget

Unique Programs To Special Places For Memories Of A Lifetime!

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